First Aid when bleeding

I think that each of you, I had to help at least once in my life when you marvel myself or someone from. Well, if you happened to deal with only insignificant wounds, when, say, it is necessary to bandage the knee to the little chalun. Nevertheless, know how to properly assist a person who has fallen into trouble we must.

I think that each of you, dear readers, had to be assisted at least once in life when he wanted to themselves or someone from. Well, if you happened to deal with only insignificant wounds, when, say, it is necessary to stop a small bleeding from the finger cut by negligence or stabbing the knee to the little chalun. Nevertheless, know how to properly assist a person who has fallen into trouble we must. After all, from how quickly and competently, we react to the situation, sometimes the health and life of another person depends, and in some cases our own well-being.

How to determine the nature of bleeding

First Aid when bleeding
Bleeding can be outdoor and internal.

Outdoor bleeding arise as a result of injury of skin, and in particularly serious cases, muscles and ligaments and subcutaneous fat and even bones are damaged,. Outdoor bleeding is visible to the naked eye, as the blood flows out of the wound or of the natural holes of the body: bleeding from the nose, ear and t. NS. With significant wounds, all efforts to assist the affected person are directed mainly to prevent greater loss of blood. The main thing is not to be confused and act quickly and purposefully.

Bleeding internal not a physician to recognize is not so simple. Usually such bleeding occurs due to strong blows in the stomach or in the region of the chest. In women, intraperous bleeding can occur during ectopic pregnancy. The state of the affected person with internal bleeding is usually quite heavy. Often there is a loss of consciousness, a person is very pale, when bleeding into the pleural area, a man suffocates.

How to help a person in case of internal bleeding? Without qualified medical care here can not do. Before the arrival of physicians of the affected person, it should be placed in a half-sided pose with legs bent. If there is a suspicion of intra-abdominal bleeding, then cold compress is put on the abdomen area. I draw the attention of readers Our website: in no case do not offer a person to food and drink, at least before the arrival of the brigade Ambulance. With internal damage to the chest, the cold compress is applied to the chest area. It is very important to deliver the injured person to the medical institution as soon as possible, because the account is going for minutes.

Bleeding with wound

First Aid when bleeding
Depending on which vessel is damaged, the bleeding is divided into capillary, venous and arterial.

Capillary bleeding. Dangerous for life is not considered. Capillaries are the smallest vessels in the blood circulation system. But despite the fact that they are so small, they perform a very important role - deliver blood in all corners of our body. It is in the capillaries that exchange processes between tissue fluid and blood plasma. The brightest example of capillary bleeding is the finger. Blood with capillary bleeding can drip or run by a trickle from the entire surface of the wound.

Venous bleeding. Viennes are those vessels by which blood returns to the heart, supplying organs with oxygen and all the necessary elements.

Most often damaged veins on hand or legs. For venous bleeding, blood is characterized by intense shocks. Blood has a dark cherry color. Stop venous bleeding is not difficult. It is usually enough to impose a tight bandage, and blood stops after a while.

Arterial bleeding represents a serious threat to a person's life. Arteries - large vessels by which blood is made of heart and heads for organs and tissues. In the lungs, the blood is saturated with oxygen. Digestive organs supply nutrients into blood. The arteries also perform the buffer function smoothing pressure drops. If large arteries are damaged, then the work of the heart is immediately disturbed. The arterial blood of the bright-scarlet color flows into. Sometimes beats like a fountain in all directions. A person urgently needs medical care, since the loss of blood is very significant.

First aid for capillary bleeding

If we are talking about capillary bleeding, then a piece of sterile bandage or a leuccophime with a bactericidal action should be attached to the wound. Blood will quickly stop the sam, thanks to the coagulation. Blood clutch simply takes a damaged capillary. If you were hurt when working with the Earth, you should take the necessary precautions and even a small wound must be treated with an antiseptic agent, for example, hydrogen peroxide or a solution of diamond greenery, called people «Zelenkaya».

First aid for venous bleeding

First Aid when bleeding
Venous bleeding occurs at deep wounds, cut or brushing. Not only is not only a big loss of blood, but also the possibility of air from the blood vessels, which is fraught with the emergence of a deadly state - an air embolism. You can stop venous bleeding with a gulling bandage. For this purpose, we put the wound on the wound, and ideally sterile gauze or bandage, but in no case you can not impose cotton! On top of gauze put the gulling pad. If there is no special pressure cushion at hand, you need to impose something suitable, for example, a non-degraded bandage or at least folded in a few layers of a clean piece of fabric, then the gulling bandage should be fixed using bandage. Don't binting too tight. The purpose of the imposition of the gulling bandage is to press the walls of a bleeding vessel, but not to disturb the blood circulation in the affected body. If the blemaches hand or foot, then the limb should be lifted up. When heading a head or body, the gulling bandage is fixed by hand, because it is not always possible to qualitatively bandage the injured place. What to do if the misfortune happened, and at hand there is no first aid kit? Then press the edges of a bleeding vessel with fingers. Blood stops after a while. Next, you should take everything possible to deliver the wounded into the medical institution.

First aid in arterial bleeding

First Aid when bleeding
It is necessary to clearly understand that arterial bleeding is not just a deadly danger to life, but the rapidly developing situation when the person can lose within 3 minutes, of course, if you quickly do not take assistance measures. The first thing is required - overlap the vessel above the damaged place. To do this, press the artery fingers and urgently cook the harness. Wonderful if the first aid kit and a special rubber harness. However, in life, we often encounter a situation where the first-aid kits are under hand. Use in this case any suitable means - scarf, scarf, belt, tear off a long piece of clothing. When you apply a harness to MyMedinform readers.COM should be remembered for important recommendations:

  • Overlay the harness not on the naked body, but on some of the clothes;
  • tighten the harness until the blood stops meat out from the wound;
  • In hot time, the harness can be held for 2 hours, and in cold no more than an hour;
  • If you could not deliver the victim to the hospital within 2 hours, the harness moves to another place - just above or below the previous one so that the fabrics are not dead;
  • Try to put a note under the harness, where the exact time of blood stop is indicated.

When the cervical artery is damaged, quickly squeeze the wound with your fingers. After the bleeding is suspended, you can put a gulling bandage on the wound or just a lot of gauze as tampons. Just do not need to do so before stopping the blood, as the bandage or tampon is immediately soaked in blood and the danger of infection occurs.

Apply every effort to get qualified medical care as soon as possible. Prior to the arrival of physicians, you can drink a blood-willed wounded fluid, exception for this recommendation is wound in the stomach.

First aid to yourself when bleeding

First Aid when bleeding
What to do if you are alone and help no one? The imposition of a harness takes time and strength, and the forces during bleeding are rapidly lost. To provide medical care to yourself with arterial bleeding, you need to surpasses and subside the main vessel so that blood loss does not wear a fatal nature. Bend your hand in the elbow, and the leg in the knee joint. When wounded in groin, you need to bend my legs to the stomach. And if the wound is under the arm or in the region of the clavicle, boot the hand back behind your back. Next, of course, you need to wait for help, but the chance of salvation increases.

All these simple rules must be remembered, because they have already saved not one life. With timely reaction and correct actions, everything will cost safely. Health to you, dear readers.

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