How to get rid of holopal

High heel shoes or all favorite studs are able to lengthen the legs and make every woman at least a little slimmer and more attractive. But for beauty sometimes it is necessary to pay - narrow and uncomfortable shoes can cause the appearance of a holopal.

With the onset of heat in many beautiful representatives, the mood will deteriorate. The problem of natopesh, acquired by last summer, has not been solved, and wearing narrow boots on high heels only aggravated the situation. And if many people had the opportunity to hide this cosmetic disadvantage, then with the onset of heat will have to wear open shoes. Each of us I want to boast of beautiful, smooth and well-kept legs, so it is necessary to get rid of the hopes right now.

What are natopeshi and why they appear

Corn, Natopeshi, Legs, Pedicure, Foot, Leg Care

Natoptysh on the foot - this is a common problem not only among the representatives of the fine sex. Suffer from this ailment and men. Externally, the disease is manifested as follows: First on the foot sealing areas appear on the foot, you can even say that this is ordinary skin, only a little flap. If you do not solve the problem in time, then these areas gradually fracture and interfere with walking. Such seals of oroging skin at the initial stage of the disease do not cause a person discomfort, since the rod has no power. Over time, the skin is so hardened that a person feels pain while walking.

The reasons for the appearance of a holopal:

  • wearing close shoes on high heels;
  • uncomfortable shoe;
  • deformed insole;
  • trash in shoes;
  • Thin sole of shoes;
  • Wearing used shoes;
  • Wearing socks not by size and synthetic products.

The reason for the appearance of seals can be wearing close shoes, mainly on high heels or shoes with a narrow block, overweight and physical exertion. When a woman puts on high heels shoes or boots, weight is distributed unevenly throughout the foot and natoptema are formed in those places where the load increases. The skin is compacted in the field of fingers or on the sole.

With special caution to the choice of shoes, you need to approach if a person has flatfoot, Then the problem may be aggravated. Despite the fact that women regularly take care of their body and try to keep legs in order, Natoptyshi can still appear even when wearing shoes without a heel, if a person has overweight and he wears uncomfortable shoes.

Hormonal bursts, Varicose, fungal infection - these diseases can also lead to the formation of a hopper on the feet.

According to some specialists, you can even trace the relationship of the formation of a holotopes in people who do not wear high-heeled shoes. We are talking about chronic diseases. For example, if a woman constantly cuts her skin on the thumb, then chronic gynecological problems can be assumed, and when the skin on the left mother's becomes coarse, then the person has problems with the work of the heart and vessels. If Natoptysh formed on the right Mizinz, then this means that it is necessary to pay attention to food and check the liver.

If the skin in the heel area becomes coarse (with proper care and wearing proper shoes), then the person has problems with joints, and the appearance of a holopal on the edge of the feet outside indicates problems with the spine. When the skin compacted more on the inside of the foot - the intestine works with interruptions.

Recognize Natoptysh or Dry Corn and distinguish from other skin manifestations (Warts, Corn on legs) you can feel and appearance. Natoptysh may appear on the foot anywhere. Externally, this is a damaged skin, tight to the touch. The color of the dry corn can be light or yellow. Get rid of it once and forever simple cutting off the burdown layer is impossible, here you need an integrated approach to solving the problem. By the way, if not to treat natoptysh, then they can provoke the appearance of corns and flatfoot.

How to get rid of unpleasant manifestation

Corn, Natopeshi, Legs, Pedicure, Foot, Leg Care

Currently there are a lot of ways to get rid of dry plots on the soles of the legs. This is the use of keratolytic (softening skin) tools. Basic active ingredient - salicylic acid. In pharmacies, there is a wide selection of patches, pencils, socks and anti-raising agents that help get rid of the problem.

If the disease is launched, you will have to use the services of specialists.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the effective methods and choose the appropriate option for the treatment of natopestes:

  1. Cryodestruction or treatment with liquid nitrogen. This substance is widely used to remove not only hoptes, but also scars, as well as warts. The method is very painful, it will take special care during the recovery period. Service cost - high. You can get rid of small flap sections on the foot. There are advantages: the speed of operations, the scars do not remain, there is no blood, the natopes are cut off without anesthesia (plus for allergies), no contraindications.
  2. The removal of a hopted laser is not painful and efficiently. It is not necessary to care for distressed places after manipulation. One procedure is enough to get rid of the problem.
  3. Hardware manicure is considered one of the gentle methods. From the first time forever get rid of gross areas will not work. With the help of a special apparatus, you can get rid of a natopash, if regularly (1-2 times a month) visit the masters. The probability of infection is excluded, the result will depend on the master and the apparatus itself.

Prevention measures

Corn, Natopeshi, Legs, Pedicure, Foot, Leg Care

It is always better to prevent the disease than to deal with its manifestations.

Prevention measures will help you avoid troubles:

  • Choose the right shoes - with a wide sock, on thick sole;
  • We alternate wearing a narrow shoe on a heel with low-heeled shoes and moccasins;
  • every day - feet hygiene plus applying a moisturizing cream;
  • Pedicure needs to be made 1-2 times a month;
  • Do not lazy to make contrasting foot baths every evening.

What to do if you can not give up shoes on heels? There is a solution to this problem: the first is to pick up shoes with a comfortable block, and the second is to buy special cushions with silicone. They evenly distribute the load on the foot. You can use the pads for a long period, only you need to not forget to carefully care for the tabs: to wash in warm soapy water in a timely manner, before use you need to trigger the liners with Talc. Inserts can be different: in the form of pads, ralk and semia. So you can choose invisible assistants for any shoes.

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