Pregnancy, fifth month

Half pregnancy passed. Now, in the fifth month of pregnancy, you feel much better than at the beginning of the way. There was a tide of strength, the good mood became your companion, the body got used to its new state and works like a clock. Leather your look beautiful, and face just glows. Believe that it is!

Pregnancy, fifth month
That's Fourth month of pregnancy already behind, but many important events are only ahead. Now, in the fifth month of pregnancy, you feel much better than at the beginning of the way. There was a tide of strength, the good mood became your companion, the body got used to its new state and works like a clock. Leather your look beautiful, and face just glows. Believe that it is!

To this period you have already prepared and a lot know about your child. We hope that all tests are surrendered regularly, and visiting the doctor has become a habit for you.

Fetal development in the fifth month

Fetal development in the fifth month of pregnancy
How does your child look like now? Any pregnant woman is very interested in at least one eye to look at how the fruit is developing, and what is he now. let's «Ploy» In the Holy Saints. Do you know that the hair has already begun on the head of the kid, eyebrows and eyelashes. The hands and legs of your boy or the girls are already developed enough, and it enjoys them very actively. You are increasingly and more often feel movements and weak shoes, and this is in its growth - only 20-25 cm. In the fifth month of pregnancy, a white substance is formed, which protects the skin of the child in the uterus, the so-called original grease, which will become more dense as the baby grows.

Your baby already responds to sounds, informed to him, he hears speech and music. So be careful in choosing what you listen. Not at all for the benefit of the developing organism will have rock and heavy metal. Better listen to melodic and quiet music, classic or natural.

The kid's movements are not so noticeable for a pregnant woman, it's too small yet, but after a few weeks you will fully feel a connection with it and will learn to determine when the child is comfortable, and when something is missing, you will be given signals. If the child is actively moving, then it is necessary to know that it is not charging for the fetus, but an expression of some kind of discomfort. You will signal, which is not enough, for example, oxygen, it's time to walk in the fresh air. Or you are engaged in severe physical labor, in this case it is also not beneficial to the fetus, and it can express his displeasure with additional activity. You just have to pay attention to it and just lie down, how the child will calm down too.

But if you do not feel any movements at all, you can not think that the child is just so calm! This is a serious alarm signal. You must immediately visit the doctor. The child must move! After all, his movements say that he lives and grows.

The fifth month of pregnancy is the period when the child's brain continues to develop, and the endocrine and central nervous system are being formed and laid. At the beginning of the 17th week of pregnancy, the child begins to discover the eyes that will already be fully watching and see. The immune system continues to form, this is a period of formation in the organism of the fruit of interferon and immunoglobulin - substances that help struggle with infections. The spleen is already fully working and produces lymphocytes and monocytes that protect the human body.

Externally, this little man looks not very attractive. His skin has an unusually bright red color, throughout the body of wrinkles, covered with original lubricant. But despite this, he is already infinitely dear to you, and the expectation of his appearance becomes the main thing about your current life. So it should be! Now all your thoughts and actions should be aimed at the kid to be good and comfortable. Its further life and health depends on your behavior.

Woman's feelings on the fifth month of pregnancy

For pregnancy, forget about high heel, and buy shoes to size more
You do not like your reflection in the mirror? There are some brown specks? Do not worry and accept it as due. After childbirth, your appearance will come back and all these «Trouble» disappear by themselves. Everything goes on the laid wise nature plan.

This month of pregnancy begins to increase the chest, and allocations appear - colostrum, the droplets of which must be gratuitous with a sterile napkin. The discharge from the vagina is enhanced, this is due to hormonal changes in the body, there may be pain in the lower back, due to the weakening of the joints of the joints. There may be edema, in connection with which you suddenly notice that the usual shoes become cramped. Change it, buy more. And know that during pregnancy you must forget about high heel, or studs. This shoes are not for you now, let him wait a little.

Toxicosis has already stayed behind and your appetite. But it is also necessary to regulate, you should not recruit more than 0.5 kg per week, so watch the power. Do not use a large number of flour and sweet food, but do not refuse her at all.

In an intimate life, you can unexpectedly feel that it has become much easier to get an orgasm, or vice versa, it has become almost impossible to achieve it. These are also normal changes. Do not worry and should be.

Pregnant behavior

Getting up from the chair or from bed, a pregnant woman should not do it sharply
During pregnancy, you must strictly follow some rules. Do not overcome. Forget about raising weights, if you need to raise something weight exceeding five kilograms, then you need to do it carefully, not a jerk, do not tilt the whole body, and bend your knees, when picked up heavy bags, use the leg muscles, not the loin. Do not wear a bag in one hand, it is better to distribute the load on both hands.

In the morning, getting out of bed, do not do it sharply. First, a sharp tide of blood can even cause a faint condition. Secondly, a sharp rise from the bed enhances the heartbeat, which the baby will tell you, feeling discomfort.

During this period, pregnancy is necessary, if you do not forget about cosmetics, then bring the use of it to a minimum. Forget about hair color and, even more so, do not make various chemical twigs. Nails better not to cover lacquer, let them «breathe», Now there may be increased their literacy, so, washing or my dishes, it is better to use gloves.

Your cardiovascular system is now working in reinforced mode, because it must be supplied with full blood not only your body, but also the child's body. Now the pulse in the pregnant woman will be rapidly. And if before the occurrence of pregnancy, he was with you within 70 beats in minutes, now it can reach 90 blows. Blood volume increased almost half-liters and, in connection with this, blood pressure may increase, which, too, within certain limits, is the norm.

Blood tests show its change. The content of leukocytes increases, but it is also normal. Starting from the fifth month of pregnancy, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood is registered, it is necessary to follow this process in order to take measures in time in case of anemia. This is strictly followed in women's consultations and appoint additional surveys and analyzes. If hemoglobin falls below the required norm, the pregnant women can prescribe special drugs that contain iron. It is necessary during this period of pregnancy to take vitamins, which are also appointed by the doctor.

Work kidney on the fifth month of pregnancy

From the fifth month of pregnancy it is important to monitor the condition of the kidneys
Yours kidney Now - one of the most important organs. After all, precisely thanks to them, from the body is derived from the exhaust metabolic products. Not only yours, but also your child. Any ultrasound will now show how expanded you have a ureter and renal loin. Their expansion occurs due to the hormone progesterone, which is now sharply produced by the kidneys. You can see in this period of pregnancy, that urine outflow decreases and complicated. This is due to the fact that uterus Increased and presses on the bladder, this most disrupts the normal movement of urine.

It is now very important to follow the kidneys, because it is in this month of pregnancy possible complication in the form of a disease of pyelonephritis. Since it is not a complete outflow of urine and stagnation of urine in renal loins, it is quite possible to develop the most different kidney infection. What signs of beginning Pyelonephritis? First of all - frequent urination, and quite often accompanied by painful sensations. Pregnant woman can feel elevated weakness, it is possible to increase the temperature, pain in the lower back increases. In this case, it is necessary not to postpone the visit to the doctor, since the course of the disease can be rapid, which will make not only your health. But, first of all, the health of a not yet born baby, because his unformed completely organism, very wound at this time.

Left less than half ... It will take quite a bit of time and you will feel the warmth of your birthday, taking it to the hands. But for this you need to pass the remaining path. Time does not stand still, and now we are approached To the sixth month of pregnancy. Our site will try to help you with this in the next article. And very much hope that our advice will be good fellow travelers in this beautiful waiting.

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