Egg cancer - a tumor, the treatment of which leads to the complete recovery of patients in 90% of cases. According to statistics, two of 100 thousand suffer from this disease in Russia. Human. Where does this attack come from? Who enters the risk group? How to reduce the risk of developing egg cancer? You will learn answers to these questions, familiarizing yourself with this article.
Egg Cancer Eyes of Sociologists
In 2002, 1189 malignant egg tumors were revealed in Russia, which amounted to 1.8 per 100 thousand. Population. Most often, these tumors are observed between the ages of 0 to 4, from 30 to 34 years and older than 75 years.
It is assumed that in the USA in 2004 approximately 8980 new egg cancer cases will be diagnosed. During this year, about 360 people may die from this disease. Egg cancer is considered one of the most healing types of tumors. Given all the stages of the disease, more than 90% of patients are cured.
The exact cause of the occurrence of egg cancer is not installed, but some risk factors that can contribute to its development are known.
The presence of one or more risk factors does not mean that the occurrence of cancer is inevitable. In some patients with egg cancer, there were no risk factors.
So, we list the risk factors for the development of egg cancer.
Age. Most cases of egg cancer are revealed between the ages of 15 and 40. However, the occurrence of the tumor is possible at any age, including babies and elderly.
- Cryptorchism (not descended by the Egg). In the norm, the testicles are developing in the abdominal cavity and the child is descended to the scrotum. However, 3% of children are one or both eggs do not fall into the scrotum. In some cases, when lowering in the scrotum, the testicles stop their movement in the groin. 14% Egg cancer arises in men with cryptorchism. The greatest risk is available in men whose egg did not fall into the scrotum. However, 25% of patients with cancer develops in a normal testicle. For this reason, some believe that cryptorchism is not the immediate cause of egg cancer. In most cases, the testicles are lowered in the scrotum on their own, but in some cases have to resort to surgery. Performing operational intervention until adolescence reduces the risk of developing egg cancer.
- Family history. So, if the man had an egg cancer, then his brothers had the risk of developing such a tumor elevated.
- Professional activity. Miners, firefighters, employees of public utilities, leather, gas and oil industry have an increased risk of egg cancer.
- Netures (Moles). Some species located on the back, chest, abdomen and face, are associated with an increased risk of egg cancer.
- AIDS. In men infected by the human immunodeficiency virus, an increased risk of developing egg cancer. This risk is especially enhanced in the presence of AIDS manifestations.
- The presence of cancer in one egg increases the risk of tumor in the other.
- Race. The likelihood of egg cancer among white Americans is 5-10 times higher than those in African American men. In men of Asia and Africa, the risk of egg cancer.
- Constitution of body. The highest risk is marked in high and thin men.
Factors that do not increase the risk of developing egg cancer include: injury, operation on seed ducts for sterilization of a man.
Is the Egg Cancer Prevention possible?
Cryptorchism, White Race and Egg Cancer Cancers are the main risk factors for the development of this disease. None of these risk factors cannot be warned, so they are already present at birth. In addition, many men suffering from egg cancer do not have any known risk factors. For these reasons, there are no ways of warning majority cases of egg cancer.
It is advisable in the case of cryptorchism to take surgical measures. Knowledge of risk factors must force a person to be regularly observed and surveyed with the purpose of early detection of the tumor.