Causes of weakness in the legs

Pain and weakness in the limbs are perhaps the most familiar sensations for those who have passed a 35-year-old frontier. The causes of muscle symptoms are actually a lot. These may be the consequences of experienced injuries or pathological processes in the body. Consider the main factors for the appearance of sudden weakness in the legs.

General symptomatics

Muscles legs, legs, weakness in the legs, joints

To the state of their health should be very responsible. In most cases, we do not attach a special value of the minor pain in the joints or ailment. However, there are many diseases that at the initial stage are manifested by extremely weak signs, but entails heavy consequences.

General symptoms of patients who experience weakness in the limbs, are complaints about sudden decay, lethargy in muscles, scattered attention. Very often, such well-being is accompanied by pain in different parts of the body. Sometimes patients complain of numbness of fingers and stiffness of the joints. It becomes obvious that the symptoms of muscle weakness are quite variable, as much and the causes of the body causing.

To whom you should seek help to find out the origin of the disease should be therapist. He will lead the primary inspection, examines the external signs of illness, will help determine the disease in symptoms. For this, the specialist often gives the direction on General urinary tests and blood, Cardiogram of the heart and x-ray of the sick limb. If such a need arises, he will send to the consultation to other specialists.

The main causes of muscle weakness

Muscles legs, legs, weakness in the legs, joints

Magnetic resonant scanning of the limbs, in contrast to conventional methods of examination, is currently the most effective way to obtain a correct diagnosis of the disease. With this procedure, you can install any pathological formation and all kinds of vascular injuries. You can also reveal at very early stages of development such diseases such as atherosclerosis and oncology, which is important for subsequent treatment.

MRI Scanning limbs can be carried out both in full and partially, and the choice of the required segment appoints the attending physician depending on the disease projected. You can highlight the main reasons for the MRI of the limbs vessels:

  • arthritis, Arthrosis and other diseases of the joints;
  • Reino disease;
  • congenital dysplasia limbs;
  • Inflammatory processes in soft tissues: myositis, abscesses, epicondylitis;
  • Nonspecific aortoarterite;
  • varicose veins;
  • anomalies of the development of limbs (Syndactilia);
  • Embolia of the main arteries;
  • Trombangait.

The MRI diagnostic method is actively developing and improved, the areas of its application are expanded. As a result of the study, you can identify the most difficulty pathologies, which include: spine displacement, intervertebral hernia, dystrophically-degenerative changes in spinal tissues, prudrusion, inflammatory processes, etc.

Treatment of muscle weakness limbs

Muscles legs, legs, weakness in the legs, joints

It is no secret that even the most healthy person sooner or later may face the problem of muscular weakness of legs or hands. Pretty unpleasant feelings are always accompanied by total fatigue, a decrease in muscle tone, numbness numbers. Treatment of muscular weakness always depends on the correct diagnosis and is appointed by the doctor only after a thorough medical examination.

In the event of muscular weakness, you will have assistance to the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • toxicologist;
  • Endocrinologist.

For patients suffering from Miastenia, it is very important to establish a diagnosis as early as possible, t. To. At an early stage, this disease is easier to treat. Usually after conducting intensive therapy, patients note a significant improvement in well-being. But do not forget that myasthenia is a chronic disease that is not amenable to full elimination. Many patients are on supporting therapy all life.

With any manifestation of muscle weakness, do not try to make a diagnosis and do not self-medicate. It is necessary to seek your attending doctor as soon as possible, which will conduct a primary diagnostic examination, will give a preliminary diagnosis and will send to a consultation to a profile specialist. Naturally, the main therapy is medicated. For each patient, an individual diagram of receiving drugs appointed by the doctor is prescribed.

When eliminating muscle weakness, it is important to gradually and competently output the patient from this state. To this end, it is necessary to properly regulate the mode of operation and recreation, use water in sufficient volumes, to have sufficient physical activity on the body, follow a variety of nutrition.

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