Symptoms and treatment of leukoplakia cervix


  • The concept of leukeloplakia cervix
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Treatment of leukoplakia cervix
  • Prevention of leukoplakia

  • The concept of leukeloplakia cervix

    Mattering Cerpeted Layuccia Cervic Part of the Vagina Parts. Leukoplakia - translated from Greek. means «White spot». Leukoplakia is formed as a result of violation of the processes of the surface epithelial of the cervix.

    Of Frequently, the leukoplakia of the cervix indicates a violation of the ovarian function, but it may be the result of the impact on the cervix of the uterus of a simple herpes virus or a human papilloma virus. Lakeaukia can develop from erosion and is a seal on the neck of the uterine in the form of a white spot.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Often, the leukoplakia neck of the uterus proceeds asymptomatic, the appearance of itching, leading to the appearance of calculations and abrasions. The leukoplakiy of the cervix is ​​most often diagnosed when inspection of the cervix with mirrors during preventive examinations of women. Colposcopy and biopsy is used to confirm the diagnosis.

    There are 2 types of leukoplakia necks of the uterus:

    • Simple - thin and not towering above the surface of the cervix
    • Scaly (coarse), towering over the surface of the cervix

    Naked eye leukoplaki neck of the uterus, especially simple, see almost impossible. Rough leukeloplakia can be visualized in the form of single or multiple whipped plaques on the background of unchanged pale pink mucosa cervix. Most doctors consider leucoplaki as a benign process, but the appearance of atypical cells at cytological examination indicates a possible prejudice process.

    The final diagnosis of precancerous processes is possible only with histological examination of the cervix.

    Treatment of leukoplakia cervix

    Symptoms and treatment of leukoplakia cervixAs a prejudition process, the treatment of the disease is reduced to coagulation (cavity) of the pathological site and is carried out more often with the help of a surgical laser, radio-optic therapy for 5-7 days of the menstrual cycle. It is worth noting that chemical cavities are much injured by the cervix, reducing its elasticity and leading to various complications. Tampons with sea buckthorn oils, rosehip, aloe applied, either less often and less often, because they can cause the rapid growth of cells and lead to a malignant tumor. In identifying infections, pre-treatment is necessary, otherwise healing will be defective.

    During and within 4-6 weeks after treatment, it is necessary to abandon sexual life - to the complete restoration of the cervix tissue. During the first year after treatment, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist every three months.

    Protecting from pregnancy is best with hormonal contraceptives. Avoid spermicides to complete recovery - any chemical compounds lead to corrosion of the cervical mucosa in this period. Also avoid the use of cable caps and diaphragms using only a condom as a barrier method.

    Prevention of leukoplakia

    It is very important to regularly visit a qualified gynecologist - at least once every six months - for the prevention and proper treatment of diseases such as leukoplakia.

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