Methods of treating male hypogonadism


  • Medical treatment of hypogonadism
  • Contraindications for substitution therapy Androgen

  • Medical treatment of hypogonadism

    Methods of treating male hypogonadismMale hypogonadism develops as a result of insufficient admission to the blood of men's genital hormones - Androgen.

    The basis of the treatment of hypogonadism (age androgenegeneficiency) is the normalization of the testosterone level (male sex hormone) in serum. In this case, for treatment, substitution therapy is possible testosterone-containing drugs and stimulating therapy aimed at stimulating the synthesis of own testosterone.

    The main preparations for conducting androgen-accomplished therapy in men are drugs of natural testosterone. In replacement therapy, testosterone has several modifications in the form of oral, injection and transdermal (i.e. associated with skin). The decision on the form of treatment, its duration and dosages is made by an experimental physician, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient, its age, as well as symptoms of the disease and laboratory indicators.

    An adequate mode of dosing of testosterone drugs in the form of injections is intramuscular Introduction 1 time in 3-4 weeks.

    A microcapsulated form of the drug with a validity of 3-4 months is possible, from which testosterone is gradually released after injection.

    Testosterone can be used in the form of crystalline implants administered under the skin, which provide uniform hormone isolated for 6 months.

    Preparations for transdermal use include testosterone and dihydrotestosterone gels, as well as plasters. Plockers exist two types - for daily gloves on the skin of the body or on the skin of the scrotum.

    Testosterone preparation in the form of gel is applied to the skin. The daily dose is calculated individually and depends on the production of endogenous testosterone.

    Thus, the specific tactics and scheme of androgen-indacuate therapy are selected individually for each patient and depend on the manifestations of age hypogonadism, the level of testosterone, as well as the targets of therapy and possible side effects.

    Contraindications for substitution therapy Androgen

    Absolute contraindications for applying substitution therapy androgens are breast cancer and prostate. Relative contraindications include sleep disorders in the form of apnea (lack of breathing), dyslipidemia (violation of lipid metabolism), obstructive bronchopulmonary diseases, intensive smoking. The normalization of the testosterone level returns a man's confidence, desire and the opportunity to continue to lead an active lifestyle, push the process of physical and mental fading.

    The earlier the sick appeal to the Andrologist's doctor, the faster it will be possible to solve many problems caused by age androkenereficiency.

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