Arterial pressure - the indicator of the capricious and unstable. Even in healthy people, it fluctuates a bit during the day. But modern medicine is perfectly known that pressure drops - from low to high and on the contrary - are extremely dangerous. If it happens to you, you need to urgently undergo a full examination, considers the cardiologist of the highest category to.M.N. Tamara Ogiev.

• Headaches, especially the severity in the back of the head;
• dizziness;
• heartbeat, pulsation in temples;
• loss of appetite, light nausea;
• Unlocking or staging pain in the heart;
• All this is accompanied by insomnia, increased fatigue and irritability;
• Increased blood pressure on 10 - 15 units from the norm.
We remind you that the norm is 115 - 120/75 mm RT. Art.
But be attentive: external symptoms of hyper- and hypotension can be similar. Therefore, before drinking medicines, be sure to measure the pressure using a home tonometer (this device doctors recommend keeping in every home).
Risk factors - heredity and fullness?
- Almost 80% of people overweight, after 45 begin to experience high pressure problems. The fact is that when obesity, the walls of the vessels certainly «scored» Cholesterol, besides due to the large body weight, too high load on the blood and nervous system. So it is very important to capture the beginning of the disease and not to give it to develop. First of all, we need to lead the weight in the norm and constantly monitor pressure.
Is not dangerous to hypertensive sex?
- Of course, at the time of the hypertensive crisis of sex it is better to refrain (yes person and not before that, right...). And during the remission of sex load, hypertensive is very useful! American scientists have proven that kisses, gentle affairs and touching each other normalize blood pressure, the vessels are expanding, and the brain is better supplied with blood. Single Tip: With sexual act, try to choose poses so that the head does not get drunk down (so as not to create a tide of blood to the head and excess load on the brain vessels).
- Arterial pressure - the indicator of the capricious and unstable. Even in healthy people, it fluctuates a bit during the day. The nature of hypotension was not fully studied. It is believed that the main factor is a violation of the vessel regulating the vascular tone. Also hypotension can develop on the soil of transferred infectious diseases (for example, hepatitis), ulcers, poisoning, avitaminosis. The first signs of the hypotonic crisis - the decline of forces, the total weakness, reinforced heartbeat, dizziness (especially when the head slope down), sweating. Hypotension, as a rule, the disease of young and middle-aged people. It often turns to the hypertension to the old age: there are already unhealthy vessels, and with age on their walls, a layer of cholesterol is deposited on their walls. It is impossible to unambiguously say that more dangerous - high or low pressure. It is important to know another state of vessels, hearts, kidneys (often hypertension develops due to improper emission of adrenal hormones). But the most dangerous pressure drops - from low to high and vice versa. If it happens to you, you need to urgently undergo a full examination.
Where to start a war with hypertension
• It is necessary to start surveys:
• Make a general blood and urine test,
• Biochemical blood test - First of all, we are interested in creatinine levels (reflects the kidney function), potassium, calcium, blood glucose level,
• Test for hormones internal secretion glands,
• Mandatory ECG and research of the eye dove,
• Lipid profile (Normal indicators of total cholesterol - 5 mmol / l (200 mg / dl).
What to eat to keep pressure in the cord
• Good every day to eat a handful of walnuts or cedar nuts. Perfectly cleans and expands the vessels honey (at least a tablespoon per day), kuraga (100 g per day), lemon juice, grapefruit, persimmon, fresh onions and garlic.
• As far as possible to limit the use of salt, salt and sharp products - smoked sausages, sausages, sausages, meat and cold smoked fish.
• Cut to a minimum butter, fatty cheeses.
• Limit meat use up to 150 g per day. Preferably - chicken without leather, beef. Eliminate pork, ham, fat and t. D.
• Be sure to eat fish, especially oceanic and marine, seafood.
• Eggs - no more than 4 - 5 pieces per week.
• Enter a strict ban on buns.
• From sweets to eliminate chocolate, it is better to go to Marshmallow, Paxtil, Cuccats.