What is osteochondrosis and what is danger?


  • Many people...
  • Slow and imperceptible
  • Why osteochondrosis occurs?
  • Is it possible to complete recovery from osteochondrosis?

    Pathological processes in osteochondrosis first affect bones
    and bundles, but we learn that the disease is usually used then,
    When complications appear - pain, sensitivity impairment, muscle
    Atrophy, disorders of the internal organs.

    Many people...

    The modern world osteochondrosis suffer from 40 to 80% of the inhabitants of the earth
    Shara. Basically, the disease is striking people over 30 years old, but sometimes the first
    Symptoms appear in 15 - 20 year olds. People are sick in social
    active age, the disease lasts long, prone to relapses, so
    inflicts significant damage to society. Women more often than men sick
    osteochondrosis, but men have the disease heavier.

    Slow and imperceptible

    Osteochondrose development is a board for straight. None of the four-legged suffers from this ailment.

    load compressing two vertebrae, to a large extent depends on the position
    Body. The smallest load on the spine when a person lies. IN
    it stands up 2.5 times, and when the torso is tilted
    Forward - 10 times. When lifting gravity load on the spine
    Increased incredibly. If your spin is tilted forward,
    You can multiply this figure by 10.

    What is osteochondrosis and what is the danger?
    If the intervertebral disk is valid
    big power, it is injured, deformed, begins to put pressure on
    lying near the nerves and vessels, damaging them. As a result, violated
    Blood supply brain (dizziness appears, headache)
    and innervation of internal organs. If the disk began to collapse, it loses
    Properties of a full-fledged shock absorber. This causes damage to the bone
    The structures of the vertebrae, their edges become sharp, jealous, on them
    Fighters appear - osteophytes. Gradually the spine loses its

    If part of the fibers of ligaments limiting
    The intervertebral disk is broken, it comes out of his «lodge».
    Forms hernia. Especially dangerous disk penetration into lumen
    The spine bone canal in which the spinal cord is located.

    But even before the formation of hernia, osteochondrosis begins
    warn about your appearance. The cause of pain may be tension
    Bundles, strengthening the spine, muscle tension. Some
    Researchers believe that nerve endings are available in the disk itself
    (otherwise - a pulp nucleus).

    With osteochondrosis
    In vertebrae and intervertebral discs consisting of cartilage tissue,
    Changes occur. As a result, the size of the holes through which
    Nerves come out that originated from the spinal cord decreases. Nerves
    can catch out. This is another reason for the occurrence of pain. If nerves
    are in the disadvantaged state long, part of their fibers die.
    Nerves not only provide sensitivity and motor
    activity, they possess a trophic effect, that is, allocate
    Muscle support substances and skin in good condition. If
    Nerves die, muscles begin to atrophy. Due to damage
    Sensitive fibers may be observed loss of sensitivity on
    Separate areas of skin.

    Different people on the forefront are different Symptoms:

    • irritation of vegetative nerve fibers;
      • compression (compression), aseptic (mothful) inflammation and swelling of the nervous root;
      • Muscular and tonic reactions (muscles are involved in the process;
        some of them are atrophy, and the part is in a state of elevated
      • Vegeth-vascular disorders (cooling and numbness of hands, legs);
      • Attachment of mental violations.

      Why osteochondrosis occurs?

      • Heredity: Parents can convey to their
        child gait, posture, at which the load on the spine
        it is uneven, resulting in damage
        Intervertebral discs. You can get inheritance and features
        the buildings of the cartilage tissue, the features of its physicochemical properties, in
        The result of which the intervertebral disk will be worse to transfer the load,
        It's easier to damage.
      • Heavy physical labor can also be caused,
        Osteochondrosis can develop in a young athlete (inconsistency
        the possibilities of the cartilage tissue withstand the loads of the loads that
        It is forced to withstand).
      • Schoolchildren, students, people engaged in mental labor,
        forced long to sit, which is also a big load on
        spine, especially if they sit incorrectly (stole,
        bend forward or in the side).
      • If a man is in forced inconvenient for a long time
        position (painted back with a back head, a surgeon leaning over
        operating table) is also adversely affecting
      • If a person has any spinal curvature (scoliosis,
        Kyphos, Lordoz), the load on the vertebral pole is distributed
        unevenly, which is also a predisposing factor for
        Osteochondrose development.
      • Injuries and microtrauma.
      • With osteochondrosis, the destruction of the spine fabrics, the older the body, the worse the fabric is restored.

      Is it possible to complete recovery from osteochondrosis?

      This is
      Depends on the form of the disease, gravity, correctness and timeliness
      Treatment. Full cure is possible only in the initial stages.

      You can prevent osteochondrosis exacerbations, do not feel
      Pain. If a person had osteochondrosis, but now he does not experience
      discomfort, it does not mean that he passed without a trace. Changes in
      The spine can be.

      the main task -
      suspend the development of the disease and do everything possible to
      part of the pathological changes in the spine disappeared, and disappeared or
      Symptoms decreased (
      Back pain, cooling and numbness of hands, legs, headaches).

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