Prevention of dysentery in children


Prevention of dysentery in children
Diseases and manifestation of symptoms
Dysentery in children are rarely found, however, no one secret,
What summer and autumn — This is the peak of seasonal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
The explanation of this lies in the food preferences of adults and children who
on the seashore or in the country. It seems so natural to eat fresh berry or matured
Vegetable straight from the bush or with beds, drink a glass of refreshing juice or mess from
unknown manufacturer under the sultry southern sun when the thirst is not
understands and does not find out how many flies flew and that they brought on foot
and trull. Mukhi — The easiest mechanism for the distribution of this infectious
Diseases in the summer, and the use of thermally not processed food
products and polluted water can easily cause a similar

Mechanism of infection and periods of the disease

characterized by damage to the thick bowel with diarrhea and intoxication
organism. Source infection — more often a sick person or a bacteria carrier, and the causative agent
disease is enterobacterium, which is pretty lasting in
Food products, especially dairy and vegetables, survives in contaminated soil and
open reservoirs 3-5 months, but very sensitive to high
Temperatures and disinfectants. There is a household, food and water
The path of transmission of infection. Patients with dysentery are of particular danger in the first
Disease days when contacting way is possible infection through dishes,
Object item and contaminated hands. Also infection occurs when
Eating water or during bathing in open water bodies.

Finding B
stomach through the mouth, pathogens partially die, highlighting endotoxins, poisonous
substances that suck in the intestine have a poisoning effect on
organism. Another part of the microbes reaches the colon and is the reason for
Inflammation of the mucous.

Prevention of dysentery in children
In the hidden period, it does not cause signs of the disease and remains unnoticed in
body up to 7 days. In the case of severe acute dysentery incubation period
sharply shrinks until 20-24 hours, the temperature rises to 39?C and higher,
Increased and grows pain in the muscles and joints, pain appear
Catching character in the left side of the abdomen, the chair, stelow
becomes liquid with blood mucus and streaks. Number of abundant defecates
increases to 20 per day, false urges are enhanced. With pronounced
Inxication in children marked tachycardia and decrease in blood pressure.

About treatment and prevention
Dysentery in children

signs of dysentery should alert parents and call a doctor to postpone
It is worthwhile to cure a child hardly happen, help is needed
specialist — infectiousnessist and pediatrician. Before the arrival of the doctor, the baby is necessary
isolate, highlight it with separate dishes and washbasin,
provide abundant warm drinking and refrain from food. Therapy usually
carried out in the hospital, but in the case of the treatment of a sick child at home, follows
Observe precautions and regulations for infectious patient. Today
Medicine has efficient drugs to combat infection,
and severe consequences are rare enough.

Conducted treatment The patient's condition improves, abdominal pain decreases,
In Kale, blood is not detected, the chair becomes less often, usually recovery
comes in 10-15 days. Recurrents and complications are not excluded
The course of the disease can lead to chronic form and the emergence of carriage
pathogen. At the same time, the erased, lighter
course of the disease.

Prevention of dysentery in children is primarily in the elimination of the source of infection, in timely
identifying and hospitalizing infected in disinfection. Careful
Care for sick child at home — One of the important prevention measures, including
Sanitary and hygienic education of parents: hand washing before eating,
Thermal processing of products, especially in the summer, compliance with healthy
Lifestyle and balanced diet, strict performance
Recommendations of the doctor.

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