Children's flatfoot


  • Flatfoot
  • What the planefield happens
  • How to treat flatfoot
  • Complications of flatfoot

  • Flatfoot

    Verdict doctors are grown for most parents: beautiful gait
    Child under threat. Ah, if it were only about cosmetic
    Problem... Unfortunately, the sealing of the foot of the foot is serious and insidious
    Pathology capable of affecting almost the whole musculoskeletal
    Apparatus. Than dangerous this disease? How to recognize it? And give in to Lie
    It is treatment?

    Unfortunately, flatfoot is one of the most common
    Deviations from the norm in the development of the musculoskeletal system. Here
    Disappointing statistics: from 1.5 million children's population
    Moscow it was detected in 9 thousand guys. And about 2 thousand young patients
    complain of pain in the legs. First of all, let's figure it out that
    imply under this pathology?

    Children's flatfoot
    Flatfoot is the deformation of the foot at which
    Reduction (flattening) of its arch. To better understand the nature of the disease,
    We will analyze some anatomical features of the foot. In the process of evolution
    She acquired a form that allows you to evenly distribute body weight.
    The bones of the feet are interconnected with durable interceptional ligaments (this
    Fibrous formations from connective tissue presented as
    Bunch of bones) and form its arch, which provides
    depreciation of movements when walking and running. Convex vaults are oriented in
    longitudinal and transverse directions. Therefore, the foot of an adult
    Normally relies on three points - the heel borgon, the head of the 1st plus
    bones and 5th tie bones. Severe two longitudinal and one transverse
    Arch of foot. Internal and outdoor arches form a longitudinal arch of the foot,
    And the front - transverse. Depending on their deformation distinguish
    Longitudinal and transverse flatfoot.

    With longitudinal, the outdoor and inner arches of the foot,
    It increases its length and almost the entire area of ​​the sole contacts with the floor.

    In the transverse - the transverse arch, the front of the foot
    Veryerly diverges and relies on the heads of five hanging bones.

    In all children under two years old, the longitudinal arch of the foot is flat. That
    state experts consider physiological, because bone tissue
    kids soft, elastic. It contains few minerals,
    who give the bones strength, and the muscular system is developed
    Not enough. When children begin to get up on the legs (at 7-9 months) and
    Self walk (at 10-12 months), the shock absorber function takes
    myself «Fat cushion», Which is located on the sole, under the skin.

    In 2-3 years, the bones are gaining enough mineral
    substances, articular surfaces acquire normal outlines, ligaments
    become more durable, and the power of the muscles allows you to be longer «on the
    feet». The process of forming the bones of the foot continues to about 5-,
    6 years of age. Only during this period you can talk about whether
    Absence of flatfoot in a child.

    What the planefield happens

    Most often in children there is a longitudinal flatfoot. It happens
    Congenital and acquired. Congenital form of the disease occurs
    rarely and is a consequence of intrauterine defects of development. Reveal
    her already in the hospital. In most cases, one foot is amazed, but sometimes
    Ampare both. This pathology is expressed in the kids very noticeably:
    Convex sole I «Released» outward foot. Treatment
    Conducted from the first days of the child's life: the deformation is stages fixed
    with gypsum dressings. If it does not help, resort to
    Surgical intervention.

    As for acquired longitudinal flatfoot, it may be:

    • Traumatic. Occurs after fractures of the bones of the foot and ankle joint.
      Partial or complete damage to ligaments with similar injury as well
      Long stay of a child in a gypsum bandage contribute to flather
      Stop Archs.

    • Paralytic. There occurs on the basis of violations of central or peripheral nervous systems (more often - the consequences of polio).

    • Static. This is the most common form of pathology. Arises due to
      overloads with a significant increase in body weight, as a rule,
      obesity, endocrine disorders.

    • Rachitical. Occurs with the excess elasticity of ligaments and the weakening of the muscles
      Stop Archs. The reason can serve as a lack of vitamins and
      trace elements - with rickets or general exhaustion, as well as - with congenital pathology of connective tissue.

    So, stop
    It turned out to be deformed. What happens in the body? Bundles
    Separate «Signals» nervous system about disadvantaged in this «Plot». In response, muscles get «Note» Join B «Fight» with
    deforming forces - that is, strain as it should. But long
    they are not able to withstand such a load, so they are quickly depleted,
    relax and stretched. And the deforming force continues
    Act now on bundles. Soon and there is a stretching
    (especially if there is a congenital pathology of the connective tissue),
    since without muscle support, they can not work for a long time. Now everything
    The load falls on the bone. When and they do not stand, begins
    Deformation from compression. By this time, the bundles are finally «dropped out» from
    Building and deformation enters the final, irreversible phase. Gait
    loses plasticity, smoothness. Children often complain of fatigue at
    walking, pain in the field of ankle joints or legs, and often in
    Loin. Some cannot clearly determine exactly where they
    experience discomfort or pain, so do not complain, but just
    Prefer calm, less mobile games. Deformation appears
    ankle joint (it is also called Valgusny or X-shaped). At
    The presence of one or more such signs requires consultation
    Orthopedian doctor.

    Sometimes the deformation of the foot may exist for many years (up to
    Mature age) in no way showing herself. But sooner or later deterioration
    will happen because the compensatory possibilities of the body are not

    In a child of 3 years (but not earlier) you can conduct initial diagnosis
    pathology using the most common method - planography
    (footprint). It is easy to do at home. On the floor
    put a blank sheet of paper, and the baby becomes both legs on it.
    It is better that the soles were wet, then there will be their clear on paper
    Printed. Torso at the same time you need to keep straight legs together. Circuit
    Stop in this position will be burned with a pencil. Then perpendicular
    Contour lines are directly crossing the entire narrow part of the foot.
    The easiest degree of deformation is the first. Well, the most severe and
    Serious - Third.

    X-ray shot for children is not done at this age. Firstly,
    foot bones still not «Rawred», cartilage tissue on x-ray
    The picture is not visible and appreciated the true height of the longitudinal arch
    Difficult. And secondly, this method of diagnosis for a child
    quite harmful, therefore it is performed only with serious testimony
    and more often after 9 years.

    Only to eliminate severe pain is allowed to use painkillers.

    How to treat flatfoot

    Unfortunately, count on full disposal from flatfoot,
    especially with far pathology, do not have. But it is necessary to be treated
    Carefully, regularly and conscientiously. The earlier signs are identified
    diseases than less deformation of the foot, the more favorable
    Conditions for stopping the progression of flatfoot and its correction.

    At the initial stage of pain in the legs can be eliminated within 1-2
    months by warm daily foot baths with sea salt,
    Manual Medical Massage and Gymnastics. As for the baths -
    Requirements for them Simple: water temperature + 40-50 s, duration
    procedures - 15-20 minutes, and the proportions of their components are indicated on
    Packing and are different depending on the concentration of dry matter.

    Self-massage will be very useful - good, for him
    There are many devices (special mats, rollers,
    balls). Exercises with them are performed arbitrarily (walk through massage
    s rug, roll up the massage roller and t.D.). As a result, improving
    blood circulation, normalizes muscle tone. Gymnastics better spend in
    Morning clock when muscles are not yet tired. Technology and pace of exercises
    (cm. gymnastics with flatfoot) it is better to show the baby on his own
    Example. The room should not be stuffy, or with drafts, and
    It follows the child in comfortable clothes that does not constrain his movements.

    Children's flatfoot
    Therapeutic massage must be carried out by a graduate specialist - instructor on therapeutic physical education and massage.

    Physiotherapy is often used in the treatment of flatfoot
    (paraffinosocheric applications, electrophoresis and others.) what improves
    Exchange processes and blood circulation in tissues and indirectly strengthens
    Stop vaults. Massage and physiotherapy are prescribed by courses, usually 10-15
    procedures. It is advisable to spend 2-3 courses per year.

    A special role in the treatment and prevention of progression of flatfoot
    It is assigned to orthopedic insams that are prescribed at the first
    degree of pathology. They help unload painful sections of the foot and
    adjust the identified deformations at initial signs
    Flatopy. The height of the layout of the arches of the foot in the insoles depends on
    The degree of flattering. Invest them are needed in street and home shoes,
    to ease the life of a crumb when it happens as long as possible on
    feet. As the child grows, shape and sizes
    Shell inserts must be changed. And here you can not do without repeated
    Consultations from an orthopedic doctor. Acquire insoles best in
    prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises, orthopedic centers or
    order individually.

    Only in this case, such products are guaranteed to match
    necessary standards. And also: do not use orthopedic

    «just in case». If we wear them constantly without objective
    Necessible, the arches of the feet will become relaxed, and flatfoot
    may develop even healthy from an orthopedic point of view of a child.

    If the kid has a third degree of longitudinal flatfoot, especially
    In combination with the Valgus deformation of the ankle joint, insoles
    The case will not limit. He will have to «flaunt» in orthopedic shoes -
    Boots with lacing and rigid internal side support.

    Complications of flatfoot

    What are the complications of flatfoot? Unfortunately, a variety of.
    First of all, it is flattening the transverse arch of the foot with the subscription of the 1st
    Finger out in adolescence. If the stop is long in
    irregular position, and especially if the Valgus
    deformation of the ankle joint, it can lead to deformation in
    Foot joints and even to change the ratios of the joint surfaces
    knee and hip joints. It is accompanied by pain in the legs,
    Especially in the evening hours, and the reduction of depreciation functions leads to
    Pain in the spine. In the future, this can lead to scoliosis,
    there is an arcuate deformation of the spine to the right or left, or to his
    Customization with the formation of convexity of the Zada ​​- Kyphoz.

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