Application of cornflowers

To those people who have problems with a bubble bubble and kidneys, not necessarily drink tablet grievors. You can try a natural drug - corn stiffers that have long and successfully used in medical practice.

Drug raw materials get from corn at that time when the trunks of the fish are starting to sink. This usually occurs simultaneously with the maturation of corn.

The collected raw materials are placed in one layer, dried in a dark place. Periodically shake and turn over. After the raw materials will dry, «Hair» acquire the type of thinned fibers confused. Externally, they very much resemble hair beams. Hence the second name of the drug «Corn hair».

Color cornflowers depending on corn varieties can have a pale yellow or reddish tint. Raw materials have a kind of weak smell.

To preserve the workpiece, «hair» put in boxes, the bottom of which are pre-wrapped with paper (you can not use newspapers and magazines).


Corn, corn storks, phytotherapy

In therapeutic purposes, corn snaps are used to stop bleeding, Improve bile outflow, in diseases of gall and blades. In addition, the drug contributes to a bile dilution, reduces the content of bilirubin and helps speed up blood clotting process.

Basically «Corn hair» prescribe people who suffer from inflammation of the gallbladder and paths, heart swelling and Tuberculosis.

In addition, the medicinal plant is recommended for such diseases:


Corn, corn storks, phytotherapy

A few decades ago, doctors believed that corn hairs had a healing effect due to fatty oils. But as it turned out, the content of oils in the preparation is available in small quantities, and the drug force is in flavonids and other substances. Finding inside the organism, they contribute to the expansion of the gallbladder. As a result, the body begins to actively shrink, its rhythmic activity is improved, and the viscosity of the bile produced decreases - it becomes less dense and the level of bilirubin is significantly reduced.

Due to the substance of naphthycinin, the stilts contribute to the stopping of bleeding, and the amount of prothrombin, on the contrary, increases - the blood coaluation process is accelerated.

Medicinal preparations with the content of raw materials contribute to the destruction of stones in blades and gallblades. In addition, the substance contained in the preparation affect the oppression of the center of saturation of the body and reduce appetite. Therefore, cornfits are successfully used to reduce weight and Treatment of obesity.

How to apply

Raw materials can be collected and dried independently or acquire a drug in the pharmacy. Apply the decoction of cornflowers every three or four hours. Dosage - from ten to forty-five milliliters.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take ten grams of raw materials (three big spoons) and put in an enameled pan (do not use aluminum dishes!). Then you need to pour the stigs with hot water and cover the lid. For thirty minutes, the contents need to warm on the water bath, then remove and enable to cool the natural way for ten minutes. Then strain and squeeze the stroke, and the remaining liquid is brewed with boiled water so that the total branch volume was 200 milliliters. Take infusion in warm form, preferably before meals.

For the treatment of liver, urea and gallblades, you can purchase cornflower extract in the pharmacy.


Corn, corn storks, phytotherapy

  1. To get rid of excess weight, MyMedinform.COM recommends cooking a decoction for such a recipe: take a teaspoon of raw materials and fill with hot water (250 milliliters). Boil a minute and leave to appear. Drink three times a day on one third of a glass for twenty minutes before meals. A nutritionist can recommend to take a drug in another dosage - to take four spoons of raw materials on a glass of liquid. In this case, you should listen to your feelings - if there is no allergic reaction to the drug, then the dosage can be increased.
  2. To get rid of stones in the kidneys and remove inflammation, prepare such a decoction: take in equal parts corn «hair», Fasten flaps, Tolkinyanka (leaves). 40 grams of raw materials on a liter of water. Boil the mixture for fifteen minutes. After the filping, it needs to drink during the day, dividing into six receptions. During treatment, stick Vesselovoi and dairy diet, Take warm baths and lay the drill on the stomach into the bladder area or sides (in the kidney region).
  3. In case of liver and kidney diseases, stones, edema and inflammatory processes in the urinary system are prepared by such an infusion: a glass of water takes ten grams of fishing, brewed on a water bath. Take three times a day on the tablespoon. Infusion well relieves unpleasant feeling when Cystitis. Those who have no time to brew and polish corn stilts, can be purchased in a pharmacy liquid extract and take it along forty-fifty drops two or three times a day before meals.
  4. To make it easier for renal sickness and faster to get rid of stones, the infusion is prepared as follows: take a large spoonful of dry raw materials and poured with two glasses of water, boiled for an hour. Then leave to appease until the decoction cools, focusing and take two spoons four times a day.
  5. To improve blood coagulation, remove inflammatory processes in the liver, kidneys and a bustard, it is necessary to take a hundred grams of crushed cornflowers and pour them with a glass of hot water. Nasty leave up to cooling, and then strain and take on a large spoon to eight times a day, every sixty minutes.
  6. If it is necessary to facilitate the state of the patient during hepatitis (stage of remission), then the tablespoon of raw materials is taken and poured with a glass of hot water. The mixture is placed on fire and is brought to a boil. You need to take such infusion on one spoon every three hours.

Doctors note that in most cases the natural medicine is well tolerated. But the individual intolerance to the drug, the appearance Rudeness or rash on the body.

Corn columns can be taken both adults and children from three years.

Store strokes need in a box in a dry place. The shelf life of the drug is two years.

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