Modern neurosurgical methods allow the patient to leave the clinic on the same day when surgery.

Innovation includes our life not only from television screens and pages of newspapers. Often, their action has to «Test on yourself» in the right sense. It is hardly above all refers to the field of medicine. It should be noted that some sectors of medicine were deservedly considered high-tech back in Soviet times. One of the most characteristic examples - neurosurgery.
Another twenty years ago with the word «neurosurgery» First of all, the operations on the human brain came to mind. However, the industry is noticeably diversified - which is due, among other things, in changing the lifestyle in general and labor in particular.
A sedentary lifestyle becomes more and more common. The person comes out of the house, sits in the car, goes to work - where he holds the main part of the eight-hour working day in the chair. Such is the feature of the post-industrial era: more and less people are engaged in physical labor, and at the table, the computer is more and more.
It is not surprising that with this lifestyle (add here also lack of motor activity - hypodynamine) significantly increased the number of problems and diseases associated with the spine / spinal cord, the risks of such diseases increase and with age. An important place in medical practice is now spinal neurosurgery.
Surgery without cuts
Return to the topic of innovation again. Initially it is clear that this term implies the use of high-tech equipment and T.NS. but «at the exit» Patient thinks a few about other things. Considering how long the operation will continue whether surgery will continue whether surgery will be, whether it is possible to do without the use of common anesthesia.
Modern technologies give a worthy answer to these questions. As an example, you can lead the clinic of spinal neurosurgery and neurology «Axis», carrying out their activities on the basis of the Research Institute. N.N. Burdenko of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. It all starts at the stage of diagnosis. Spin hurt? Muscle weak limbs? Pain of incomprehensible origin? The combination of modern equipment and experienced doctors will allow you to quickly put an accurate diagnosis.
Conservative treatment is often sufficient (without surgery).
By and large, the task of any surgeon is to try not to bring to the operation. But there are also cases that require at least the use of microsurgical methods - for example, when removing the hernia of an intervertebral disk.
Doctors clinic «Axis» proceed from the fact that the patient should «stand up on feet» Literally a few hours after the operation, even enough radical. Minimizes the use of traumatic cuts («Minimally invasive surgery»), general anesthesia. This is achieved by the use of super-modern equipment, advanced technologies, an individual approach of experienced doctors to each patient. Large importance is paid to the creation of comfortable conditions for postoperative rehabilitation. In principle, the whole process - from registration before exiting the clinic - can meet in one day.
Chief doctor of the clinic «Axis» Stanislav Dmitrievich Puttinsky:
- We own all the forms of the usual, «Open» Surgery, but the emphasis is placed on minimally invasive techniques. Including so-called perficing, that is, associated with penetration through skin. Subjectively, the patient feels like «Shows», that gives him much less discomfort. This applies, in the first place, to radio frequency denervation used when the methods of conservative therapy are not sufficiently effective for the treatment of diseases. No need for incisions, do not need anesthesia: maximum - local anesthesia. All operation takes 20-30 minutes, after which the patient, in principle, can leave the clinic immediately.
As a doctor, I want to warn: problems, for example, the cervical spine, osteochondrosis can give a number of unpleasant symptoms: headaches, circulatory disorders, dizziness, fatigue, sleep disorders, and t.D. A sedentary lifestyle, hypodynamine - all this causes additional load on the spine (as in the cervical - for example, in the lumbar department), and this is harmful physiologically. So you should pay attention to a healthy lifestyle, exercise better under the guidance of a professional trainer (LFC). But if the process is running, then there is nowhere to go: you need to contact the doctors.