How to improve blood circulation

Blood circulation disorder in the human body is fraught with the emergence of many serious diseases. First of all suffers from the brain, then the cardiovascular system and gradually the problem covers all human bodies. Therefore, in order to protect yourself, you need to know how to improve blood circulation.

Causes of circulatory disorders

hemoglobin, blood circulation, blood, vessels, thrombus

The blood circulation in the human body can be disturbed as a result of a failure in the work of any organ, since blood enters each cell of our body. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to determine what it was the impetus for the development of the disease. But you can still distinguish a number of the most common causes:

  • bad habits;
  • diabetes;
  • Elderly age (after 70 years, problems with the arteries are found at one of three people);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • high level of cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine;
  • excess body weight (from 30% higher than the norm);
  • atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, Ischemic heart disease - Causes of circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • thrombosis, stenosis of the artery, phlebeurysm - Causes of circulatory disorders in the lower limbs.

Symptoms of circulatory disorders

hemoglobin, blood circulation, blood, vessels, thrombus

To each person who has a circulatory disorder, is needed in the treatment of an individual approach. But nevertheless, doctors identify some recommendations that will be useful to all people not only with an obvious problem, but also for the prevention of the disease:

  1. Physical exertion daily. Without them, it is impossible to establish normal blood circulation. If you do not have the opportunity to practice in the gym, then there is always a way out - this is a regular walking. If you spend the walk just half an hour per day, you can forget about this problem. Also well improves blood circulation swimming, besides, it strengthens the entire human body. It is advisable to go to the pool twice a week and swim at least 45 minutes. Do not forget about charging, which is advisable to do daily after sleep.
  2. Healthy lifestyle. Excessive taking alcohol, smoking and overeating negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular system. Doctors recommend to consume only healthy food and do not overeat. It is advisable to eliminate fat writing, baking, canned food, strong tea and coffee. Present preference with meat, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables.
  3. Cold and hot shower. The procedure is best starting with hot water, then, well breaking the skin, you need to be confused with a washcloth, then turn on cool water. It is not necessary from the first time of taking a contrasting shower to sharply switch water with hot on the cold, the body should get used to. The contrasting shower can be replaced by water procedures in the bath and sauna.
  4. Deep sleep. You need to sleep at least six hours, only in this case can be helped in the work of your blood system. In addition to her, you will be grateful and hair, skin, muscles and all internal organs, which as a complex mechanism are connected with each other.

Exercises for blood circulation

hemoglobin, blood circulation, blood, vessels, thrombus

One of the easiest and most affordable ways forcing the blood running on the veins faster, exercise remain. They can be done even without departing from their workplace.

  1. Source: Sitting on a chair:
    • slowly lift one leg and rotate the stop first clockwise, and then counterclockwise. Lower the foot and repeat the exercise for another;
    • Strain both legs as if you want to wipe two holes in the floor, while the legs themselves are involuntarily rummaged on socks;
    • Next, squeeze your fingers, as if you want to raise with a pencil with fingers;
    • Raise the feet so that the legs were in a horizontal position relative to the floor, shake up and down.
  2. Exercises for those who spend most of the day standing on the legs:
    • Climb in turn on socks, exercise repeat 20 times for each foot;
    • To reduce the heels and socks, thus stretching the external and inner edge of the feet;
    • Stand smoothly, hands along the body, reach the top to the ceiling, feel like you straightened the seventh vertebra. Look at the palm, if they blushed, it means that the exercise was successful.
  3. Exercises that do lying:
    • Raise both legs at right angles and smoothly pull the socks on yourself until you feel pain in caviar;
    • Two straight legs in the air email your name;
    • Make an exercise «scissors» and «bicycle», «Birch».

    All exercises need to be performed very slowly, if you doubt your abilities, then ask someone to inspire. And after charging, it is advisable to take a contrast shower.

Treatment of circulatory problems

hemoglobin, blood circulation, blood, vessels, thrombus

After passing the diagnosis, the doctor will determine the degree of the disease and prescribe drugs. Most often it is:

  • Eskusan, which is prescribed in disruption of venous blood circulation;
  • Vezenza is a complex homeopathic agent;
  • Askorutin - Vitamins;
  • Preparations that slow down blood coagulation and expand vessels.

You can cook tea that will improve the operation of the circulatory system. In principle, for these purposes any natural green tea is suitable, but if you cook the drink from medicinal herbs, the effect will be much more. So, for the preparation of healing tea, you need to take 20 grams of leaves and flowers of hawthorn, raspberry leaves, rosemary, overhead part of the mother-in-law, calendula flowers, rosehip fruits and orange peel. Brew boiling water, insist 10 minutes and you can drink three times a day between meals. Do not need to add sugar. Due to the fact that the drink contains rosemary, it is impossible to use pregnant women.

Despite the fact that the doctors do not recommend coffee with the problems of the circulatory system, but here is black chocolate with a large cocoa content prescribe. It affects the production of hormones that are responsible for the good mood and the fight against stress. Try to eat more correctly and fully, because the fact that man eats depends on how he feels.

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