Dysplasia hip joints

According to the national program, the full inspection of the child should begin at 1 month. The list of narrow specialists includes a surgeon-orthopedist. What is the surprise and disorder at Mom, when orthopedist, directing the baby on an ultrasound study of hip joints, makes a diagnosis «dysplasia». Not everything is so scary if you see and treat it in time.

According to the national program that is trying to follow most of the precinct pediatricians, the full inspection of the child should begin at 1 month. The list of narrow specialists includes a surgeon-orthopedist. What is the surprise and disorder at Mom, when orthopedist, guiding the baby on ultrasound procedure hip joints, makes a diagnosis «dysplasia»..

MirSees hurry to calm down: not everything is so scary if it is noticed in time and treat it right. To begin with, it is necessary to find out what causes the disease, then - because of which it arises, and in the end I will learn to treat it correctly.

Disease of antiquity

Dysplasia hip joints
Many specialists believe that with a particular degree of displays of hip joints, all children are born. But now further progression (deterioration) occurs with improper care, compliance with the regime and T.D.

Dysplasia, as such, is a disruption of structure and properties. Therefore, if we are talking about joints, we are talking about violation of the composition of cartilage, its limited mobility, increased density, sometimes close to the bone density.

Reasons and reasons for such a violation a lot of many. You can start with the wrong lifestyle, alcohol, tobacco The first months of pregnancy, when not every woman knows about his position. During this period, all organs are labeled, the first structures are formed, which will continue to develop organism cells. Next, a significant role is given to the factors of the external environment, ecology, as well as a low-lifestyle lifestyle and irrational nutrition pregnant woman.

Summing up the prevention of the disease, it can be said that the above factors are capable not only to stimulate the dysplasia, but also to cause other diseases.

We look at the baby carefully

From the first days most of all others, with the exception of neonatologists in the maternity hospital, the mother sees his child. Therefore, it is so important to relate to all changes taking place with the baby. Do not be afraid to ask your precinct pediatrician, you should not overestimate your capabilities and knowledge.

Daily when the child's swaddling, the change of diaper, the bathing should pay attention to:

  • the mobility of the legs;
  • Their visual symmetry.

At the kid lying on the back, up to 1 month legs are in a bent or semi-bent condition. To suspect the displascence of hip joints, if one of the legs saves or raised stronger than the other.

There is an opinion that with any dysplasia TBS Child's legs of different lengths. And it is mistaken! Each healthy person has long fat lengths. And this is normal. Mom, for quite understandable reasons, it is often difficult to adequately assess the proportion of legs.

When laid out the child on the tummy legs, the folds are more straightened and the folds on the inner surface of the hips are becoming better. The number of folds, their location should be strictly symmetrical.

According to numerous statistics data, the first concern that is associated with the dysplasia, the mother is shown precisely in relation to the asymmetry or various number of folds on the babes.

So, above lists the main symptoms that any sufficiently attentive mother can notice. There are also a number of special symptoms, thanks to which the orthopedic surgeon can diagnose dysplasia. For example, «Symptom click». It is tested by the thumbs of both hands laid on the area of ​​the joints, with a certain deep breeding legs. But do not try to determine it yourself. When proper practices are harmful to such manipulations is almost impossible. But the young mother, herself is not wishing himself, can provoke dislocation or sliding joints that can be conservative (non-operational) treatment is significantly worse.

Therefore, when first suspicion or concern, consult a pediatrician and take the direction to the orthopedist.

On the ultrasound of the hip joints, various changes are possible, most often, it is simply the difference of turning angles and no fabric dysplasia.

We treat dysplasia at home

After the diagnosis of dysplasia, the orthopedist should give certain recommendations. But, often, moms are difficult to remember the first time and the complex of medical physical education, and the rule of care for the kid. Therefore, the MirSoveto recommends the sequence of actions aimed at restoring joint function and recovery.
Physical culture for displays of hip joints

  1. Put the baby on the changing table and undress.
  2. Remove the diaper.
  3. We make a lightweight massage, consisting in strokes and light skin rubbing.
  4. Do not forget to lay out on the tummy.
  5. When air baths come to an end, put the baby on the back, palm climbs, and your fingers - on the hips. In a circle, calm and smoothly, we begin to breed the legs to the sides, making the main focus on your knees. Striving to press the entire outer surface of the foot from the surface of the changing table.

    Important: Observe the measure, do not just follow the movements of the baby or make excessive efforts. Choose «Golden middle».

  6. Carefully follow the emotions of the baby: if it starts crying, then do not rush to finish the procedure. Cause Crying can be wounded in meteorism or colic.
  7. Another important detail: the leg, at the joint of which dysplasia is more, and it will fall less. At first. But gradually, with due mode, the legs will be given absolutely the same.
  8. Sewing baby, use hard frame on top of diaper. It may be tightly rolled diaper. The legs of the kid at the same time should remain in the diluted position.

The «simple» The way you need to apply at least 2 times a day for at least two months.

It is worth mentioning that the dysplasia can be several degrees. Therefore, massage and therapeutic physical culture will help treatment with light dysplasia. But at the average degree, special tires and struts are included in the complex.

Now, in the era of the Internet, you can find a lot of information about the possible treatment and medium, and heavy dysplasia. However, mom should remember one very important item: the doctor who saw a child will help. Therefore, the MPsovets recommends not to do an experimental creature from your baby, and strictly follow the reasonable councils of the orthopedic.

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