What is - beautiful legs? Someone's legs are slim, and someone so that there are no echoes and pain in them ... If you have been able to feel discomfort, say, fatigue or even the pain in the footsteps - it's time to see the orthopedic doctor.

I know for sure (life has already lived a lot) – everyone wants to have beautiful and healthy legs… Even men (although about the beauty of the legs, the right word, they think the least)… What to talk about women…
Let's give a question, my dear friends: what is it – Beautiful legs? Someone will say: «Beautiful - these are smooth legs». Someone palls: «Slender»… Someone drops something like that - a kind… Say, «To moles to be under the knee»… Well, or something else like that… Like which fantasies on this topic may arise…
But so reason only happy people… Happy because - healthy… T.E, those who have no problems with leg veins (for example, varicose diseases of the legs), no thrombophlebitis and post-terrible syndrome syndrome (PTFS), chronic insufficiency, lymphedhma (elephantia)… I do not speak about the trophic ulcers of the legs caused by chronic insufficiency…
In short, happy people reason in their own way… As stated in the proverb saying: «Someone has a liquid soup, and someone has small pearls». Really so it is… Someone's legs are slim, and someone so that there were no echoes and pain…
Now I want to say important to health… I wanted to write to the health of the legs… But not only the legs, but for all organs and physiological systems of the human body. Healthy legs (and therefore health at all) are incompatible with the wearing shoes on high heels. The shoes on a high heel splits in the fluff and dust all the tie bones of the stop, all the advantages of the inflave joints, ruthlessly destroying the arched construction of the stop arch. And this is nothing like flatfoot… A few words about shoes… Well, about flatfoot, of course… This information is extremely important for all subsequent life…
If you have experienced discomfort when walking, let's say, fatigue or even pain in the footsteps – It's time to seem an orthopedic doctor. After all, such sensations – One of the faithful signs of flatfoot. If this visit is neglected, then very soon you will notice the appearance of the feet of the feet (at first closer to the end of the working day). But this is the initial manifestations of varicose diseases – a consequence of the insufficient severity of the STOP arches, t.E. our shock absorbers… In this case, this exercise is useful, which improves the outflow of lymphs from stop, as well as venous blood flow in feet and legs:
Source position: lying on the back, legs raise at 40-50 cm above floor level or other surface, where you decide to do this exercise: Stop's fingers as possible for you quickly bend and instill, while, from time to time, in contact with the footsteps. Session duration: 40-45 seconds. Do so 3-4 times a day and you will benefit…
And if you can wear a compression knitwear (the class of compression is only in coordination with the clinic phlebologist, or with a physician-consultant physician of the ORTECA network) and use cream or gel, improving the venous outflow from the legs – then your legs will answer you thankful silence – cease to remind themselves pain or other unpleasant sensations…
Studies have shown that there are more than two thirds of people living on Earth. It is congenital or acquired (and varying degrees of severity)… Let's say, which appeared due to pregnancy, when the workload of the feet of the female failure is incredibly increasing by virtue of both the increasing body weight as the fetus develops and the number of accumulating waters, and by virtue of serious hormonal changes in the body of a woman – As a result, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid is also changing, which leads to the softening of the tissues, ligaments of all joints. This leads to strain stop.
That is why experienced, knowledgeable doctors-gynecologists of women's consultations with their wards during pregnancy recommend using special orthopedic insoles, corrective changes in stop.
One of the reasons for the development of acquired flatfoot is unsuccessful shoes. I've come back to the topic of high-heeled shoes… High heels, narrow noses in shoes, in which legs are not based on the entire surface of the stop, and the center of gravity supports shifts on the heads of tie bones – Here is one of the most common reasons for the development of flatfoot and, as a result of many other diseases that develop as a result of flatopy.
For the proper formation of Stop Arches, you need to train their muscles and a binder. Walking on the sand, small stones encourages the muscles and bundles of stop working in different modes, and without such they weaken and lose the ability to hold in due (that is, in the form of arok-arc) condition stops stop. Like this arises flatfoot. And it is not known to be treated; It is corrected by wearing orthopedic stelks, various proofreaders for stop...
How to avoid all of what was discussed? Go to Orthku! In any Salon Ortecta, you will be kindly welcome, a free consultation of the doctor will be offered, which, if necessary, will hold you a plantoscopy or a planography, carefully listens to you, in your problems and tell you the way to solve them; Use of orthopedic stelks, compression knitwear. And self-consulting consultants (real professionals) will help you in the right selection of each of the orthopedic products that are either already recommended to you by your doctor, or you will choose it with a doctor-consultant-consultant orthopedic salon orec.