Women's happiness in folk signs


  • Signs for love and marriage
  • Signs for pregnancy
  • Family prosperity

  • Women's happiness in folk signsWhat it is — Present women's happiness? According to the results of a sociological survey in large Russian cities it turned out that everything is simple. Secrets of women's happiness lie in the family. Favorite man, wedding, children, comfort and prosperity in the house, and with time and grandchildren... How to predict this is the most female happiness? People's memory retained signs, prompting how not to miss their favorable fate.

    Signs for love and marriage

    • Get hibiscus at home. This rose, if it is careful to care for her, bright love to a woman to a woman.
    • Found houses of the ring (long lost) suggests that big love is already on the threshold.
    • If, going to the first date, you accidentally stumbled in a flat place, it means that your relationship is destined to be a happy future.
    • Meet and kissing when meeting should only be on a flat surface. Stairs promise failure in relationships.
    • Avoid knitting your beloved things before the wedding, otherwise the chance is that he will go to another.
    • True women's happiness is unthinkable without loyalty to the spouse. In order for the marriage to be strong to save the family from the change, in front of the church or the registry office with the bride with the bride should bring each other vows loyalty at the river, spring or well. It is believed that the oath spoken over water, — The most durable.
    • The bride should cry before marriage registration — then she and her husband will be very happy life.
    • Marriage will be long and happy if the time of marriage is scheduled for the afternoon hour.

    Signs for pregnancy

    • At that moment, when the desire to give birth to a child, a woman needs to buy a small children's thing. She will help the child faster to come to the world.
    • If it is impossible to conceive a child, you need to visit the places of power: the places are saints and energetically enriched. First of all, these are monasteries, holy sources and mountains.
    • In the house, let the ficus grow: he lies the conception.
    • Among the secrets of female happiness are important those associated with someone who has come to be pregnant. For example, measure the things of a pregnant woman, drink water from her glan, sit where she heated a sofa or a chair with her body.
    • The signal that has come time to conceive — Unexpectedly a rapid growth and bloom of many indoor plants.
    • Note about kitten. Bedroom shelter, you love your desired pregnancy. One «but»: Kitten must find you myself, when you think about this take.
    • Faithful pregnancy signs — Dreams about children, fishing fish received as a gift jewelry and milk.
    • To quickly conceive a child, you need to invite a pregnant woman. To enhance the effect of the bride on the wedding day, hold on the knees of the baby.

    Family prosperity

    • Husband and wife must wipe the face with different towels — then there will be no quarrel.
    • The baptismal clothes of the firstborn need to dry and, in no case is it not washing, hide in a secret place. All subsequent children should be baptized only in the same shirt — Then the family will be in the family and happiness, and children will always live easily and freely.
    • Get home Spatifylum. This plant is no coincidence in the people name «woman's happiness». The first sign that in the family is not everything smoothly, there will be poor well-being of the leaves (of course, if the flower is correct to care).
    • Put at home on the shelf the figure of kissing birds — Cranes or Golubkov. This talisman will bring you a strong marriage, loyalty and love.

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