Cancer throat and symptoms of its development


Cancer GorelThe greatest danger of oncological pathologies is in metastases — formation of neoplasms in tissues and organs in addition to the main location. Therefore, timely diagnosis of throat cancer in symptoms allows you to prevent the development of the disease and the formation of metastases.

The throat cancer includes malignant education arising in the larynx or sip. About 10 thousand cases of diseases are recorded annually, of which about 4 thousand ends with a fatal outcome.

Causes and factors for the development of throat cancer

As in cases with other oncological ailments, the exact causes of the development of cancer, official medicine does not know. In this case, the method of observation was established factors affecting the degree of risk of the occurrence of malignant tumors in the larynx:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • infectious diseases in the oral cavity;
  • human papilloma virus;
  • environmental pollution.

Symptoms of Cancer Gorel

Symptoms of Cancer GorelAt the initial stages of the disease, the throat cancer in symptoms is similar to conventional colds, so the diagnosis of oncology at this stage is very difficult. The very first signs are manifested in the form of permanent pain in the larynx, difficulties of swallowing, changes in voice tone, neck tumors.

Most patients do not turn to the doctor and begin to treat a cold or allergies, preventing thoughts about oncology. In 20% of cases, white spots and ulcers can be formed in the throat, but most often the initial stages proceed without explicit signs.

With the further development of the throat cancer, signs are becoming more specific: chronic cough appears, the tumors on the neck, pain in the ears, many patients note weight reduction. But even with explicit symptoms, special medical research is required to determine the diagnosis.

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