Thanks to its own antitumor immunity, and first of all cytokines, humanity has not yet died out of cancer. Oncoimmunology and its most important section of cytokinotherapy are known not to one dozen years, but only now it is possible to effectively use this method thanks to the latest world discoveries and created on them with genetic engineering anticancer drugs. Development and research actively continue, but something has become affordable today. Patients with cancer appeared a real chance.

Cytokines – These are specific proteins synthesized by blood cells, immune and other human body systems, the purpose of which to ensure the transfer of intercellular control signals and directly through the receptors to affect cells. Cytokine regulation is essential for preserving homeostasis (constancy and self-regulation) of the body in the norm and with pathology.
The main actions of modern cytokinotherapy Tumors:
- Direct antitumor and antimetastatic effect
- Prevention of recurrences and tumor metastasis
- Synergistic antitumor effect in combination with chemotherapy
- Reducing the side effects of traditional antitumor chemotherapy (inhibition of blood formation, immunosuppression), correction of general toxic complications
- Prevention and treatment of concomitant infectious complications
Cytokinotherapy It is used both in monodemes and in combination with chemotherapy, radiation therapy.
Cytokinotherapy (Refnot® and Ingaron®), Started a week before chemotherapy, prevents the development of leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, reduce toxic phenomena, and continued after, activates anti-infective immunity and protects the patient from the development of infections.
Combined cytokinotherapy (Refnot® and Ingaron®) increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy, Including, against tumor cells weakly or not completely sensitive to them, Liquidia This Resistance. This allows you to consider Refnot® and Ingaron® and as modifiers of antitumor action of chemical cytostatics in cases of multiple drug stability of tumor cells.
A drug Ingaron® Contains unique human cytokine interferon-gamma, Which in the human body is synthesized by activated cells of the immune system and interacts with its specific receptor on the surface of many cells, rendering antitumor and antiviral action.
A drug Ingaron® (IFN-Gamma) registered in 2005. and allowed for the treatment of cancer human.
That the IFN-Gamma does in the human body:
- Inhibits (stops) Replication of viral RNA and DNA in cells.
- Inhibits the reproduction of intracellular pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.).
- Enhances the phagocytic activity of macrophages (completed phagocytosis).
- Enhances the activity of natural killer cells.
- Restores the normal phenotype (differentiation) of transformed (malignant) cells.
- Inhibits proliferation (slows down or stops mitotic cycle) tumor cells.
- Causes programmable cell death (apoptosis) of some types of tumor cells.
- Inhibits angiogenesis (formation of tumor vessels).
- In general, inhibits tumor growth.
- Reduces the level of lipoproteins, normalizes blood pressure.
Thus, the antitumor effect of the IFN-Gamma is due to a combination of its immunomodulatory activity, direct antiproliferative effect on tumor cells and suppressing angiogenesis.
Other cytokine man - tumor necrosis factor (FNO) Decisions were discovered in 1975. Since 1984.Recombinant FLNA was transferred to clinical studies that were suspended after 3 years due to high toxicity and low efficiency in the system administration of FNF.
All over the world, scientists conducted and continue to search for derivatives (mutant) FNO molecules with reduced systemic toxicity. In Russia in 1990. was created Recombinant drug Refnot®, obtained by merging the genes of the necrosis of tumors and thymsimin-alpha1 (TNF-T), which began to have Low systemic toxicity, But at the same time Preserved antitumor efficacy Natural FNF and purchased New strong immunostimulating properties (FNF-T has in >100 times less general toxicity than FLN, which is confirmed by clinical trials in Ronds. N. N. Blokhina (G. Moscow) and the Research Institute of Oncology them. N. N. Petrova (G. St. Petersburg)).
The drug recombinant factor of necrosis tumor-thymosin-A1 (Refnot®) Three full phases of clinical trials have passed, registered on March 27, 2009. and officially allowed for the treatment of malignant man tumors.
What are the mechanisms of antitumor action FLN:
- Direct effects of TNF on the tumor target cell through specific FFP receptors launches apoptosis of the cell (cytotoxic effect) or the arrest of the cell cycle (cytostatic action). In the case of the arrest of the cell cycle, the cell ceases to divide, becomes more differentiated and expressed a number of antigens.
- Activation of the coagulation system of blood and local inflammatory reactions caused by the FNO-activated cells of the endothelium and lymphocytes, which leads to «Hemorrhagic» Necrosis tumor.
- Blocking angiogenesis, leading to a decrease in germination with new vessels of a fast-growing tumor and damage to the tumor vessels (the normal, non-tumor vessels are not damaged), which leads to a decrease in blood supply to the necrosis of the central diversion of the tumor.
- Impact on cells Immune system, The cytotoxicity of which was closely related to the presence of TNF molecules on their surface, or the process of maturation / activation of these cells is associated with the answer to FNF.
Combination Refnot® with IFN-Gamma (Ingaron®) have a synergistic antitumor effect in the treatment of tumors - PlateLock cell carcinomas and adenocarcine of the cervical and body of the uterus, hormone-dependent and hormone-dependent breasts, mesothelioma, head and neck tumors, lung cancer, esophagus, stomach, thin and large intestines, pancreas, liver, kidneys, ovaries, prostate gland, urinary bubble, sarcom bones and soft fabrics, glyomes nervous system, skin cancer, melanoma.
In Russia, the only clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokinotherapy are engaged in the treatment of cancer tumors.
Cancer can be treated!
The efficiency and safety of the method is based only on the principles of evidence-based medicine
In the treatment of cancer, where time is measured by life.
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