Unbeatable and legendary


  • In the sea of ​​Nesbylits
  • Myth 1. Official medicine powerless against eczema
  • Myth 2. Eczema suffer only ambitious, with the qualities of the leader people
  • Myth 3. Ultraviolet removes exacerbation
  • Myth 4. Eczema can cure diets and vitamins
  • Myth 5. Eczema is treated with sea water
  • So different
  • Men in Black

    In the sea of ​​Nesbylits

    Today, such a flow of procedures, medicines and recommendations, which involuntarily begins to believe in the famous aphorism, are sometimes collapsed on the poor sick eczema «If there is particularly a lot of funds from any disease, it means that it is incurable». Perhaps with this we will begin.

    Myth 1. Official medicine powerless against eczema

    In fact: although eczema and not defeated, an experienced doctor today can safely guarantee the patient, that even in the most heaviest, chronic cases they will be able to keep the disease on the binding.

    Acute form of eczema without treatment takes place in 2-3 months, if not moving into the subacuit. Prostulating without treatment takes place for 6. If it does not go into chronic, which never cured. The treatment program can only be individual.

    If the doctor is not interested in the peculiarities of your food, lifestyle, family and service situation and is limited to standard recommendations, it is better to search for another specialist.

    Myth 2. Eczema suffer only ambitious, with the qualities of the leader people

    In fact: eczema arises in people of all psychological types. Although they risk first of all those who have eczema suffered by some of the ancestors. Although it is not necessary to discount and other factors.

    More often, eczema chooses young women who are nervous at work, and after the labor day of forced to solve a lot of homework. Stresses and frequent contact of the skin with household chemicals - strong provoking factor. However, men have the reasons for the occurrence of eczema too.

    Dream Scientists - Develop Tests for Disease Predisposition. But studies in this area have not yet been followed by experiments.

    The disease is not contagious, despite the inesthetic type of patients during the period of exacerbation.

    Myth 3. Ultraviolet removes exacerbation

    Unbeatable and legendaryIn fact: ultraviolet irradiation really used very widely. Today it does not apply.

    In general, physiotherapy is effective only with severe forms of chronic eczema. With acute or subacute from its application it is better to refrain. If procedures «Wserign» In all cases without parsing, it makes sense to think about changing the clinic and doctor.

    No methods are able to replace the drug therapy of corticosteroidal ointments and systemic antihistamine drugs.

    And without the latter, you can do if the outdoor means will select correctly.

    Folk remedies like cabbage sheet or household soap are useless.

    They only worsen the course of the disease.

    Myth 4. Eczema can cure diets and vitamins

    In fact, the diet does not treat, it only allows you to exclude one of the provocateurs of new attacks of food allergens. And everyone has their own, so it is better to pass the analysis to all allergens and develop your own food program.

    But intense vitamin therapy with acute and subacute eczema can even be dangerous: vitamins themselves can provoke allergies. This is especially true of the vitamins of the group B, in particular B12.

    It is safe and even useful for eczema only vitamin C: it serves as material for the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones. The remaining vitamins are shown only with chronic eczema.

    Myth 5. Eczema is treated with sea water

    In fact: climatotherapy is effective only with atopic dermatitis. And with eczema so far... Holiday from stresses and excitement is useful.

    So different

    Discern an acute, shadow and chronic form of eczema is easy, even if you encountered it for the first time.

    Acute, signs: Intensive redness of the skin, the swelling of the affected area (on the touch is hot), the formation of wet bubbles.

    Prostrates, signs: All signs of acute eczema are smoothed, but in place of defeat the skin thickens.

    Chronic, signs: leather in the field of damage thickened and covered with scales. On the touch dry, the color is not so bright.

    Acute, forecast: If after a half or two months there is no recovery, eczema goes into the subacute stage.

    Prostrate, Forecast: If recovery does not occur, about six months, the process goes into a chronic stage.

    Chronic, forecast: How clear from the name, without treatment, this form of eczema can leak indefinitely.

    Men in Black

    Unbeatable and legendaryInteresting Fact: Eczema very often suffer from people wearing black socks or stockings. It turns out that the majority of black dyes include paraphenylenediamine - the strongest allergen. But they know about it or old experienced doctors - from their practice, or young scientists who enjoy translated into Russian atlas-certification certificate.

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