What is a fracture of radial bone in a typical location?


What is a fracture of radial bone in a typical place?Children's bones are distinguished not only by a thin structure, but also with their elasticity, which often saves from the fracture of radiation bone in a child. This feature protects small fidgets from bruises, injuries and stretching, but fractures still happen. The most typical and common mechanism of the injury of such a type is the fall in the child on the elongated hand and the next substitute fracture, at the level of the lower and middle third of the forearm by type «Green twig». Such damage is more often found in the kids, while the periosteum is not adrained, it is tightly stretched and keeps the debris. In older children, there is usually a breakdown of bones for the whole thickness, but the periosteum remains intact and often dismissal of fragments does not happen.

Fractures of bones of the forearm in children and ray bone injuries are possible both closed and open, except distinguish:

  1. with bone offset on the back of the wrist — The extensive fracture when the child falls and breaks the disintegrated brush of his hands;
  2. with a displacement of a fragment towards the palm — Bending, occurs when falling on a bent brush.

The symptoms of the fracture of the radial bone are:

  • pain at the bottom of the forearm;
  • violation of hand mobility;
  • swelling at the bottom of the limb;
  • visible deformation of the radial bone;
  • subcutaneous bleeding, which indicates the presence of a bruise.

Such injury often occurs in children aged 11-13 years and has a name «fracture of radial bone in a typical place». Very often, such a record can be seen in the child's card when contacting a traumatologist or children's surgeon, by the way, this is a typical fracture site also concerns women and older people. A person has to protect against bruises and falls, stretching forward hands, which is detrimental in this case. Pain syndrome when falling on the elongated hands is not the most intense.

Treatment of children's hand fracture — It is more often conservative with the full exception of the movement of the injured limb, when assisting assistance, the fracture is carried out and fixation in a gypsum bandage with Longeta. With a significant displacement of fragments, it is an open or closed reposition under common or local anesthesia, and than the younger injured, the easier it is tolerated this manipulation.

Children's Fracture Hand: Rehabilitation and Care

Children's Fracture Hand: Rehabilitation and CareFor an experienced traumatologist, the diagnosis of the fracture does not represent any difficulties: the child complains of a sharp pain during palpation, the pathological mobility and loss of the limb function. Radiographic research confirms the level of fracture, degree of damage and displacement. It is necessary to understand that the management should be made immediately in order to avoid misconception and to ensure the possibility of restoring the bones of the forearm. If there is a closed fracture without offset of bone fragments, rest is provided by a gypsum bandage fixed at right angles for up to 5-8 weeks, depending on the age of the child and the type of fracture. During the first two days, the control and observation of the doctor is shown in time to notice signs of blood supply disorders in the fingers of the brush. If the offset was eliminated and the axis of the forearm was preserved, in the process of further growth in the child, the healthy structure of bone tissue and the limb function is fully restored.

At such a moment the task of parents — help the child cope with the disease, teach it possible and necessary for self-service techniques, to ensure reliable care and rehabilitation, and not strive for early removing the gypsum bandage and understand that this may lead to the reverse of the forearm. In the process of stealing the bone, the baby needs careful and attentive care, as well as a control x-ray study to eliminate possible bone offset. Full and diverse nutrition is an important part of rehabilitation rehabilitation, which involves using the protein in the menu as the main building material, products with calcium, magnesium, boron. Daily sunbathing for bone strengthening as a source of vitamin D, enhancing blood circulation and metabolic processes contribute to healing and recovery without complications.

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