Psychosomatics: Recognize and cure

«All nerves sores!» - loves to say the older generation, and in something our grandparents, undoubtedly right. The nervous system is sensitive to the slightest «Zigzagi» our mood: letters, for example, by body shivering resentment when we are angry or makes the skin covered with goosebumps, if a person is pleasantly excited. Maybe, right, it makes sense «Came nerves», Before healing

When the soul and body sick together

Diseases, Neurology, Psychology, Psychosomatics

Psychosomatics - general for medicine and psychology topic, which explores the influence of mental factors on the emergence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases. Under a psychosomatic ailment, a reaction to emotional stress, accompanied by both functional and morphological (external) changes in organs and tissues of various organism systems. About 45% of people who turn to doctors with those or other complaints relate to the discharge of psychosomatic patients, approves.

For the first time the term «psychosomatics» He sounded from the mouth of the German psychiatrist Johann Heinrot in 1818. He argued that such terrible diseases like tuberculosis, cancer and epilepsy «born» In the human body from no less terrible emotional states - malice, loneliness, shame and sexual impotence.

The founder of the modern psychosomatic theory became known to many Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. His work on the so-called conversion, dated 1885, claims that it is the psychological conflict that is not the permissions, forcing a person to root - by paralysis, deafness, blindness, convulsions, disruption of coordination of movements, violation of a swallowing act. By conflict, the instincts unacceptable by the Company (aggression, open manifestation of sexuality) and cultural prohibitions, imposing tababoo on the release of emotions and provoking the emergence of psychological injury. Want you, for example, «»Note on a hat» eternally dissatisfied with your work chief, expressing him with three boxes. So no, it is not unforgettable, but what about subordination and professional ethics? Your desire is so crowded, which is suppressed by the subconscious before the consciousness will have time to process this emotional outbreak.

Signals from the brain instead of incarnation in actions, are transferred to somatic systems, leading to changes in their organs. For example, psychosomatic violations of vision and hearing reflect the inner refusal to see and hear anything, and a constant unrealized desire to hit someone will be painful in hand. Modern practices rarely interpret the connection of the external disease with an internal conflict so symbolic, but such cases have the place to be. They are confirmed by diseases of people with limited imagination, the feelings of which are not expressed in words, but actions.

Further - more interesting. When a problem from psychological turns into a real disease, the emotional struggle of neurons is recessious. We get a very specific disease that can be diagnosed and treated. And not here was! Internal conflict so remained open, just moved to the shadow for a while. And therefore, the real disease generated by him even with a complete complex treatment sooner or later will acquire a chronic form.

Where is thin - necessarily breaks!

Diseases, Neurology, Psychology, Psychosomatics

As «bell» On the psychological conflict, somatic disease can be considered from various positions. Let us give a few examples.

Disease as a basis of benefits. In this case, the disease does not solve the psychological problem, it only allows you to overlook the discomfort. Someone with the help of the disease seeks to attract attention, and for some illness becomes a wonderful reason to move a difficult conversation or an undesirable meeting.

Disease as a warning. The disease based on subconscious memory can signal that a certain situation can become potentially dangerous. For example, a small child scared a black dog. The child grew up and safely forgot about this incident. And suddenly he begins to suffer from a rapid headache. Its source is a friendly black puppy, a pet, whom man himself bought. And although the dog may not come any threat, the subconscious mind is alarming.

Disease as refund. If you can not satisfy the need for a psychological plan, then you can do it using the body, «Used» disease that is suitable for purpose. For example, excessive deposition of adipose tissue indicates the desire to be protected, creating a kind of shield, and an increased sweating indicates that a person does not know how to cry, counting tears with something shameful.

Disease as installation. In the 30s of the last century, some hypnotists gained fame due to the most interesting trick in terms of psychosomatics - they «inspired» man burning burn either. Before the hypnotized experimental was touched by a cold coin, assuring that she was cut or what it was a hammer. Under the coin there was a burn or hematoma, respectively. If the man of thought can control the physiological reactions to the source of irritation, based on the subjective presentation of their nature, it can be assumed that the reason for many ailments is the program created by us - our often incorrect views on, «how can it be».

For the disease you need to see a person

Diseases, Neurology, Psychology, Psychosomatics

Quite by the way our site remembered Plato, who claimed that the whole could not be healthy if some part it hurts. Psychosomatic approach is justified only when the disease is considered not «in the context» of this patient, and with it.

On the one hand, medicine has long been convinced of the fact that physiology is inseparable with psychology, and the peculiarities of the nervous perception of a particular person provoke the appearance of specific diseases. On the other hand, this area has not yet been studied that it has no right to qualify for the title of independent industry. And among the doctors, you can meet the cardinal opposite opinions: some do not give due attention to the concept of psychosomatics, considering it in fiction, others are inclined to relate to the discharge of psychosomatic diseases, except for venereal.

Believe it or not, the fact remains a fact: the psychosomatic disease is successfully cured only when the body and soul get the body. Consequently, in addition to traditional treatment, it will not be superfluous to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. And what tactics to choose, be it hypnosis, psychoanalysis or meeting with a group of support, to solve you.

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