Totalitarian sects



A characteristic feature of our time is religious diversity. However, to understand all this, even for people of educated, not easy. In addition to traditional or, as they say, canonical churches, there are a great many organizations that have been formed in our time. Some of them are quite unceremoniously offend their followers, and some destroy how morally and physically.

The question arises: how to distinguish the movements that are built on the desire to find the truth, from those whose leaders are made on parishioners or zombie?

Totalitarian sectsSome psychologists have identified certain signs of dangerous totalitarian sects.

If, on the arrival in any of the churches you will ask you in one form or another to register, fill out a questionnaire where you need to leave your coordinates, the names of relatives, the financial situation (for example, to indicate which real estate you own), then think about where you got. You can treat very and very politely (and sometimes attention to a lonely person is a very valuable thing), but most likely you, so to speak, fuck.

If a harsh discipline, hierarchy, is introduced in a regigious organization, secrecy is observed, this can be considered another sign of totalitarianism.

If you are persistent and aggressively ask to make a material contribution, do not rush to part with your money. Ask how openly the treasury. You can not worry, only if you give a full report, where your money and money of other parishioners go. But never transfer valuable property (apartment, cottage, car) in favor of the church, this fraud, no matter how legitimate it looked.

If a strict diet is introduced for sectors of the sequence, which must be strictly observed; If you are trying to make it difficult to give up products that in our climate are necessary for healthy life, it means that another deception. Yes, living in southern countries, for example in India, where vegetables and fruits are growing, filled with all the necessary substances, you can be an absolute vegetarian.

But if you live on the latitude of Moscow, then without meat you can not do, even a little, but it needs to be consumed, otherwise the body will weaken, the disease will be welcomed, depressed. And children in our latitudes without meat food generally threatens dementia. Religious leaders who really care about their students will not exhibit their unnecessary and dangerous diet.

But the above is not the main thing in determining false currents. There are two main signs. One is a psychological pressure on the end of the world: you can assure you that the apocalypse is coming soon, only a few may be saved and only in the same church such salvation is possible.

ESChatology, the science of the end of the world, the thing is complicated, there and the great minds are hard to understand, but personally it seems to me that a terrible court occurs inside every person and the highest forces can destroy us if we don't live morally. Therefore, it is not worth a panic. Moreover, one very well-known church, whose propagandists can be found, probably in every city of the world, several times declared the date of the end of the world and every time a new one, but, as we see, the earth is still spinning.

And finally, another sign of the totalitarian sect: you promise the best life later, after death or the second coming, and in this life you must suffer. Do not believe and enjoy life, rejoice now, it is important both this life and the following. As one philosopher said, this life is like a springboard in a future life, so you need to rejoice in clean inner, cardiac joy, despite how it is difficult. So live happiness, but do not fall into traps.

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