How to choose an aspirator for newborn

Mucous membrane, lining the small nose strokes of the baby, is very gentle. It is often amazed by omnipresent bacteria and viruses, while the organism of the crumbs is just starting to adapt in new conditions for him. What to do if the baby is so laid by the pathogenic mucus so that it is difficult for him to suck her mother's chest and sleep? For such situations it is useful to have a nasal aspirator in your first aid kit.

And whether the aspirator needs?

Aspirator, child hygiene, runny nose in children, care for newborn, nose cleaning

Rhinitis (simply put - runny nose) impairs human activity of any age. But heavier he is tolerated by kids. After all, they still do not know how to release their spout or napkins from the mucus constantly accumulating in it, and they can't breathe mouth. Therefore, there is a risk of oxygen starvation. Yes, and fully suck your mother's chest baby does not succeed. There is one more danger. Nasal moves have very close contact with a hole leading to the middle ear. And if the runny nose is abundant and long, it may develop otitis. There are cases that the pediatrician reveals and hymorit At your little patient. Help clean the nasal moves of a newborn from mucus capable aspirator. Now these tackers, allowing artificially to free the spout from the selection, can be purchased in any pharmacy or choose and order in the online store. Our site will tell me that first of all it is worth considering what to pay attention to when buying an aspirator called the people. His main task - to quickly clean the mucous seals and crusts of nasal moves. Then some time the crumb will be able to breathe easier, calmly hesitate and sleep. Yes, and the nasal mucosa will be better perceived by therapeutic droplets introduced into the nose, if it is well cleaned before injection. These devices are safe, they allow you to quickly cure respiratory infections, avoid complications.

How is the procedure for cleaning the spout?

Aspirator, child hygiene, runny nose in children, care for newborn, nose cleaning

Children's aspirators are now producing many firms, and each manufacturer assures that it is his aspirator is the best.

And now our site will describe the main types of these devices.

  1. The genericant of all rollers can be called a small fringe, it is still called rubber «Pear». Use these devices to suck the mucus for a very long time, they are cheap, but unreliable. Tips are now making for greater convenience with small silicone. First of all, according to the instructions, this scripture should be boiled. It is necessary to disinfect it after each use. Next, it is necessary to squeeze out of it inside the air, only then bring to the nose of the newborn, insert into one of the nasal strokes the tip, and then we gradually sprinkting the pear, you will suck in it the mucus from the nose. The danger of such a device is that the tip can damage the thin mucosa, injury it. One more minus - using such a fringe, you will not be able to understand how much the cutlets have sucked, what is their structure. But manufacturers continue to produce so-type rollers, making them now colorful, original, reminding elephant or other animal. So they are trying to distract the baby from the unpleasant procedure for it.
  2. Mechanical aspirators - the appearance can also differ if we compare the product of one manufacturer with another, but the principle of action of these coils is identical. In such an aspirator, there is a tube, one end of my mother should insert a son or daughters in the nostril, and the other end it will need to place in his mouth, then the mucus will be retained at the same time from the nose. In this case, all allocations will be gradually assembled in a transparent collection tank. That is, the effectiveness of mom's effort is immediately visible. Tips for such nozzles disposable or they can then be removed, thoroughly wash and boil. Simple device: body, removable nozzles (usually they are with a filter that prevents the transition of causative agents of infection from a child to mom) and mouthpiece.
  3. Aspirator, child hygiene, runny nose in children, care for newborn, nose cleaning

  4. Electronic aspirators - Mom does not have to pull air, it is enough just to bring the device to the nostril of the baby (more precisely, the tip with the limiter), and then click on the button. Such devices allow not only to free the nose from mucus, but also gently rinse the nose, moisturize the mucous membrane. Many of these devices are equipped with musical accompaniment to distract the baby at the time of responsible manipulation. But many parents celebrate one minus: the more equipped with such a device, the faster it comes into disrepair.
  5. Vacuum aspirators - they function only when joining the vacuum cleaner, which we use for cleaning in rooms. Often, seeing such a modern aspirator, parents are amazed: how can you use such a powerful unit to be used to suck out the seals from tiny nose?! Do not worry, such aspirators can adjust the power required for the procedure. In just thirty seconds they manage to clean the nozzle nose. These devices sometimes even compare with apparatus installed in physiological and hospitals weighing the name «Cuckoo». And minus such a device is that noisy vacuum cleaners are able to scare a little child. This is only the baby gets used to loud sounds, feeling that there is no danger from them.

It's important to know

Aspirator, child hygiene, runny nose in children, care for newborn, nose cleaning

And now several rules and tips for parents.

  1. Nasal aspirator Try to use only when the accumulated mucus does not interfere with the nose. Sometimes enough just a few minutes to hold the baby in a vertical position to let the mucus go out, removing it with a napkin.
  2. Everything should be in moderation: the excessive and unreasonable use of aspirators ultimately can lead to the drainage of the mucous membrane of the newborn child, impaired its functioning, loss of protective properties of the villi placed on the mucous membrane.
  3. Be sure to reveal the reason why rhinitis has a kid. If it is caused by allergens, the aspirator is better replaced by special antihistamine drops written by a doctor.
  4. If the mucus in the spout of a very thick consistency is difficult to separate, then the procedure for cleaning the nose will have to resort several times during the day, such procedures are especially necessary before feeding and sleeping.
  5. After they cleared the nasal moves, you can drip the vasoconstrictor (or other) drops into them, discharged by a pediatrician. But such orders usually do no more than five days.

Nasal aspirator with proper use can be a good assistant for parents, he frees the nose of a newborn from mucus with ritin, rinsing nasal moves, prepares the mucous membrane for injection of therapeutic drops. Breathing of the child is settled, its overall health improves, and soon recovery comes.

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