Carcinoid tumor refers to the number of rare diseases. However, modern medicine has accumulated a considerable experience of healing this ailment. About how carcinoid is treated, and it will be discussed in this article.
Karcinoid syndrome was described at the beginning of the XIX century. Carcinoid tumors are formed from the cells of the neuroendocrine system. These are the number of rarely encountered diseases, constituting 0.1-0.5% of all types of tumors, and among the tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, carcinoids are found in 4-8% of cases, including intestinal tumors - 39%, Appendix -26 %, rectum -15%, colon - 5-7%, stomach -2-4%, pancreas -2-3%, bronchi -10%.
The clinical picture of carcinoid syndrome is diverse and depends on the localization and the presence of metastases of the primary tumor, from biologically active substances produced by a tumor.
Characteristic for carcinoid syndrome is the change in the color of the skin of the upper half of the body. She becomes red, then the attack of suffocation begins, dizziness appears, the heartbeat appears, the cold sweat appears, there is a feeling of acute hunger. The patient feels weakness, experiences pain in the stomach, then diarrhea appears, on the skin - allergic rash.
In some patients, hyperemia becomes rack, tear appears.
There are a large number of treatment options for carcinoid tumors:
- Study
- Operational intervention
- Cryotherapy, high-frequency clipping, embolization of hepatic artery
- Interferon and chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
- Appointment of medical drugs to contain carcinoid syndrome.
Since carcinoid tumors vary in the amount of their possibility of transforming into malignant, distribution of metastases and other symptoms, as well as treatment must be spelled out to each patient individually. Due to the fact that carcinoid syndrome and metastases of carcinoid tumors are rare quite rarely, and their treatment is very complex and complex, gastroenterologists, oncologists, radiologists, cardiologists and surgeons, and experienced physicians working in medical groups should take part in the treatment of patients. centers that are equipped with the necessary equipment for the treatment of carcinoid tumors.
In some patients with non-speaking carcinoid tumors, there may be no symptoms, and may not be carcinoid syndrome. Such patients can be examined without surgery or medical drugs, because carcinoid tumors grow slowly, and the symptoms in patients may not develop for a long time.
Operational intervention is applied in the following cases:
- Clinically radical resection;
- Weakening of symptoms, such as ground intestinal obstruction or intestinal bleeding;
- Reducing the size of tumors that are not fully removed, the process, which is called a decrease in the volume of the tumor, decrease the size of the tumor boundaries and a decrease in the number of hormones produced by tumors.

Carcinoid tumors of fine and colon usually have large sizes and by the time they are diagnosed there are already metastases. Surgical intervention With such tumors, most patients do not help, because during operational intervention it is impossible to remove the tumor completely. Sometimes a patient may occur single metastases in some part of the liver. Such patients can be done to remove the tumor and removing the part of the liver, which is affected by the tumor (partial hepattomy).
But there is a completely minor number of patients with multiple metastases in the liver. In such cases, partial hepatitomy cannot be applied due to the strong tumor propagation. A small number of such patients successfully tolerate liver transplantation.