Having learned that he has lymphogranulomatosis, a person is confused and the desire to hide from the problem - no problem will disappear. But this problem will have to decide. This article is about how to reach the end of the path called the victory over lymphogranulomatosis.

In 20 years I have diagnosed «Lymphogranulomatosis». It all startled. In one day, I suddenly noticed swelling on the neck, which was not before. In truth, the last 2-3 months I felt no matter - for some reason the temperature rose in the evenings, although the runny nose was not in the night there was very much, and the forces became smaller. After detecting swelling on the neck, I went to the clinic. Therapist, having examined me, sent to the consultation oncologist. For the next few days I already remember very bad. First, they were very saturated - ultrasound, blood and urine tests, lung radiography, luminous puncture (and this was exactly what they had in my neck, as it turned out), waiting for the biopsy result and something else I do not remember. But the most important thing, I began to understand that I am sick with something serious, perhaps even incurable. Five days later, the examination in the clinic was completed. The diagnosis was confirmed.
Then I have not yet knew how my disease is treated, whether it is treated at all, I didn't even know that strictly speaking, it does not apply to cancer. I'm sick cancer…. I have cancer…. I could not think about anything else. For consultation in the oncological dispensary I did not go. Most of all in the world at that moment I was afraid that the diagnosis is confirmed. For some reason it seemed to me that if you hide at home, get drunk and fall asleep, I wake up in the morning and nothing will it happen that it's all a dream. Well, can not be at twenty years not to be the future! But every morning I woke up again and again in the same reality…
Then I decided to go to the oncological dispensary. Confess, I was somewhat surprised, having visited there. I used to believe that there is something like the final stop in front of the cemetery, painfully and sad. But in fact it was the usual hospital with ordinary people in the queues. Oncologist also turned out to be a perfect ordinary person. It was from him that I learned in every detail than he was treated, as it is treated, how long it will last and with what difficulties it will be conjugate. I learned that my disease is called lymphogranulomatosis, that it has nothing to do with cancer (because it grows absolutely from other cells) that it is treated only by chemotherapy and irradiation and, and, and quite successfully. I learned about the fact that I have several chemotherapy courses, that I will have all my hair that may be nausea and vomiting that all this will last about six months or even more. Of course, all this information was quite serious and even frightening. But, to my surprise, after listening to the doctor, I calmed down noticeably. Calmed down because the unknown scares much stronger than clear «Picture of incident».
Still very well remember the day when I finished treatment. It's a thousand times happier than to pass the most difficult session at the institute, because now I passed the exam for life. An incredible feeling of relief, wrap, happiness - that's what it is. Now I have a future! I will regularly come to check in the oncodispener, but now I believe that nothing bad there will be. The disease made me think about whether I live correctly, I simply stopped me and gave the opportunity to think about myself, albeit such a terrible way! You need to love yourself!
Now I am 35 years old. 15 years have passed since I got sick oncology. Fortunately, all treatment has passed successfully and do not find anything bad with regular checks. Now I know that I have a future and wish everyone who is still at the beginning of this path, to make it worth it and go full. After all, just having passed your way, you can find out what is at the end of the road!