Treatment of homeopathy

Often, desperate in the possibilities of traditional medicine, people turn to alternative treatment methods. One of them includes homeopathy. Our site talks about the essence of homeopathy, the specifics of the treatment and principles of choosing a homeopathist.

Often, desperate in the possibilities of traditional medicine, people turn to alternative treatment methods. One of them includes homeopathy. Our site talks about the essence of homeopathy, the specifics of the treatment and principles of choosing a homeopathist.

What is homeopathy

Treatment of homeopathy
The main principle of homeopathy was formulated over 2,000 years ago by Hippocratic. It sounds like this principle: «Such is treated like». As you understand, it is the complete opposite of classical medicine, which Headache Lechit spasmodics, and temperature - antipyretic.

As a method, homeopathy developed the German doctor Gannamean. He did it in a period of terrible epidemics, and with the help of homeopathic preparations reduced the mortality rate from 80% to 16%. While official medicine was not able to achieve even the slightest results.

Homeopathy - a fairly common method of treatment. And, despite the fact that many do not recognize it, in Russia it is already recognized as the traditional method of treatment. In the US, there are already homeopathic clinics for more than a hundred years. Many people have healed due to homeopathic drugs. Homeopathy is often confused with phytotherapy, believing that only plant hoods are used in the treatment. No! The basis of most drugs are really plant components. But along with them, almost all elements of the Mendeleev table, minerals and even poisons use. As you understand, the uncontrolled use of such drugs may have the most sad outcome. But under the supervision of professional homeopathic preparations harmless and highly efficient.

«Per» and «against»

& laquo; for & raquo; and & laquo; against & raquo; Homeopathy
Against homeopathy, however, as in its support, a mass of scientific works are written. Classical medicine categorically denies the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment. But the facts speak for themselves.

Pluses of homeopathy.
Since homeopathy is based on the method of multiple dilution (the meager fraction of the active substance is divorced by water), homeopathic preparations are not accumulated in the body, do not cause allergic reactions, practically does not cause side effects (by the way in medication, such effects are listed in tens). Based on this, homeopathy is suitable (and only possible) for the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mothers, people of old age, ideal when treating children. Homeopathic preparations have a soft effect, very effective (in sharp cases, the effect is noticeable after 10 minutes), combined with drug drugs.

Of course, if you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, no homeopath will advise sharply go to homeopathic treatment, completely refusing medicines. That «neighborhood» I am glad and those who still doubt the effectiveness of homeopathy.

Cons of homeopathy.
The minuses include expensive services of a homeopathist. As a rule, a good doctor should have many years of practice by the shoulders, and it is expensive. But if you consider low, as a rule, the price of homeopathic preparations, then the cost of treatment at homeopath does not come in comparison with spending on traditional, medication treatment. Another minus is the importance of timely and proper appointment of a particular drug. We want to warn the readers our site that self-examination in this case is absolutely unacceptable! And one more disadvantage - homeopathy does not treat serious pathology of bodies. That is, if you, for example, peritonitis, homeopathy will not replace the operation!

Specificity of treatment

Treatment of homeopathy
As mentioned above, homeopathy is based on principle «Such is treated like». But there is one more radical difference from traditional medicine - while with ordinary treatment, the patient is given the maximum doses of the active substance, homeopathy uses the minimum. At the same time, the degree of breeding of the active substance plays a small role. The stronger the substance is diluted with water, the greater the effect it gives. Moreover, the degree of breeding affects the susceptibility of a particular person. There are people who perceive all Diseases At the emotional level, they have a story about the flow of illness accompanied by epithets and metaphors, they may even draw a scheme for which one symptom is replaced by another. And others all their problem can be described in two words. For example, «I have a stomachache». And for the first, and for the second there are their own, absolutely different rules of breeding. Therefore, one of the main principles of homeopathic treatment is purely individual, careful selection of drugs.

Homeopathy is not compatible with such procedures as acupuncture, physiotherapy, any manual interventions. If you plan to use similar treatment methods, be sure to inform your homeopath!

It must be said that the mechanism of impact of homeopathic drugs on the body is studied by scientists long ago. It turns out that homeopathy is fighting not with the disease itself, but increases the vitality of the body. How? Since childhood, we know about living water. Only now it becomes clear that it is not a fairy tale. Water has a kind of memory and is able to adopt the information that the substance carries dissolved. And how it is not strange for many sounds, it works!

My aunt is 10 years old tormented by migraine. And when even potent spasmodics stopped removing pain, she turned to homeopath. Treatment lasted long, but after a couple of weeks she noticed explicit improvements. As the doctor found out, the cause of migraine was fright and head injury (ten years ago aunt got into an accident on his car). And the most interesting thing is that a woman did not believe any special hopes for healing because he didn't believe it initially (to the doctor convinced her to go to her daughter).

And it is also noticed that the year of illness with homeopathy is treated within a month. That is, if you are supporting 3 years, then for complete cure, subject to the right choice of the drug, it will be necessary for 3 months.

By the way, homeopathic drugs are not tested on animals (as drug), but on healthy people, without harm to the health of the latter! So it is possible to maximally establish the effectiveness of this or that drug.

A lot was written that homeopathy works on suggestion, that is, there is a placebo effect. It's root not right. After all, breast kids, people who are in coma, and even animals with suggestion, as you understand, do not succumb. But they recover!

The unusual process of receiving homeopathic preparations can be attributed to the specifics of treatment. If the usual tablet, we most often drink during meals, drinking with plenty of water, then the homeopathic granule is dissolved in the mouth, without drinking water at all. At the same time, taking these granules should be 30-40 minutes before or 30-40 minutes after eating. By the way, at the time of treatment you will have to forget about coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, as well as about spices. For each drug may need a special diet, a doctor will tell you about it.

What treats homeopathy

Treatment of homeopathy
Yes, almost everyone! These are migraines, violations of the central nervous system, sleep, immunity; Various depressions, phobias, obesity, diabetes, psoriasis, acne, dysbacteriosis, diseases of digestive and cardiovascular systems. With success, homeopathy is used to combat colds, influenza, ORZ. Treatment or at least such serious diseases are also visible, such serious diseases as Arthritis, Scattered sclerosis, many severe hereditary diseases.

Son at 7 months has cut the first tooth. And if all the kids have a tooth cut 2-3 days, then we «Washed out» Its for 3 weeks. All this time, the child was terribly nervous, he simply did not crate with her hands, cried, temperature, periodically all this was accompanied by diarrhea. The next tooth did not differ from the previous one. I was terribly watching how the child suffers. Our pediatrician advised one homeopathic drug of Chehel (Dentocard), told us a graph of admission. At that time, such drugs were very difficult to find, but we succeeded. Already after the second tablet, the son was noticeably changed, the sleep was set up, capriciousness was gone, the child finally got his hand from his mouth (before he constantly bite her). We took the drug not constantly, but only as needed. Now we have all the milk teeth, and I remember the first two with horror!

As you can see, homeopathy is taken for the treatment of any diseases, even oncological. But there is one «but». Effective and harmless treatment will be only under the supervision of a highly qualified and experienced homeopath. How to find it, we will tell further.

How to choose a homeopath doctor

Despite the fact that practically in each clinic is receiving a homeopath, rushing to the ohwut with a head. It is important to find «His» the doctor, that which you would trust, and who would understand you without words. Homeopath is 100% psychologist. After all, before appointing you a medicine, he will ask you for a long time. And the doctors questions may seem to you strange. Alone complaints here. Homeopath is important to know everything about the patient: His day of the day, preferences in food, behaviors, complexes, your thoughts about the disease, the prehistory of its occurrence. He can even ask you about your mother's pregnancy. All this is necessary, in order for the full picture of the disease. As you understand, for the first reception, the doctor will need an hour, or even two. If the first reception at homeopaths will differ from the picture described above, try to find the best!

The qualifications of homeopath does not depend on the number of diplomas and diplomas. Important knowledge necessary for treatment, he gets directly during the practice. So try to find out how long the doctor is practicing.

Note that only 1500 homeopathic drugs were registered in Russia. And the doctor must choose only one! Therefore, experience in such a thing is in the first place!

So, if you feel comfortable at the reception of homeopath, calmly and absolutely trust the doctor - you are lucky! Before you «your» doctor. He will appoint you the right medicine, tell about the diet (if necessary), and the reception scheme. And you will need to recover! It happens that the effect of treatment does not appear immediately. It will take several weeks, and even a month before you notice the result (mainly in the treatment of chronic diseases). Do not immediately targe the doctor. A good doctor will leave you your phone number and will adjust treatment if necessary. And if you have no feeling improved or some complaints have appeared, you report them to Dr. immediately, and in turn will take action. Doctors, too, are also not gods, and people often turn to homeopath «Bouquet» diseases disappointed in traditional medicine, and this makes it difficult for treatment. And sometimes it happens that one tool does not give the desired result, so the homeopath will select another treatment and another drug. The fact is that homeopathy considers the patient «Full» And, even putting the diagnosis correctly, it is not always possible to choose the perfect remedy, this is an individual process.

Before signing up for reception, specify the cost of each consultation. It can range from 100 to 1500 hryvnia. And keep in mind that at least once a month you will attend a doctor directly to complete recovery. By the way, not always a doctor taking a cheap, the worst specialist than the one who is «Lomit». Focus on the recommendations of the acquaintances, and not the price of admission.

Another moment. Where to look for a homeopath? If Dr. Polyclinic did not suit you, ask for friends, friends, their recommendations are very important when choosing a doctor. Can be entered on any search site «Homeopath city N», Usually serious practitioners have their own pages on the Internet. You can also consult with homeopath online. But this option, our site recommends its readers, only if you are not going to treat a chronic disease (mono-preparations are prescribed individually), but planning Treat cold or similar disease. Ready complex homeopathic preparations that are sold in almost all pharmacies, can be prescribed even the usual therapist.

Do not be ill!

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