«Bone», or deformation of large fingers, women meet quite often. Today, orthopedists have the opportunity to save the wonderful legs from suffering without painful operations.

Walgus Walgus (Hallux Valgus), or, as they speak in the people, «bone» («cone») - a notch, often found from representatives of a beautiful sex. Suffer them mostly ladies. In men, the bundle is stronger and more elastic, so the stops are deformed, as a rule, only as a result of injuries.
Appearance «cones» On the feet, experts are explained by drinking under the skin of the head of one of the bones. In this disease, the thumb deviates outwardly, and sometimes he drives on its neighbors. As a result, they twisted, and the stop becomes ugly. Instead of beautiful shoes, a woman has to wear a shapeless mushroom shoes. Over time, the gait becomes severe, the inhydration occurs. In addition, the swollen joint causes pain, edema, corn and inflammation.
However, this is not all. Such deformation leads to an incorrect distribution of load on the knee and hip joints, as well as on the spine, which causes additional health problems, sometimes full loss of mobility.
How to find out «shishk»
Hallux Valgux (HV) (in common «cone» On the thumb), it is characterized by a significant allocation of the face of the foot towards the little finger, developing, as a rule, is long, gradually and steadily deforming the foot. Despite the most diverse options for individual changes at the same time, namely: pain, low-luxility and hammeriness of the II finger, corn, bumps, natopeshi, inflammation, and others - perhaps the most important is the deviation of the tiene bone, to which I finger is attached, to the midline in the side of the opposite foot. At the same time, bone increase (exostosis, exofitis, osteophyte), – more often referred to in everyday life «Bush foot» or «Bone of foot», In the head i of a tiene bone at the base of the finger may not be too large. At the same time, the elasticity of the foot (mobility, displaceability of the bones of the foot) is lost), the elasticity of the foot, as a single architectural complex with mandatory transverse and longitudinal arches. Increments «Meltiness» foot bones – Tweet – Located, and transverse flatfoot, in fact, becomes the main factor in the disfigured foot, preventing normal walking: the increasing pain in the sole becomes intolerable.
Causes of Hallux Valgus («Kostok», «cones» on foot)
The causes of Hallux Valgus to the end are unclear, however, it is noted that genetics and endocrine disorders play a major role in the development of a disease (no coincidence of the disease is actively progressing during the period of Klimaks). Often the family bone of the girl inherit from mom or grandmother.
Transverse flatfoot, which is often congenital, also consider risk factor. In the presence of such a problem, it is very important to contact an orthopedist as soon as possible. Today there are many ways to help stop the development of pathology. There are special devices, such as supinators that support the stalls in the correct position and thereby facilitate the load when walking. Special insole must be chosen only on the recommendation of the doctor, since products of poor quality can harm. In addition, one people need to use supinators permanently, others only with long loads. Other auxiliary methods of treatment, flat-refining include special exercise, massage and physiotherapy.
Cause of appearance «Shishki» is also an overweight that presses on the foot, forcing them to compact. Improper nutrition is unlikely to lead to foot deformations, but can aggravate the situation. Excess salt, sugar, oily and meat food for joints is harmful. Useful dairy diet and products rich in vitamin E (vegetable oil, nuts, fish).
Prevention «Kostok», «cones» on foot
«Bone» may be not only genetically programmed, but also acquired. Fault for this is inconvenient or unsuitable for the size of the boots. Orthopes Especially do not complain high heels and sharp socks. In such shoes, the load is unevenly distributed, especially on the front of the foot, which leads to the deformation of this zone and the arthrosis of the thumb joint. Become a sacrifice of fashion more risks full ladies, puffing on studs.
The optimal choice for every day is shoes with a rounded weeping, a heel is not above four centimeters and a fairly flexible, well-shock-absorbing and dense sole. Sneakers and sneakers as everyday shoes are also not suitable - they need to play sports, and only. Houses useful to walk barefoot.
Treatment methods «Kostok», «cones» on the legs (Hallux Valgus)
Many women are ready just to lie down, just to get rid of hated «bones». Compresses of leaf leaves with turpidar, scratched cabbage leaves, onions, iodine meshes, massage and warm feet baths with soda and grasses — Not a complete arsenal of techniques used in an unequal struggle. Alas, these procedures only reduce inflammation and pain for a while, but do not solve the main problem — Sustav deformation. However, women continue to believe in the miraculous force of alternative medicine and try one after another, the most ridiculous and insecure recipes (for example, I agree five to seven minutes «Shishke» Wooden hammer).
Orthopedic devices
These include insoles, supinators and silicone interfallated rollers, which are inserted between the first and second fingers (thanks to them the stop alignment), as well as the finger proofreaders who wear overnight. The latter hold thumbs in the right position, without giving them to deviate. In the fight against the progressive deformation of the feet, the screed is used (a wide gum with an insert-tubercle for the transverse arch of the foot), which, however, cannot be worn constantly, as it is obfTwews normal blood circulation. There are special gaskets — Tires that create a convenient barrier between deformed fingers and shoes. All this facilitates the state of the patient and allows you to remove the radical solution to the problem.
Surgery «Kostok», «cones» on the legs (Hallux Valgus)
First removal operations «Shishki» were barbaric: surgeons simply spired part of the tie head. Later Russian Surgeon R.R. It is harmful to offered his own method, unfortunately, some orthopedic use it to this day. The meaning of the operation is that the patient completely remove the protruding head of the ventilation bone. As a result, the thumb loses with a foot and keeps only on soft tissues. And although the ability to walk in people persists, such an operation is essentially treating, but man cries.
Revolutionary and efficient
These are fundamentally new operations that allow patients the very day after surgery to walk, and after three to four days — Displays from the hospital. In contrast to the methods described here, an integrated approach is used. By By removal «Shishki» Through a three-chantime section, a tendon is moved, the transverse arch of the foot is formed and thereby reduce the flatfoot. And all this without piercing the bones of the fingers! In this case, no plaster and crutches are not needed. In the launched cases without osteotomy (bone crossing), the bones are not fixed in the old manner — spokes, and small cogs that do not need to get. After a week, patients can go home. To normal lifestyle, they return after a month and a half after surgery. Twenty years of world experience of performing such operations showed: excellent and good results succeeded in more than 90% of patients. Recurrements with strict compliance do not occur.