What is the dysgraphia

From the first days of school at school, some first-graders detect difficulties with a letter, sometimes with reading. Children, despite the fact that they are well thought and well mastered environmental education and mathematics, they cannot completely «make friends» with Russian language. Why it happens how to reveal the deviation and help the child to master the language? Our site will answer these questions.

Speaking of psychotherapists, this phenomenon is called. Concept «Losgray» means the child can not learn to write competently. He writes with errors that repeated constantly. If we are talking about a complete inability to the letter, then such a phenomenon is called «Agrafy». In addition, often the dysgram is closely «Collaborate» with dyslexia - when the child partially breaks the ability to vote words while reading. This is connected not only with insufficient attention, as well as with special spatial perception, as well as with visual memory, when a schoolboy cannot recall and recognize one or another letter.

Often, the violation of the competent presentation of the text on paper is accompanied by dysorphography, which means that the child does not tend to memorize the rules of spelling and apply them in practice.

Unfortunately, all these deviations refer to mental disorders, and specialists do not consider the child mentally retarded, since in all signs the child is considered absolutely healthy.

What means

Distraphy, Hand writing, Spelling, Child Development, School, School Skills

Discraphy in three or four cases occurs more often in boys than girls. If you take the percentage of all schoolchildren of one average school, then about five to eight percent of schoolchildren suffer from both disgrace and dyslexia.

Psychotherapists argue that most often the disease is inherited. If the child is genetically predisposed to the inosphet of information, it is necessary to talk with his relatives and close relatives. Often there are cases when one or more people from the family at school age had such a deviation.

With such a deviation, starting from the first class, children are hard to master the letters skills. Especially hard to write sentences for dictation. If such a child writes a dictation, it turns out that there will be a lot of mistakes in his work. In addition to grammatical errors, children often ignore the writing of capital letters, as well as points, dash and commas. And besides this, often from schoolchildren with a diagnosis «Losgray» Very bad handwriting.

From year to year, such children know about their lack and try, especially when writing the writings, use short phrases consisting of several words. They also allow mistakes.

Often, especially after the fourth grade, schoolchildren do not wish to attend lessons, because they are shy, trying to see from the fulfillment of tasks in the Russian language, but also miss lessons.

Over time, the children-dysgraphists become «Outcasts», They do not want to participate in school life, they are seen from public works. Having achieved mature age, such people try to find a job where nothing needs to be written, and in life are not able to compose and write even a greeting card.

How to recognize

Distraphy, Hand writing, Spelling, Child Development, School, School Skills

Despite the fact that children-dysgraphists are becoming more and more, it is still unambiguous to say about the cause of the disease. Scientists suggest several reasons:

  • brain immaturity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Head injuries;
  • complex pregnancy;
  • severe childbirth with complications;
  • suffered infectious diseases;
  • frequent colds;
  • bad and incorrect speech in the family;
  • Application at once two or more languages ​​in the family;
  • not frequent communication with the child;
  • lack of many visual images: pictures, books;
  • Early and assertive training of children in various «Developing» methods;
  • lack of psychological preparedness of the child to school.

How to help the child?

Distraphy, Hand writing, Spelling, Child Development, School, School Skills

There are several areas of getting rid of dysgrafy. The most common exercise that can be performed at home - overclocking and underscounted by certain letters in the texts. Thus, the child produces visual memory, analyzes its actions, and also pronounces letters out loud.

In addition, the child is offered to rewrite more texts. In order to quickly remember the letters, the child offers pictures on which letters and subject are depicted.

Unfortunately, there is no prevention of disgrave. It is impossible to prevent this deviation, but you can reveal it in the early time. And preferably before the child goes to first class.

Such children fall into the risk group:

  • Children who grow in bilingual families;
  • Lefty children who have retracted to write with their right hand (and vice versa!);
  • Children who do not perceive sounds correctly;
  • Children having bad memory are inattentive and poorly concentrated.

In most cases, it is impossible to cope with the problem independently. The child is prescribed classes with a speech therapist who are aimed at training a speech hearing, memory training, concentration and perception of the letter.

In addition to classes with speech therapists, children are recommended to attend massages, physiotherapy offices, medical and prophylactic gymnastics, swimming pool.

In some cases, the psychoneurologist can assign medications that will contribute to improving memory.

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