First aid for medicinal poisonings


First aid in various situations remain for many
exclusively by luggage theoretical calculations, but always useful to put in this
Luggage is still a little — Suddenly come in handy. Talk about drug poisoning, and that
You can take an ambulance to facilitate the patient's condition
or save him life.


First aid for medicinal poisonings
Medicinal poisoning — state more often called
deliberately, in order of suicidal attempt, but besides this, there are a number
situations where overdose occurs by chance — Wrong destination
physician, insufficient control
Reception of the drug, changing the background state of health, erroneous reception
drug. The listed situations include intoxication by drugs
DiGitalisa with their long-term reception, some antiarrhythmic agents,
mistakes and inaccuracies in the reception of drugs allowed by the elderly due to
problems with vision, memory, manifestations of dementia or age violations
Functions. The second sensitive and dependent contingent are children who, being
left unattended, can access beautiful and funny «candy».
In addition, the necessary dosages may be incorrectly calculated by parents
medicines, or may be abused by the drug, but such cases
rather belong to the casuistic.

To category
medicinal poisonings do not belong, for example, insulin overdose, or
Unconfinal reception of warfarin, leading to bleeding, because here
presented not to the general toxic damaging properties of drugs, but their
Immediate effect. What is the first aid for medicinal poisonings?

Medicinal Poison Help

First I
The most difficult step is to diagnose medicinal poisoning.
Sometimes this fact is obvious — Packaging from drugs next to
victims, presence in the house of potent funds, deterioration of the state
After applying the medication, the development of nausea and vomiting. Also among the symptoms
Lost, weakness, mental changes, hallucinations can be observed,
incredible sleep, expansion or narrowing of pupils, weakening cardiac
activity or oppression of breathing, saliva, hearing and vision, maybe
There is a strange smell of mouth.

medications have specific antidots, but this event is not always available
Even in the hospital.

First aid for medicinal poisonings
first aid for medicinal
poisoning before ambulance should be:

  • Stomach washing (abundant drink and
    Artificial vomiting) Provided that the victim in consciousness. If you call
    vomiting failed to give a large amount of sorbing agent -
    Activated Coal, Enterosgel or Analogues.
  • Not recommended independent
    Application of any additional medicinal substances. An exception — suspicion
    on an allergic reaction, in this case
    can give an antihistamine.
  • With the developed involuntary vomit
    It is necessary to follow the passability of the respiratory tract, to place the head
    victim in such a way that the vomits are not illicated in the respiratory tract.
  • With the loss of consciousness it is necessary
    put the victim on a flat surface on the side, turn your head to the side,
    keep one's breath and heartbeat. If it is impossible to determine the heart
    cuts or respiratory movements, it is necessary to immediately start
    Resuscitation events — Rot-in-mouth breath or mouth-nose, indirect massage
    Hearts with a frequency of clicks on the area of ​​the lower third of the sternum about a hundred per minute.
    Stop resuscitation activities for only a few seconds to
    assess independent heart activities.

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