Application ascorutin

In a pharmacy among multicolored packages placed on a shelf with vitamins, you can see «modest» Askorutin. This vitamin facility presents a combination of two vitamins - ascorbins and routine, which reflected in the title.

When it is useful is an inexpensive means? How and everything should be used? Even if they like the sour taste of these pills, however, their number per day should be dosed, otherwise it can lead to the emergence of side effects instead of improving health.

General information about the drug

Askorutin, Vitamin P, Vitamin C, Vitamins, Polyvitamins

Askorutin is produced at 100, 50, 30 and 10 tablets. Their color is greenish-yellow, and taste is sour. Each tablet contains 50 mg of routine and as many ascorbins (vitamin C). As auxiliary substances, manufacturers can be used: sugar, starch potato, talc, calcium stearate.

This remedy can fill the lack of ascorbic acid and routine (vitamin P) in the body. These elements are actively involved in redox processes, act as Antioxidants. Vitamin P warns the destruction of ascorbins, in its presence of body tissue is much better absorbed. These components have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, promote their strengthening, significantly reduce their fragility, reduce permeability. Esskorutin is especially good to strengthen the numerous minor vascular of the large bloodstream, called capillaries. Ascorbic acid increases the resistance of participants in the unmune system of various kinds of infectious agents seeking to get into the body. It participates in blood coagulation mechanisms, regeneration of damaged cells and tissues, lipid metabolism, collagen synthesis.

In addition to vasculating actions, the rutine can show antiagregative properties, improving microcirculation.

When the reception of ascorutina is shown?

Askorutin, Vitamin P, Vitamin C, Vitamins, Polyvitamins

As a monopreparation, askorutin is used only with prophylactic purposes. But for the treatment of disease, it is usually used in a complex with other drugs.

Take pills best after eating by writing them with water. It is not necessary to dissolve and rallize this medicine, because the ascorbinka contained in it can then negatively affect the dental enamel, destroying it. Take care of your teeth, swallow these tablets entirely. And one more warning from our site: do not drink this tool mineral. She has an alkaline medium reaction, so in this case there will be partial neutralization of ascorbic acid. Dose for Prevention: One Tablet twice a day. With therapeutic goal of askorutin take three times a day. Medium course - three to four weeks.

For the prevention of infection with viral infections for children for ten days, they give half or a whole tablet (it depends on age). Dosage for treating small patients determines pediatrician.

If a woman's period has a very abundant, protracted, then start the reception of tablets of askorutin it is necessary approximately 4 days before menstruation arrival. Reception of ascorutin must be continued 10 days. This is only a supporting agent, so it is necessary to visit the gynecologist to help cope with this problem.

With varicose veins, askor is also prescribed, and the dose can be increased to 6 tablets per day. It can be one of the components of the complex treatment of this veins pathology. It helps reduce stagnation, Otki On the legs, strengthen the vascular wall, combined with other medicines to remove the inflammatory process in it.

Askorutin can be recommended when Cooperose. This phenomenon of expansion of small capillaries of the skin. Man first notes at the tip of the nose, cheeks, in the forehead or chin area «Stars» red, then in these places there is a red «Mesh». In such situations, askorutin must be taken not only inside, but also outwardly. You can cook such a tonic. Insist two teaspoons (without a slide) Flowers of the pharmaceutical chamomile in 100 ml of boiling water 45 minutes. After cooling and filtering, add ascorutin tablet to this therapeutic agent, pre-thoroughly extended into powder. Twice a day, with this tonic, wipe the problem areas on the skin.

Pregnant women Askorutin doctor of female consultation can designate to prevent respiratory infections, strengthening placental vessels and reduce the risk of bleeding from the uterus during childbirth.

About side effects and overdose

Askorutin, Vitamin P, Vitamin C, Vitamins, Polyvitamins

Most people are well tolerated by Askorutin. And yet, there were cases when patients appeared undesirable effects with Ascorutin therapy:

If you do not comply with the dosage, for a very long time and uncontrollably use acidic vitamins, then this agent can provoke the formation of oxalate counters (stones) to the formation in the kidneys and urinary tract.

If a person is so faded, which took 10-20 tablets in a few hours, symptoms may appear pointing to an overdose:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • epigastrial pain pain (due to irritation of the digestive system's mucosa);
  • increased excitability;
  • itching, rash on the skin;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • Violations of sleep.

Overdose can lead to a violation of the pancreas and kidneys.

When explicit signs of overdose, this drug must be taken Activated carbon (in the amount of 4-5 tablets) and seek help for a doctor.

Are there any contraindications?

Askorutin, Vitamin P, Vitamin C, Vitamins, Polyvitamins

Manufacturers in the accompanying instructions note such contraindications:

  • The first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • kids up to three years;
  • with allergies on vitamins C, P and hypersensitivity to the components specified in the composition;
  • With increased blood intake, as well as leaning to thrombosis.

In large doses, this drug cannot be applied suffering Gaunt, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, oxalateuria.

Although askorutin can be purchased without presenting a prescription pharmacist, be sure to consult your attending physician if you have chronic diseases.

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