Krasnuha in children: symptoms, main forms, treatment


Krasnuha in children: symptoms, main forms, treatment
Rubella refers to a group of childhood diseases, its symptoms: an increase in body temperature, rash and pneuming. The acquired form is characterized by the easiest course among such diseases, but intrauterine infection leads to severe pathologies. With the peculiarities of this disease you can get to know this article.

Zabelha infection

Rubella — This is a viral infectious disease. Children can be infected with air-droplet or during intrauterine development. The acquired form of illness easily flows in children under 6 years. Most often, krasnuha is sick of children from 1 year to 7 years, but can be used at any age, including adult. Children with a congenital form of the disease can allocate a rubella virus with urine and feces within 1.5-2 years.

What does rubella look like in children

Symptoms of disease depend on the method of infection.

Unlike most acquired infections, babies sick rubella are much easier than adults or teenagers. In this case, the symptoms in children are usually poorly pronounced or even absent. Classic signs of rubella:

  • slight inflammation of the oz;
  • runny nose (rhinitis);
  • light conjunctivitis;
  • The temperature is raised slightly or is within the physiological norm;
  • Small red spots on the soft sky and the inner surface of the cheek;
  • Rash appears on the face, but within a few hours it spreads throughout the body. Usually her little. Most often amazes the places of natural folds, buttocks, back. Rumble rash Mainly, spotted, stains do not merge themselves. After 2-3 days, it disappears without leaving pigmentation;
  • The most characteristic sign of rubella is the increase in lymph nodes, especially the occipital and revenue;
  • Teenagers can complain about head and muscle pain.

With a rubella complication in children, children are rare, manifest as arthritis and encephalitis.
An innate form occurs when the virus peals into the body of a developing fetus. The infection of the embryo ends with miscarriage or the birth of a child with a low mass and classic triad symptoms: cataract, deafness, heart defects. Women who did not persecute rubella, before pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to make vaccinations because of serious consequences for the health of the child.The newborn is less likely to diagnose other pathologies: brain underdevelopment, eye (microftralmia), increasing spleen, hepatitis. But many vices are difficult to recognize immediately after birth. They are manifested in a few months. These include, for example, the defeat of tubular bones.

With a congenital form of the disease, rash appears immediately after birth and persists up to 1-2 weeks. On the body kid can be point hemorrhages.

Treatment of rubella

Krasnuha in children: symptoms, main forms, treatment
With the acquired form of rubella, medication is usually not required. During rashes, the child must observe the bed mode, the food must be dietary, and drink — Abyred. To remove pain symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a child rinse the throat of a chamomile chamomile or a similar means. They can also wipe eye when conjunctivitis.

With a congenital rubella in children, treatment is aimed at eliminating the effects of vices.


Vaccinations from rubella children make twice: upon reaching 1 year and in 6-7 years. But many experts tend to believe that it is better to give a crust in preschool age, especially girls. At an early age, rubella is postponed very easily, and immunity remains for life.

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