How to bring down the temperature without drugs

In pharmacies there are all the necessary funds to quickly knock down a high temperature, but it does not always work off for pills, because the temperature may rise suddenly. What to do in such cases and how to bring down the temperature without drugs?

If the disease found the surprise (at work, visiting, in a journey), it is not necessary to despair, it is important to learn how to normalize the state. You can bring down the temperature without drugs and special medicines. First, our website will help find out whether it is necessary to lower the body temperature.

The temperature is normal and why it is undesirable to shoot down a high temperature

High temperature, Temperature, Temperature of the body, Temperature in an adult, Temperature in a child

If we consider the indicators of the temperature of the adult, then you can come to this conclusion that each of us is individual indicators. Of course, the body temperature will depend on our well-being, but the averages are fluctuated within 37 ° C. For most people, this figure is an indicator of the norm, and for someone is considered an increased. Here you need to navigate in my well-being. Every person has its own «center» thermoregulation, so when increasing the body temperature, you need to decide on your own. Another thing if the thermometer column makes you think (like well-being), the temperature is high, the reason for such a jump you know - you can act.

If a person has risen the temperature, most likely the reason for this phenomenon - ARVI (Acute respiratory viral infection). With such a disease, the body temperature rises and indicates that the body struggles with viruses. Shoot down the temperature according to most doctors, not worth. Let's find out why. Viruses fall into the human body and are actively multiplied by both normal and at elevated body temperatures. If the degree «Have pleased» You are 38 ° C, then it means that the viruses do not multiply and begin to dying slowly (peak numbers - 38.5 ° С). The state of a person at such a temperature of the body is unimportant, then znobit, then in the heat throws, the head hurts, it seems that the whole body is beaten.

It turns out that if the temperature rose sharply up, this means that the body itself can cope with viruses and help (drug), he will not need. During this period, the body produces its protective antibodies (substance «Interferon», which is included in the composition of antiviral drugs). Therefore, it is undesirable to shoot down the temperature immediately by drugs. By the way, if we reduce the high temperature yourself, but without receiving medicines (to facilitate the state), then the production of protective antibodies is not suspended, but continues to be produced.

Reduce body temperature without drugs

High temperature, Temperature, Temperature of the body, Temperature in an adult, Temperature in a child

Normalize the condition of the patient human can be in different ways. Our grandmothers used these methods to cure cold.

How to reduce the temperature to an adult person:

  • We drink a lot of fluid. It should be warm, cold - taboo. Drink herbal champs, tea, fruit morse (cooked from acidic berries and fruits), ordinary water. You can add to warm water a spoonful of honey or lemon slice. Abundant drink will help the body to cope with the ailment and prevent Dehydration;
  • Sticks - take clean fabric, affairs of a weak solution of vinegar (half a glass of water 1 st. L. vinegar), and put the wet compress on the active zones of the sweating: this is the area of ​​the armpit depressions, poning and elbow bends. You can simply wipe your body. Such actions will help strengthen the heat transfer and reduce the temperature by 3-5 degrees. You can take a cool shower;
  • We drink lime tea - this is a proven coating agent. Our task is to strengthen the sweating, make each cell cell work faster. Excellent antipyretic - lime tea and raspberry leaves. On 2 glasses of boiling water you need to take 2 st. L. Dry raw materials. Insist for 10 minutes, then strain and drink warm tea, you can add a spoon of honey;
  • Cold compresses - if vinegar in the house did not turn out, not scary, you can make a cold compress. To do this, you will need a handkerchief and cold water. Apply a wet handkerchief on the forehead, the zone of sweating - the area of ​​the armpits, knee and elbow bends. Hold the compress until it becomes warm, then repeat the actions;
  • Cleaning enemas - favorable procedure, but it helps to knock down a high temperature. You need to cook the chamomile decoction, cool it to the body temperature or several indicators below and make the enema. Instead of chamomile, you can use the usual salt - 1 liter of water will be needed 1 st. L. shallow salt.

If these methods do not help reduce body temperature during colds, you need to call a doctor to prescribe medication treatment.

How to bring down the body temperature in a child?

High temperature, Temperature, Temperature of the body, Temperature in an adult, Temperature in a child

Very often young mommies fear, whether it is possible to give medicines to their crumbs and not because it can harm, but because it is very difficult to calculate that the dosage for crumbs is sometimes very difficult. And also negative side effects of medicines or an allergic reaction of a child - all this prevents mommies to make a decision in favor of antipyretics. In this case, you can refuse to receive medicines and cope with the temperature yourself.

Ways to lower the body temperature in a child:

  1. Old and proven method - wipes. It is important to reduce the indicator at least a few degrees. Kid need to sit and wipe the wet tissue napkin or sponge all body. For wipes, you can take ordinary water, the temperature is not lower than + 23 ° C. Make sure that the fabric is not too wet, but not dry, water droplets should remain on the skin. For wiping take conventional water. No need to add alcohol / vodka / vinegar to it, because these substances are harmful to the children's body. Not only that the child will breathe couples of alcohol, it is also a great risk of burning the skin, and lead to intoxicating crumbs. And yet - you do not need to rush in extremes, wiping with cold water will leave unpleasant memories from the baby, so it's better to make a fitness room water.
  2. Wear wet socks. We take socks, we wash them in cold water, unscrew your hands and put on legs. On top we wear another pair of socks, but already dry. When the socks begin to warm, approximately half an hour, you need to repeat the action.
  3. Wraps - take a sheet, dip it in the cool (but not cold water!), press and wrap up a naked baby in a wet sheet, and we wake up on top - one more, dry, then terry dry towel and bite the crumb into the blanket. We try to kid stay in such «Cocoon» at least 30 minutes, during this time the temperature will gradually begin to decline, and the sheet will dry.
  4. We use ice. Grind it into the crumb, pour it into a dense polyethylene package and apply to those places where there are large vessels: this is the area of ​​the axillary depression, inguinal folds, sneakers under the knees. Only first on the skin you need to put a folded broom folded several times, «Waffle» Towel or handkerchief, and then put a package with ice. You can check on yourself, you need to cool the ice cooled. Keep a package of 5 minutes, in 15 minutes you can repeat the procedure.
  5. We make a cool enema. It will help not only bring down the temperature, but also to clean the body from the decay products, from which the body tries to get rid of at elevated temperatures. We make cool water (temperature 15-20 ° C), cold water can not pour into the enema so as not to provoke a shock state, warm will not give any effect. For a newborn, you need to pour out only 30 ml of water into the enema, for a 6-month crumb - 100 ml, a child from a year to three - 200 ml, children aged 3 to 6 years old - a little more glasses, for children over 6 years old - 500 ml.
  6. Cabbage leaf will also help reduce body temperature, use cabbage without fears to cause an allergic reaction can even be even newborn kids. Just attach the cabbage sheet on the head of crumbs, put on top of a hat. Leave for 1-2 hours, during this time the sheet twists, then it will be necessary to change it to the new.

Remember that all these methods can not be applied if your baby is inclined to appear Savorog Or suffers from heart disease. And even if the temperature is high, and the child has vessels, then you can't do anything too. Spasms of vessels are characteristic of chills, the skin becomes «Marble», Hands and Legs - Cold. Wipe and compresses can make worse.

Remember that all the above actions can be applied only if the body temperature is higher than 38 degrees and you are sure that it is caused by a cold.

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