Mineral wool is one of the most harmful building materials, inferior in danger to health except asbestos. In a number of developed countries, in particular, in Germany, many types of mineral fibers are prohibited, in countries «Third World» Consisting as safe. Studies of the International Cancer Study Agency (Mair) confirm that fiber dust can provoke malignant neoplasms.

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The composition of its fibers includes carcinogenic components, and the binding material is phenol formaldehyde or
Melamine-formaldehyde resin, emitting such high-phase substances such as phenol and formaldehyde - essentially poisons for the human body.
The head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko, commenting on the security of insulation of mineral wool insulation, recently noted: «A man moves to a new apartment, he has headaches, jumps pressure, he cannot be a place to find. When we start checking, in the finishing materials we find many violations of technology – Allocation of the same formaldehydes. It comes to the point that we give prescription everything and rework. But this is when a person complained. And most do not complain».
Back in December 1997, the European Union was published a directive classifying various varieties of mineral wool according to the degree of danger. According to this directive, the mineral wool was viewed as an irritant (irritat); KO 2 (potentially dangerous) or 3 (insufficient data for reliable estimation) of a group of carcinogenic hazard; it was treated depending on the content of alkaline and alkaline earth metal oxides and the size of the fibers.
The fact is that the strong threat of Minvata is boring organs: dust of mineral fibers, falling into the lungs and lingering there, can cause oncological diseases and the degree of risk just depends on the size and shape of the fibers. The greatest danger has particles with a thickness of less than 3 and more than 5 microns. By the way, this applies not only to minvats, but also asbestos fiber, to a lesser extent fiberglass – Sources of fine dust dust falling into the respiratory tract and not pushing back the streams of exhaled air. «The smaller the dust particles, the higher its allergenicity and the possibility of penetration into the respiratory authorities. Special allergenic activity has small dust, t.E. consisting of the smallest microscopic
Particles», - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Allergist immunologist, Chief Medical Center «Medstyle effect» Nadezhda Logina. – «Including dust in mind, the source of which can be, for example, asbestos and mineral wool, which are widely used in Russia as construction and insulation materials».
Studies of the International Cancer Study Agency (Mair) confirm that fiber dust can provoke malignant neoplasms. In the US and Europe, mortality among employees producing fiberglass and mineral wool has been studied. A significant part of them died from lung cancer.
Mechanism for the development of risk diseases from minvati Next. In a number of developed countries, in particular, in Germany, many types of mineral fibers are prohibited, in countries «Third World» Consisting as safe.
Phenol, which minvata carries on its fibers, quickly absorbed into even intact areas of human body skin. Almost immediately after entering the body, it begins to affect the brain and is able to cause short-term arousal and paralysis of the respiratory center. Even small fractions of phenol cause cough people, headache, nausea, decay. And more serious poisoning can cause fainting, the insensitivity of the cornea, cramps, oncological diseases. «In small doses, a very toxic phenol is contained in some drugs, even in green tea and cosmetics. But with long-term exposure, he
accumulates in the body and can lead to the smallest consequences. When was built «phenolic» At home, it was expected that the next generation would live with communism in new homes, in fact, many people still live in a housing dwelling, including in Moscow», - Announced Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Gynecologist, Reproductive Health Specialist, Leading Researcher of the Central Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeny Zharov. – «Phenols, dirt, dust cause a blow to the microecology of the human body, destroying useful microorganisms. Biocenosis is violated, as a result, numerous inflammatory processes arise. Moreover, these smallest particles can be absorbed not only through the respiratory tract, mucous membrane, but through the skin».
In addition, the Minvat allocates 0.02 mg of formaldehyde per square meter of its surface per hour. A lot of it or little? If we take into account the fact that in the residential room there are quite a lot of other sources of this high-tech substance (chipboard, plywood and others.), as well as the flow of it from outdoor air, extremely permissible concentration (0.05 mg / m³) formaldehyde is exceeded several times!
Gennady Onishchenko stressed that if the elementary technology is disturbed in the manufacture of mineral wool and the regulations for construction are violated, the use of such materials can lead to very serious health consequences. At the same time, no control over the products in the construction markets today is not, acknowledged an official. Therefore, the risks associated with the purchase of Minvati are increasing.
Experts of the construction industry confirm the concerns of Onishchenko. «Today the glass gamble is replaced by a mineral wool, but the effect of the same. These materials can not be applied because they are carcinogenic! Dust from Minvati, if it is often breathed, causes cancer in human body and other diseases. In addition, the Minvata highlights phenol: phenolic resins are used in it, as in chipboard. Today, no one watches. And carcinogenic mineral wool is widely used in the construction of housing and offices», - Posted by Deputy General Director of the Company «Eurostroy» Alexey Strakhov.
Environmentalists joined the position of doctors. «Phenols and formaldehydes are strongest carcinogens causing malignant neoplasms and tumors, - said OEO Executive Director «Green wave» Sergey Avdeev». Environmental activists have already stated their intention to hold a number of quality inspections of mineral wool, which is used in overprotement of residential and office buildings in Moscow.