Pregnancy and childbirth sheet


  • Terms of issuing a sheet of disability for pregnancy and childbirth
  • Features of issuing disability sheet with complicated childbirth
  • Features of issuing a sheet of disability for pregnancy and childbirth

  • Terms of issuing a sheet of disability for pregnancy and childbirth

    For pregnancy and childbirth, a disability leaflet is issued by the doctor an obstetrician-gynecologist, and with its absence - a doctor leading the general reception for the following deadlines:

    • In the absence of complications from 30 weeks of pregnancy, the duration of 140 calendar days (70 days before delivery and 70 days after childbirth)
    • With multiple pregnancy - from 28 weeks of pregnancy for 180 days
    • With complicated childbirth, disability sheet is issued additionally for 16 calendar days. In these cases, the total duration of the prenatal and postpartum vacations is 156 calendar days (70 + 16 + 70)

    Features of issuing disability sheet with complicated childbirth

    Today is under the term «Complicated childbirth» The following states are understood:

    • multiple birth
    • Gifts that were accompanied by or with whom heavier nephropathy (kidney pathology), preeclampsia, eclampsia
    • Births accompanied by the following obstetric operations (cesarean secting and other waters during childbirth, a classic or combined twist of the fetus on the leg, overlaying obstetric forceps, extracting the fetus using a vacuum extractor, ferturing operations, manual sections of the last, manual or instrumental examination of the uterine cavity)
    • Birth, accompanied by a significant loss of blood, caused secondary anemia
    • Births, accompanied by a gap of the cervix III degree, rupture of crottern III degree, divergence of the bottom joint
    • Births complicated by postpartum diseases: endometritis, thrombophlebitis, inflammation of pelvic patch and fiber, sepsis, purulent mastitis
    • Gifts in women suffering from heart disease and vessels
    • childbirth in women suffering from other chronic diseases (for example, chronic pathology of the lungs, amyloidosis, HIV infection, hepatitis)
    • Premature childbirth and childbirth immature fruit, regardless of the term of pregnancy, if the maternity hospital was discharged with a living child (the immaturity of the fetus is determined by the commission of the corresponding act with a record in the history of the development of a newborn)
    • Childbirth in women after vitro fertilization and transfer of the embryo to the uterine cavity (ECOIPE)

    The provision of postpartum leaves additionally for 16 days (at the birth of two or more children - for 40 days) is issued by a female consultation doctor, clinics, a rural medical ambulance on the recommendation of the medical institution in which there was a childbirth. In this case in «exchange map of the maternity hospital, maternity hospital» In chapter «Information of the maternity hospital, the maternity hospital of the hospital about the Pedigree», Paragraph 15 «Special comments» Recorded: «Postpartum vacation 86 (110) days» or «Additional postpartum vacation at 16 (40) days».

    In cases where the woman temporarily left the place of permanent residence during the period of prenatal leave, a disability sheet for an additional period of the postpartum vacation should be issued to a medical institution in which there was a childbirth, regardless of the place of permanent residence of women.

    If complicated childbirth occurred outside the medical institution, when granting postpartum leaves at 86 (110) days, the attending physician may consult with a medical worker who took the childbirth.

    Features of issuing a sheet of disability for pregnancy and childbirth

    Pregnancy and childbirth sheetAt childbirth, there are up to 30 weeks of pregnancy and the birth of a living child, a sheet of disability on pregnancy and childbirth is issued to a medical and prophylactic institution, where they occurred by 156 calendar days, and in the case of the birth of a dead child or his death during the first 7 days after childbirth - 86 calendar days (70 + 16).

    At the occurrence of pregnancy during the period of finding a woman in a partially paid vacation or additional leave without salary care for a child, a disability sheet is issued on the general basis.

    If a pregnant woman registered in a medical institution under pregnancy up to 12 weeks, she is issued a certificate that is applied to a sheet of disability on pregnancy and childbirth and is paid in the amount of 50% of the minimum wage along with a disability leaflet (a lump-sum of the child's birth allowance).

    In the case when a woman for some reason has not used its right to timely decoration of maternity leave or at the occurrence of premature birth, disability leaves for the entire period of maternity leave and childbirth is issued to women's advice or a maternity hospital. At the same time, women's advice and the maternity hospital, a disability sheet is not issued.

    A woman who adopted a newborn baby, a sheet of disability issues a hospital at its place of birth for 70 calendar days from the birth.

    In operation «Embryo subfolder» The sheet of disability is issued by the operating physician for the period from the moment of hospitalization before establishing the fact of pregnancy.

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