Foot cramps

It happens that the legs of the feet of the feet or the tail suddenly suddenly penetrates insufficient pain. I believe that such unpleasant sensations are familiar to many. If convulsions in the legs rarely happen, episodically, it is not particularly worried.

What to do those who have cramps often happen, spontaneously, even at rest - at night? The worlds proposes to talk about the causes of such torment, how to eliminate them and measures to prevent them.

First, I will say that physicians are called involuntary reductions in cross-striped muscles, resulting from the impact of internal or external stimuli, accompanied by strong pain. They are of different etiology, different duration and intensity. Foot cramps are tonic on the duration of spasm, such painful abbreviations last more than three minutes, often repeated. A convulsions may appear at any age, but most of all they torment the elderly and middle-aged people.

Why convulsions arise

Legs, cramps, cramps in the legs, foot exercises, leg care

Reasons here can be a lot. Let's look through the mains.

  1. The most serious reasons may be diabetes, hidden inflammatory processes and injuries, neurological diseases, thyroid damage or parathyroid glands and other pathologies. If there are the slightest suspicions of the listed diseases, it will be necessary to undergo a survey in such specialists like a neurologist, an endocrinologist, phlebologist. If you treat the core of the main disease, then soon convulsions disappear.
  2. The deficiency of some minerals in the body: magnesium (taking an active part in the transmission of muscle cells of nerve impulses), calcium (it is a physiological companion and partner when working magnesium).
  3. Lack of vitamin D required for good absorption of magnesium and calcium.
  4. Provoke night crashes phlebeurysm, flatfoot, Excessive legs on the feet during the day, for example, during intensive country work. As well as stress, long-term excessive tension of muscles - it most often happens at the athletes.
  5. Osteochondrosis The spine - with this disease, squeezing the nerve fibers overlooking the spine, innervation is disturbed, which leads to pain.
  6. Finding in a stuffy room, overwork.
  7. Local hypoxia - insufficient oxygen flow to limb tissues.
  8. Prolonged stay in cold water, hypothermia.
  9. Small glucose content in blood, overdose of sugar drugs in individuals suffering diabetes.
  10. Hereditary predisposition.

Legs, cramps, cramps in the legs, foot exercises, leg care

Buy only comfortable shoes.

Try to avoid constant and long legs on your feet.

Refuse smoking, reduce coffee consumption, replacing it with a drink from chicory, toopinambura or delicious and useful cocoa.

Buy in the pharmacy bottle glycerin, apply a few droplets to your feet before bedtime and lighten the glycerin, and then go to bed. Convulsions will not disturb you at night, and the skin will be soft and tender.

Before bed, make a relaxing foot massage and exercises. Remember that in varicose veins of the veins massage can not be done. Massage can be done with oil sandalwood, chamomile or ginger.

Regularly do foot contrast baths.

The evening medical baths for legs are well helped with the addition of plants and decoctions of plants having an anticonvulsant and relaxing effect (peppermint mint, Valerian, Horsethe, Cleaner, Chamomile). You can add sea (or ordinary) salt into warm water.

Go to bed in the socks of sheep, dog or camel wool.

Prepare the ointment, if you constantly suffer from convulsion. It consists of a teaspoon of olive oil and two teaspoons of mustard powder. Mass shift into the jar and lubricate her muscles reduced by convulsion.

Many my patients helped such a way to get rid of for a long time from convulsion. Within two weeks, it is necessary to lubricate the feet before bedtime (or other places where convulsions appear) with fresh lemon juice. Wait until the juice dry, then put on the light socks from natural fabrics and go to bed. The procedure can be done in the morning, if there is such an opportunity.

But another effective recipe. It is necessary to stock husk for him to be. Handful of husks (teaspoon) wash, put in a glass and fill 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the cover, after 20 minutes the drug is ready. His drink before bedtime, then cramps at night you will not go.

Drink products rich in minerals, vitamins, especially magnesium, calcium.

We replenish the deficit of minerals and vitamins

Legs, cramps, cramps in the legs, foot exercises, leg care

If convulsions are finite often, then review your diet, eat a white cabbage in the form of salads, chick, drink infusion from Ivan tea.

Magnesium rich: Crupes, legumes, wheat bran, dill, parsley, sea cabbage, spinach, celery, green onions, vegetables, fruits, kuraga, figs, dates, prunes.

Pyridoxine is promoted better absorption (this is vitamin B6). It is largely contained in buckwheat, peanuts, walnuts, bananas, beef liver, meat, fish.

Calcium are rich: cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products, milk, cabbage, sesame seed, almond, turnip, lentils. In order to keep calcium in the body, every day drink on a glass of warm water, adding a tea spoon with a natural honey, apple vinegar of homemade or lemon juice to it.

Vitamin D a lot in the liver cod, fatty fish, egg yolk, dairy products. In addition, walk in the fresh air, because when exposed to the skin of ultraviolet rays, it produces its own vitamin D. How do you remember this vitamin helps calcium digest.

If the doctor considers it necessary, then it will recommend purchasing drugs containing minerals in a pharmacy.

Scientists found that after six o'clock in the evening, magnesium is worse away from the digestive tract. Magnesium is absorbed better from those people who lead an active lifestyle, do exercise. But calcium and vitamin D take the evening or before bedtime, then their assimilation and laying in needy tissues increases.

Help exercises

Legs, cramps, cramps in the legs, foot exercises, leg care

In the morning, make these light and useful exercises:

  1. In the standing position put the legs of the letter «V», Feeling on their external sides for ten seconds. Then stand up on the whole foot. Moves repeat several times.
  2. Rover sharply on the socks, tearing off the floor heel. Hold in this position for a few seconds and then quickly go down to the entire foot. Five repetitions enough.
  3. Sit, attract the fingers to the foot, that is, bend your fingers for 10 seconds, then straighten them for ten seconds. 10 repetitions are enough.

Of course, such gymnastics should be done by barefoot. Very well warn convulsions jogging.

But these exercises must be performed in the evening to remove the stress in the muscles accumulated for labor day, restore the normal blood supply to the limbs.

  1. Sit on the chair and rotate the feet first clockwise, and then - in another direction.
  2. Bend your fingers, then break them sharply, and after actively stir them.
  3. Sitting cross the legs - then put them on the socks, then on the heels.
  4. Sitting pulling down the legs, and the socks pull so that a straight line formed, then pull the socks to yourself, that is, pull the foot on yourself. Alternate traffic.
  5. Ten slow steps on the same place, while when you raise your leg, then smoothly pull down my stop.

When convulsions are repositted at night, then it's hard to sleep. Try to warn such painful sensations by fulfilling uncomplicated recommendations, data in the article.

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