Lung cancer: diseases and symptoms of the disease


Lung cancer: diseases and symptoms of the disease
Lungs' cancer — Oncological disease,
provoking the development of malignant tumor in large and small bronchops, and
Also in pulmonary fabric. Depending on the location of medicine, two
Forms of the disease: Central and peripheral, which differ primary

Lung Cancer Central

The central form of lung cancer is developing in large
Bronchi (main, share, segmental). Symptoms of this type of disease
manifest themselves in the early stages due to the reduction of the enlightenment of the organs.

Symptoms of central form

Cancer of the light central species manifests itself in the very
The beginning of the development of the tumor, overlapping free air in bronchi. therefore
In most cases, it is early diagnosed and treatment is started in a timely manner.

Primary lung cancer symptoms

  • Hemople: Symptom characteristic of
    half of the patients, looks outwardly like scarlet streaks of blood in sputum. Homogeneous
    Raspberry color signals a launched disease.
  • Breast pain: This symptom complains
    more than half of the patients, the symptom is most often felt on the appearance side
    tumors, although in 10% of cases it can manifest itself on the opposite side.
  • Cough: This is a reflex cancer symptom
    lungs, Manifesting in most
    Patients. In the early stages it is dry and unproductive, with the development of the tumor
    The mucous and mucous-purulent sputum appears.
  • Dyspnea: direct consequence of reduction
    Breeding lumen is observed in 30-40% of patients. She can also be
    caused by squeezing large blood vessels in the lungs
  • Inflammation: Obstructive Pneumonites
    (inflammation of the lung fabric with a decrease in the bronchial lumen) when lung cancer
    develop against the background of rescuing the organ, proceed quickly and often recur.

Secondary signs of lung cancer are the result
concomitant inflammatory processes, development of metastases, involvement
nearby organs. Such features appear in the later stages when the tumor
It is clearly expressed and the inflammatory process spread widely.

Common symptoms of lung cancer are reduced
activity, increased fatigue, deterioration of appetite and weight loss. They are
manifest themselves as a result of the impact of the neoplasm for the entire body and
Appearance of related inflammatory processes.

Lung cancer peripheral

Peripheral lung cancer is localized in small
bronchi (bronchiola) and in the lungs parenchyma (lung fabric, alveoli). Such
The form of the disease can long leak without specific symptoms due to
Absence in the pulmonary fabric of nerve endings. Only when the tumor starts
put pressure on neighboring organs and structures or germinate in them
Characteristic symptoms causing anxiety in a patient.

Symptoms of peripheral form

Lung cancer: diseases and symptoms of the disease
Dyspnea. Its severity depends on the set
factors (the size of the neoplasm, the degree of pressure on neighboring structures, veins,
bronchi). This feature complains about half of patients, and 10% it
manifests back in the early stages of the disease.

Pain. This symptom of lung cancer is manifested in 20-50%
Patients. Breast pain not related to the pace and intensity of breathing,
manifests periodically, localized on the affected side of the chest.
This is a late sign associated with tumor growth.

The deterioration of the overall condition: fatigue, weakness, unreasonable increase in temperature, etc.

In the later stages peripheral lung cancer
applies to large bronchus and narrows his lumen, therefore symptoms
becomes similar to the signs of the central form of the disease.

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