History of creation
It all started in the distant seventies of the last century. Then, before dozens of research institutes, our big country was tasked: create a new antiseptic for orbital stations. Cosmonauts were concerned from the first flights such as such a problem as «flourishing» Colonies of microbes in the cabins of ships. Forces of existing drugs with rapidly multiplying microscopic «aliens from the land» Under the conditions of weightless, it was not possible to cope. It was required to create such a means that would destroy all the pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi. And for people, this tool had to be completely safe. As a candidate for the title «cosmic miracle» was declared and filed on numerous studies «Bh-14», which has already been called later «Miramistin». In addition, in those years, the Ministry of Health was looking for a good prophylactic agent for sailors of the merchant fleet of our country. The developers of the future Miramistina managed to prove that the drug shows effectiveness against all diseases known at that time, capable of sexually transmitted. 10 years of agent was subjected to various clinical trials in humans, and in 1991 there was already registration as a medicine. Creators of Mirismine and Company «Infamed» I had to go through many problems and difficulties characteristic of Russian business. It is planned to bring Miramistina to the world market. Like this «Cosmic drug» continues to benefit earthlings.
Properties Miramistina

The Russian antiseptic Miramistin is produced in the form of an aqueous solution (50, 100, 200 and 150 ml), which is a transparent, colorless liquid, which is foaming when the bottle shake shakes. Another drug is produced in the form of spray and ointment.
The proven bactericidal effect of the drug on various bacteria (gram-negative, gram-positive, aerobic, anaerobic). Moreover, they can be represented both monocultures and integer microbial associations. Miramistin protects against streptococci, Staphilococci, Treplem, Chlamydia, trichomoniasis pathogens, Gonorona, Syphilisa, Human immunodeficiency virus and Herpes.
There are medicines and antifungal effects against ascomitsets, candidis, yeast and yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes.
Miramistin is able to destroy, fragment the outer cell membrane of the microbes, after which they, having lost their integrity, die. Among the advantages, the following positive qualities of Mirismine can be distinguished:
- Very extensive range of applications;
- High antimicrobial activity, the drug is immediately destructive on viruses, mushrooms, bacteria simplest;
- has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- actively stimulates local immune reactions in the sections of the application;
- reduces the stability of harmful microbes to Antibiotics;
- Warns the infection of burn surfaces and wounds;
- enhances regeneration, wound healing, improves the adhesion of transplanted skin;
- accelerates the recovery of patients, reduces the number of postoperative complications;
- Does not damage viable tissues, does not prevent epithelization processes, that is, healing;
- 100 times reduces HIV activity;
- increases the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis;
- Exhibits detergents, it is very important when conducting preventive measures;
- It does not cause allergies and irritation on the skin, since it does not have any preservatives, dyes in its composition;
- It is convenient and easy to use;
- You can buy in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
Areas of use
- Dermatology - Prevention and treatment of piedermies, candidiasis, dermatomycosis, trophic ulcers of limbs, laying down.
- Cosmetology - Complex preparation for acne.
- Otorinolaryngology - a comprehensive approach to the treatment of tonsillitis, Larygitov, Gaymorites, Otitov.
- Dentistry - warning and treatment of gingivitis, Stomatitov, periodontitis, periodontitis, for processing removable prostheses.
- Surgery and traumatology - with the aim of preventing suppurations, for the treatment of different purulent wound surfaces, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by the release of pus.
- Combistiology, dealing with burns (surface or deep), preparation of a wound zone to skin transplantation.
- Gynecology and obstetrics - for the prevention and treatment of suppuration due to postpartum injuries, infections after delivery - on the crotch area, in the vagina; with endometritis, vulvivaginate.
- Urology - Ureterites, Urethroprostatites.
- For individual prevention of diseases that are transmitted during sexual contacts (gonorrhea, syphilis, Trichomoniaz, Genital candidiasis or herpes).
Methods of application

Medicine is immediately ready for use, it is not required to breed it. Usually, the bottles containing 200 and 150 ml of solution are attached. Then you first need to remove the cap from the bottle. Pull out the spray gun from the package and attach it to the bottle. The nozzle is activated when pressed.
Mirismine can be handled 2-3 times a day wound, burns, abrasions. With other skin lesions, it is shown to make a bummer. For this, the solution is wetted with a sterile napkin or impose on the damaged areas an occlusive bandage.
Rinsing with this solution are prescribed for tonsillites, ORVI from 4 to 6 times a day. 10-15 ml is molded for each rinse. The same drug is taken to rinse the oral cavity in dentistry.
Otitis should be introduced 2 ml of solution in a sick hearing pass.
With echoes every night after washing, cosmetologists advise to carry out deep cleaning of problem areas by Mirismine. Also for 5 minutes on these areas impose special cotton discs, moistened in the milmistine solution. Remember that acne treatment requires a comprehensive approach.
If you feel that on the skin or mucous, here is about «pop up» Herpes, then put for 15 minutes on the estimated place to half a cotton disk, which first moaming the Mirismine. Repeat such applications every 3 hours. If herpes is already in all «raging», then appliques for the sore place superimpose 4 times a day for 3 minutes.
For the treatment of urological infections, the agent is introduced 2-5 ml in the urethra three times a day. In gynecological practice, women are recommended for inflammatory processes to enter into the vagina moistened in the solution intravaginal tampons. If the prophylaxis of venereological diseases is required to be prevented, then a man must treat his external genital organs to Mirismine and introduce 1 ml in urethra. Women after what happened unprotected sexual intercourse, in addition to irrigations of the genital organs, do the dysfunction of the vagina, taking 5-10 ml of solution. Our site warns that the drug is effective only within two hours after the intercourse has occurred. It should also be delayed urination after such a procedure for 2 hours.
If you have an ointment, then it can be applied to wounds, burns, and then apply a sterile bandage. In deep infections, it is allowed to combine this tool with Antibiotics.
In the case of dermatomycosis, the ointment is desirable to combine with antifungal drugs, the treatment continues from 5 to 7 weeks.
Spray is effective when starting signs Colds, For example, when flying in the throat, nasal moves. So as not to get sick Influenza, You can handle once a day the mucous membranes of the mouth.
There is a side effect?
Sometimes patients report that after applying medication, they have a burning sensation in these areas. Soon it passes. Therefore, cancel the drug in such cases is not worth. If a person has any other skin reactions, it can talk about the intolerance to the drug, then this medicine is inappropriate.
Miramistin - one of the antiseptics of a new generation, not having a specific smell and taste, which can be used to basically even children. It will help you at the right moment to protect yourself and loved ones from infections and inflammation.