Treatment of dehydration

Water is the most important component in the human body because it participates in all life-processes. Proper drinking regime along with maintaining water balance create favorable conditions for healthy and full-fledged life of each of us.

What is dehydration?

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Dehydration, also called dehydration, denotes the condition of an acute lack of water in the body, which is necessary for exchange, physiological and chemical processes, for a second not stopping during our lives.

As a result of dehydration, pathological phenomena appear, which provoked by violations of water and electrolyte exchange mechanisms. Liquid is the basis of each cell that constitutes the blood component, brain, as well as the spinal fluid. Upon reducing its level, the process of blood thickening is launched in the body, when the water molecules move to the intercellular space and the functionality of the cells is disturbed.

This condition is especially dangerous for children, since at an early age the regulatory mechanism of water exchange has not yet established, and the body is extremely difficult to overcome pathology. No less difficult is dehydration and in older people, because with age, compensatory functions also lose the fullness of the action. How to cope with the problem of dehydration will tell MirSees.

The main causes of dehydration

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It is possible to determine the serious degree of dehydration (11-20% of body weight) if you have diagnosed at least one of the following symptoms:

  • severe dizziness, which is observed in the lying condition;
  • Changes in behavioral reactions - a sharp feeling of fear, inattention, embarrassment, etc.;
  • Pre-perspective condition manifested in 2 minutes after lifting;
  • weakness in the limbs when it is impossible to get up or move;
  • rapid breathing and weak pulse;
  • sticky and cold leather, and sometimes the opposite is hot and dry;
  • lack of urination more than 12 hours;
  • loss of consciousness.

By the time of the occurrence of severe dehydration, in the human body, an insufficient volume of fluid, which could transport blood to vital organs. In this case, a deadly outcome may occur, so immediately call an ambulance.

How can I give first aid?

water, dehydration, liquid in the body, dehydration, drinking water, correctly drink

Each minute waiting for the carriage Ambulance may cost human life. To avoid sad consequences, it is worth remembering several rules for first aid to the victim.

So, the main task is to replenish the liquid volume in the organism of a dehydrated person. To do this, you must give a sick water so that he drank her very little sips. It is desirable to choose drinks with high electrolyte - it can be frozen juices, sports tonic, lifting ice chips. If there is a simple water at hand - also let the organism.

Then try to cool the body. It will help make such manipulations:

  1. Rent an upper clothes, whenever possible shirt and pants.
  2. If there is a room with air conditioning nearby - deliver an exhausted person there.
  3. If there is a fan nearby - wrap the body with a wet towel and suck the patient under the jet of air.
  4. You can use a bottle of spray nozzle.
  5. Avoid excessive supercooling to prevent the narrowing of blood vessels.

The victim should be delivered to the hospital if he has such symptoms as: inhibition, Epileptic seizures, Pain in chest or abdomen, fainting, unconscious condition, headache.

Examination at dehydration

In dehydration, doctors prescribe general analyzes for which it will be possible to estimate the state of the body's exhalation. General blood analysis Shows the degree of blood plasma concentration, the number of erythrocytes, as well as blood clotting indicators. Diagnostics urine Displays the increase / decrease in the share of urine. BUT Biochemical analysis Points directly to the amount of electrolytes in plasma.

Treatment of dehydration

water, dehydration, fluid in the body, dehydration, drinking water, correctly drink

The main goal of dehydration treatment - restoration of blood volume and fluids in the body. Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, dehydration progression degree, doctors use various methods of struggle.

Infusion therapy - the most efficient and easy way to treat water exhaustion. The essence of the methodology lies in the full saturation of the body with a liquid in which the carbohydrate contains in large numbers. If the victims do not have vomiting, nausea or a fainted state, then water is consumed orally. And in cases of severe dehydration, the liquid is introduced intravenously.

At the occurrence of visible improvements with the permission of the doctor, the patient can go to home hospital. However, if the victim is hardly restored, it has a feverish state, symptoms of infection, loss of consciousness, then it should be under the supervision of a specialist until recovery.

Prevention of dehydration

water, dehydration, fluid in the body, dehydration, drinking water, correctly drink

The risk of the effects of dehydration is so great that sometimes it can be very expensive. In order not to expose your body to such trials, it is necessary to prevent possible dehydration at the very first stage. To prevent the liquid deficit, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. In arid weather, with a long trip, active physical exertion or High Temperature Body, always have a water bottle at hand.
  2. Make sure that children and older people in your family use sufficient liquid volume per day.
  3. Refrain from exercise when it is hot and dry weather.
  4. Avoid drinking alcohol, especially with hot weather, because it blocks the ability to feel the symptoms of the first stage of dehydration.
  5. In sunny and dry days, try to wear clothes in light colors, preferably from natural fabrics and casual.
  6. Try to be in the shade or conditioned rooms.

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