Useful components gelatin

Food gelatin can be easily purchased at any food store. It is packaged in factory sachets of 10, 20, 30 and even 50 grams. Inside the package you will see powers, grains or small granules of yellowish color (the lighter, the better the variety). If the gelatin interacts with cold liquid, then after time, swells, gradually turning into a viscous, transparent mass. When heated, gelatin is quickly dissolved. Get gelatin by processing connective tissue animals using their cartilage, bones, tendons, bundles, proteinoids,. In gelatin, a large number of useful components are concentrated, which positively affect the bone-muscular. In this product, there is a collagen - an important protein structure that binds cells that ensures the strength of the cartilage, so welcome gelatin contributes to the slowdown in the processes of degradation (destruction) of the joints. Collagen gives tissues elasticity, prevents premature aging processes and wear, so that the motor system continues to fully work. In addition, many valuable amino acids - alanine, glycine, asparagin, lysine, glutamic acid, proline, oxyproline, which improves metabrine processes, discovered in gelatin. There are minerals and trace elements, among them phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sulfur.
In the United States, studies were conducted, the results of which clearly give an idea of how the reception gelatin affects the state of the joints. Elderly patients participated in one of the studies - 175 people. All of them suffered from knee osteoarthritis. They were invited to take 10 grams of gelatin powder per day. After two weeks, patients began to report that significantly improved the mobility of the joints, it had a positive effect on muscular tone.
In general, with diseases of the bone-muscular system, patients experience severe pain. This is due to the wear of the cartilage, disadvantage of proteins. Now there are problems in the joints, crunch, unpleasant sensations arise not only in people of old age, but also in young people. Gelatin is rich in collagen, construction elements, it helps restore damaged tissues, faster bone splicing, lubricant production. It was still established that when receiving collagen, the density of its fibers increases, the number of fibroblasts in the cartilarist fabric, ligaments, skin covers. Fibroblasts call cells of our body that produce their own collagen in it. Using gelatin, you will notice an improvement in hair, skin, nail plates. This agent can be applied not only inside, but also outwardly.
Reception inside
- Chicken bay. First boil the chicken ham or breast, adding a bulb in a saucepan, carrot. Three minutes before the end of the cooking, add your favorite spices - Pepper, Curry, Adzhika. Meanwhile, take 30 grams of gelatin and soak in 200 ml of cold boiled water. In 40 minutes you can warm the gelatin mass so that all grains dissolve. Then in this mass enter the warm broth (300 ml). Take the tray for the filler, finely cut the chicken meat there, to put a squeezing carrot, greens. Sometimes in such a fuel, I add boiled mushrooms - champignons, whale, Boroviki. Fill all gelatin. Cover the lid when the contents of the tray will cool, then send it to the refrigerator. Cooked fusey consult within two days.
- Similarly, you can prepare the filthy fish, for example, humpbacks.
- If you like sweet dishes, then try the jelly of fruits, juices or milk.
- Home Yoghurt Fast Preparation With Gelatin. It will take 10 grams of gelatin, 250 ml of bifilaife (bifilyx, bifidok, snow, ryuzhki), sugar to taste. In 100 ml of cold water (pre-boiled), pour 10 grams of gelatin (if you want a waxy yogurt, then this is a quantity increase), let it swell 40 minutes. The gelatin mass is heating, stirring. Before boiling in no case can it be brought to it - only to heat slightly! Now, when stirring, enter this gelling mass in 250 ml of fermented milk product. Add sugar sand. You can add pushed berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) or pieces of fruit (peach, canned pineapple) or a spoon of fragrant jam. Cool well mixed mix in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, natural yogurt can be eaten without any preservatives.
Our site recommends during treatment with the gelatin to drink infusion from rosehip fruits, use fruits, berries, vegetables rich in ascorbic acid.
Making compresses with gelatin
The effect of the use of gelatin inside will not appear immediately. Therefore, treatment is better to add simple compresses if the crunch and constant pain in the joints are strongly concerned. Take hot water, wet a wide bandage or gauze napkin in it. Sleep slightly so that the water does not flow in the future in the patient. Fold the gauze or the bandage in a few layers in such a way that then between the layers it was convenient to scatter a teaspoon (with a flood) gelatin powder. Immediately impose a wet marla (or bandage), «Started» gelatin. From above, place the package, and then lock all the golk. Wrap the patient with a terry towel. Such a compress is desirable to keep all night. This therapeutic procedure do daily for a week.
On contraindications and possible side effects
Although gelatin is made of natural components, but also in this method of treatment there are contraindications and caution. Doctors do not recommend using inside gelatin, who suffer thrombophlebitis or thrombosis. Excessive use of gelatin can be a provoking factor to exacerbate the urolithiasis (or bile) disease, oxaluric diathesis. Excessive «Laying» On gelatin can cause unwanted effects - constipation, exacerbation Hemorrhogo. In all, it will be possible to avoid if you add apples, cabbage, coarse, carrots, pumpkin, dried fruits, especially prunes, bran, wheat porridge in your diet. Those who are inclined to the usual constipation,
You can advise to prepare such a sweet mixture: scroll through the meat grinder of 200 grams of figs, prunes, kuragi, then add 30 grams of Senna (crushed and pre-stolen boiling water) through it. All mix well. This mass must be taken every evening in the number of tea or tablespoons. Keep the jar with a mixture in the refrigerator, tightly closing the lid. Extremely rare people are detected by allergies to gelatin-containing products.
There are many additives with collagen (in the form of capsules or tablets), they are expensive. But there is an alternative. If you buy food gelatins (representing hydrolyzed collagen) and use it in equivalent doses, then you will get a good healing effect, strengthen your joints.