Rights of the child - human rights


International Children's Day 2012International Children's Day was
established in 1949, at the Congress of the International Democratic Federation
Women in Paris. But for the first time adult duties towards children in
Aged up to 18 years old have been formulated in five items of the Geneva Declaration of Rights
a child adopted in 1924 at the meeting of the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations, where
The main acting person was determined by the child in a wide variety of life
Situations. The main provisions of the Declaration were aimed at combating
using child labor, slavery and trafficking in children, for the proclamation
child rights and protection of his welfare.

Since then, a lot of years has passed, and
All this time, human rights defenders and government figures of many developed countries worked
Above documents that would focus on the rights of small people. First
international document determining the right of a child on «happy childhood»
Stated Konway?National National Rights?X Child adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1989
year. The main task that was put by human rights defenders - to achieve
that the document is ratified by the maximum possible amount
states already by 1996. It made it possible to deal with joint efforts
for preserving the health of children, for the right of a small person to life without a threat
Wars, free from hunger, needs, cruelty, violence and operation. Convention
proclaimed the priority of the interests of children in the implementation of their upbringing and
Education, as well as a significant amount of rights that must be endowed with
child in a democratic society.

From the moment of adoption in the Hague Convention
On the Rights of the Child The Government of Russia, public organizations and many
Famous human rights defenders have worked tirelessly on the implementation of the document. Already in
August 1993 adopted government decree «About implementation
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the World Survival Declaration,
protection and development of children», Created a commission to coordinate the work on the implementation of provisions

International Children's Day 2012This year, the Council of the Federation of the State Duma of Russia for the Day of Children
ratified the Hague Convention «On jurisdiction applicable right,
recognition, execution and cooperation with parental responsibility
and children's protection measures». The need and importance of Russia's accession to
The Convention was considered personally president of the country in.Putin. Accepted
Obligations in resolving disputes between parents in connection with education
common children, in the event of a residence in different states, first of all, guided
provisions of the Convention and take into account the personal interests of the child, but at the same time, in
Questions of the protection of the property of a child in our territory, Russia
reserves the right to exclusive jurisdiction.

To date, the participants of the Hague Convention of the Rights of the Child
are 30 states of the world. Moreover, the possible number of countries is not
is limited to membership in the UN, and therefore there is hope that soon children all
Earth will become the main, inviolable and reliably protected wealth of the planet.

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