At the beginning of the third millennium, only every 10th patient hypertension struggles with its ailment. And what remaining? Does they indifferently their own health? What is the reason for so sad position of things? In stereotypical errors that entered into the blood and flesh!
Error №1. «Sick only if hurts»
You have a strong headache, dizziness, tingling in the heart, nausea and chills. It is quite possible, it is hypertensive crisis - a condition associated with a more or less sharp increase in blood pressure, accompanied by a complex of symptoms from cardiovascular and nervous systems. Doctors also call crisis «Vegetative storm», Since the main reason for painful sensations - in increasing pressure and stormy response to this vegetative nervous system.
But here's a doctor, emerging with concerned relatives, made two or three injections, put a tablet under the tongue, and after half an hour «storm» Became from sake. Headache and nausea disappeared, chills stopped. Tired of covering your eyes, you fell asleep. In a day or two, one memory left in memory of this episode, and you are again in the ranks: in the workplace or in the kitchen at the slab. And your pressure? To this question, many patients can not answer, because they do not follow any observation. «What for? I feel fine», - Here is a typical answer.
This is completely unacceptable delusion. I often have to observe patients with significantly increased arterial pressure (until 190/110 or more) with the complete absence of any subjective complaints. It is especially characteristic of hypertensive «with experience» - those who are accustomed to exist in constantly increased pressure. Symptoms of hypertension (including headache) appear, as a rule, only with hypertensive crisis, that is «bore», which lasts a few hours (less often days). Figuratively speaking, hypertensive crisis - the vertex of iceberg, which is clearly visible and with which, in general, it is easy to cope, while its underwater part - daily elevated figure of blood pressure - remains unnoticed and pays in itself a lot of dangers.
It follows from this that if you first have a hypertensive crisis or when «random» The survey was detected hypertension (that is, pressure exceeding 130/85 mm. RT. Art.), start every day at least for a month measuring blood pressure. Measurement results Carefully record, and in a month discuss the results of your observations with your doctor.
Error number 2. «I will be treated only if there are symptoms»
Unfortunately, if hypertension is asymptomatic, and the person is accustomed to elevated pressure, he is in confidence that treatment is not required. Hypertensive «with experience» Almost accurately, without any devices, determine when they jumped pressure. And it is not surprising: if you sick for many years and you suddenly appear in the back of the back and starts the chills, it is not difficult to understand that the pressure rose. And then you take action - ourselves, in their own understanding. But after all, what you feel, the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis, perhaps just an episode against the background of constantly increased blood pressure. Do you remember that arterial hypertension is one of the main risk factors for the development of myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, aortic lesions and vascular kidney lesions? And the longer you live with hypertension, the higher the pressure numbers (even in the absence of other symptoms), the more this risk? Since you are out of this ailment, treated as it should: under the control of the doctor. Most often, the treatment of hypertension (even in reduced form) - a lifelong task. Only if within six months with daily pressure measurement it turns out to be normal, it is possible to consider a gradual reduction of the dose of drugs, and later thinking about the refusal of one or all components of drug therapy.
Error number 3. «The older, the more...»
This is also a very common mistake - that with age threshold of normal blood pressure rises. Still widespread diverse «Formulas for calculation» normal pressure depending on age. One of those «formulas» Person: After 60 years, the level of normal systolic pressure rises by 10 mm. RT. Art. every 5 years of life. That is, if a person is 65 years old, the norm of systolic (upper) pressure for it will be 150 mm. RT. Art., For 70 years - 160 mm. RT. Art. and T.D. But let me believe this formula, at a 100-year long-lived systolic pressure due to 200 mm. RT. Art. Somehow it does not fit it with real practice.
Experience shows that the elderly person is really more difficult to achieve full and resistant normalization of blood pressure. What is the reason? On the one hand, the severity of hypertension and the number of concomitant diseases increase with age. On the other hand, it is a purely subjective factor - an elderly person a lot more difficult to persuade to be treated regularly (especially if the types of hypertensive live with high pressure of dozens of years). But this is not a reason for refusing treatment. Arterial pressure in the elderly patient may most often and should be normalized. It is necessary to do this, however, gradually and only under strict medical control (more often in hospital conditions).
Repeat again: the upper boundary of normal blood pressure are 130/85 mm numbers. RT. Art. - at any age and at any point of the globe. Above this border - a red risk zone of infarction and stroke diseases. The higher the pressure numbers, the more saturated and threatening becomes the shade of red. Let's try to go to this mined space.
Error number 4. «Doctor, write some medicine!»
Another typical situation. At the reception of the doctor a middle-aged man, deputy director of the plant. His work is eternal business trips, unilent communication with «Sailons» and non-normalized working day. «What to do! Career. And besides - you need to feed the family!» The last six months he often hurts the head, and with random measurements, the pressure numbers range from 140/90 to 170/105 mm. RT. Art. This person came to the doctor with the old as the world asking: «You tell me what you need to take, - I myself will buy a medicine. I heard, now there are very strong medicines from hypertension...». Yes it is. Many drugs are synthesized that quickly and effectively reduce blood pressure and are convenient for reception (just a day, and, as approved by annotations, - «Full control over hypertension»). But after all, firstly, the disease does not grow in a flat place, and, secondly, each drug has side effects. Preparations used in hypertension affect the cause of the disease, but on separate pressure increase mechanisms. And only when patient survey, it is possible to identify the specific circumstances of his life, which contributed to the development of hypertension.
List in short, the main factors of pressure increase: overweight, chronic alcohol abuse, age, smoking, reduced level of physical exertion (hypodynamia), increased consumption of salt (more than 5 g / day), XPonic nerve overloads and heredity (hypertension near the nearest relatives). Naturally, to argue with age and heredity - it is useless, but with the rest of the circumstances it is worth coming.
Get the normalization of body weight: Move more, limit the use of oily foods and products containing glucose. Remember that your food is cereals, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils. Maybe it's time to turn to a nutritionist. (By the way, exercise and diet is not only a way to combat hypertension, but also a means of slowing the development of atherosclerosis. And this in turn reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction, brain stroke, renal failure, arterial pathology.)
Exclude or at least limit the intake of alcohol (no more than 500 ml of beer, or 250 ml of dry wine, or 50 ml of strong alcoholic beverages 3 times a week). Fully and unconditionally give up smoking. Limit the use of a cook salt (not more than 4-5 g per day; 5 g = 1 teaspoon «without top»).
Move more, even if you have a normal body. You need regular physical workouts (at least 30-40 minutes of continuous load 3 times a week), but the rise of the powder girth or the pumping of the muscles in the gym is excluded. You need dynamic exercise: fast walking, easy run, wellness swimming, cycling in the summer and skiing - winter. Before choosing one or another type and load mode, talk to the doctor. And yet: no exhaust checks «On endurance».
You can also try to master the Outcasting and Relaxation Method.
Error number 5. «Prescribed - and forgot...»
Imagine this situation: the diagnosis of arterial hypertension is delivered. The patient was explained the importance of changing lifestyle, appointed the best, most effective of modern drugs. But the visit to the doctor lasts no more than half an hour, and then... Further, the patient is provided to himself. Having achieved some reduction in pressure, in a month or another, he ceases to control blood pressure, regularly take drugs and in general to comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle: «What for? I feel quite decent. Doctor prescribed me excellent medicine, and I drink them... sometimes». As a result, everything comes back to the circles: well-being, however, for some time remains not bad, but the pressure (and with it and cardiovascular risk) rises again.
In fact, this error is akin to two first: «sick only if hurts» and «I will be treated only if there are symptoms». The absence of strict and regular treatment for treatment is another very frequent and equal reason for its ineffectiveness. To get out of this enchanted vicious circle, you need to clearly, once and forever assimilate several simple truths.

Recall once again that blood pressure should be at no more than 130/85 mm. RT. Art. If you feel about a group of high cardiovascular risk, the norm should be the pressure below 120/80 mm. RT. Art. Such figures of blood pressure are ideal for patients with diabetes mellitus and for those who have previously diagnosed ischemic heart disease, chronic renal failure or shoulders - brain stroke. In any case, before starting treatment, find out from your doctor, to what numbers you need to strive. If on the background of the treatment you will notice that hypertension is still coming out of control, do not delay contact a doctor. May need treatment correction.
No matter how sad, but every tenth patient has no treatment helps to achieve target figures of blood pressure (especially elderly). Such hypertension is called resistant. If you have resistant hypertension, analyze (naturally, together with your doctor) all possible reasons for this resistance. In the overwhelming number, they can be found and effectively eliminated.