Treatment of Plexitis of Shoulder joint

It happens that in a dream a man awkwardly turns his hand. In the morning he wakes up with a terrible pain, then it is discovered that also the shoulder has a swath. First, soothing thoughts appear in the head: «Nothing terrible, simply, the muscles stretched out, soon everything will pass». But passes a few hours, and pain and does not think to calm down. On the contrary, the situation worsens.

Overview of the disease

Orthopedics, Plexitsy, Shoulder joint, joints, cartilage cloth

In the plexover of the shoulder joint, inflammatory processes are observed, the nerves of shoulder plexus. This plexusion is formed by four lower cervical nerves (more precisely, their front branches) and infant spinal nerves (first). The sizes of the shoulder plexus are large, and the structure is quite complicated. The extensive area is extensive - space from below and on top of the clavicle, from the spinal column to the lower axillary depression zone. In this case, a person cannot fully fulfill his labor duties, and everyday tasks are not easy to solve. After all, when plexitis is usually amazed «Lead» and a significant limb - right-handers remain without the right helper, and left-handers, respectively, without the left. Losing the function of one of the hands, it is immediately difficult to rebuild and learn how to manage with the same dexterity and speed of another top limb. Additional strength and time. In addition to inconvenience, it is necessary to endure the strongest pain, accompanying inflammatory processes in the nerves of the shoulder belt. Patients report that in the night hours pain more intense. Patients It is difficult to keep the phone in your hand, a cup, calculated, glaasing the coat, open the entrance door to the key ... The shoulder plexit can be the top, lower and even total. In the launched cases, there is a high probability that the sensitivity will be lost, muscle atrophy, paresis or paralysis. The disease is striking both men and women, and at any age.

Causes of occurrence

Orthopedics, Plexitsy, Shoulder joint, joints, cartilage cloth

The main symptom is the presence of a strong pain in an adapter having a biting, cutting, shooting, driving, but. Most often, pain is starting to know about yourself at night. They can be periodic or permanent. With insignificant movement, even if you just try to raise the limb, the pain is enhanced. The amazed hand can enemy, no longer lose sensitivity. The strength of the muscles of the brush decreases, the fine motility is significantly disturbed, so it's hard to keep a spoon in your hand, put an attachment, turn the door handle. In case of infectious toxic plexitis, reflexes are weakened or completely lost, motor disorders are noted. Vascular and trophic disorders appear as cyanosis (sinusia), weakening the pulse in the radial artery zone, the increase in sweating, the skin has the kind of lumpy, atrophic.


Help in setting the correct diagnosis after examining the patient, the following methods may be:

  • electroneuromyography;
  • X-ray study;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • Magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

Recommendations for treatment

Orthopedics, Plexitsy, Shoulder joint, joints, cartilage cloth

As soon as the exact diagnosis is installed, and caused the causes that caused the disease, proceed to its direct treatment. It is aimed at eliminating pain, symptoms of shoulder plexitis. Medical therapy consists of destination:

  • modern analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs restoring nervous conductivity, improving trophic and blood circulation;
  • Vitamins pyridoxine, thiamine and cyanocobalamin.

Specific preparations can be appointed - it all depends on the cause of the disease.

Treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint in some cases is complemented by such methods:

  • cryo and laser therapy;
  • Electromability;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • reflexotherapy, acupuncture;
  • Diad dartimatherapy;
  • paraffin compresses;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • massage;
  • ozokerite;
  • Hirudotherapy;
  • Balneological procedures;
  • physiotherapy.

With traumatic plexits, the presence of tumors shows surgical intervention.

The patient should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Try to include in the daily menu of carrot dishes, cabbage, beans, red Bulgarian pepper. At the plexide shoulder, the body needs large doses of group vitamins in. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) a lot in beef liver, meat chicken, tuna, sardines, mackerel, crew, sea buckthorn, cauliflower, cheese, bananas, nuts (walnuts, cedar).

Tiamine (VIT. B1) a lot is contained in brown rice, seedlings of wheat, avocado, meat, fish, nuts, sunflower seeds, green peas. Cyanocobalamin (VIT. B12) is present in the liver, eggs, fish, meat.

Folk medicine in their arsenal also has several recipes:

  1. You can apply a paired cabbage leaf for the night to the sore shoulder, fixing it with a shell, and then a warm handkerchief.
  2. Rub a few minutes of alcohol solution Mumiyu (Concentration 10%) in the patient region. Treatment to spend three weeks, then relax a week and again allowed to repeat the course.
  3. Overnight rub in sick places Propolis ointment. 3 grams of propolis takes and is well stirred with 50 grams of fat (swine).
  4. On the night rubing such a composition: 2 tablespoons of turpentine, as many ammonia alcohol (5%). Mix everything and add 2 chicken eggs there (raw). Try to beat the resulting mixture before the formation of a thick mass. Here it is necessary to rub it before bedtime in the area of ​​the shoulder joint.
  5. In the morning and in the evening, drink a glass of tea from the flower of daisies of pharmacy (raw materials takes a tablespoon and poured 200 ml of boiling water). Insole speaking 15 minutes.

To prevent the formation of contractures, first it is recommended to perform passive exercises, and then move to active. During the disease, no gravity can be lifted, transfer.

A complex of simple exercise

Orthopedics, Plexitsy, Shoulder joint, joints, cartilage cloth

Offered gymnastics make standing or sitting.

  1. Shoulders raise and then lower. Repeat movement 8 times.
  2. Shovels twist together, and then return to its original position. Exercise must be repeated 8 times.
  3. Hand brushes push to shoulders, reconcile elbows on the sides. 6 times clockwise circular movements, and then 6 times, but already counterclockwise.
  4. Try to make rotational circular movements with a straight hand 6 times in one direction, and then 6 times - to another.
  5. Machine moving at once with two hands forward and forth 6 times.
  6. Rotate your brushes, make finger exercises.

If the treatment of plexitis started in a timely manner, the health and functions of the shoulder joint will be able to save. Following the recommendations of the Doctor will help to avoid complications, quickly return to work.

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