How to avoid frostbite in winter

Winter very often gives us a lot of surprises, but, unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant. Sometimes the harmless walk in the fresh air can turn around frostbite. But this can be avoided if you follow a few simple rules. And if it happens, it is useful to know and remember what to do when frostbite.

Winter very often gives us a lot of surprises, but, unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant. Sometimes the harmless walk in the fresh air can turn around frostbite. But this can be avoided if you follow a few simple rules. And if it happens, it is useful to know and remember what to do when frostbite.

Dress up correctly

Heat dressed girl
The main rule that should not be neglected in the winter cold is to dress on the weather. Of course, if it allows a wallet, you can buy special thermofrix and waterproof things that will protect you from winter jewelry.

Personally, I prefer the method proven in the eyelids - wearing several layers of clothing, that is, two sweatshirts, two pairs of socks. From cotton fabrics for the winter it is better to abandon, giving preference to wool and, in the extreme case, synthetics - they will be better to hold heat, and you will not expose to cold for a long time. A good thermal insulation effect is achieved due to an airbag, which is formed between the layers of clothing. As a result, the cold does not penetrate the body, and you feel warm and comfortable.

No less serious question - the right choice of winter shoes. The sole must be rubber and thick enough. The presence of warm stelk - necessarily. I also recommend readers our site to abandon the narrow, cramped and tightly adjacent shoes - legs should feel comfortable and free.

If you are in the old way, we carry cotton socks, change the habit and dress woolen. Wool absorbs moisture better, so the legs remain dry and, therefore, they freeze not so fast.

Do not forget to always wear a hat, even if it contradicts your views and style. Most of the heat loses the body through the scalp.

And before entering the street tightly try and drink a cup of tea with lemon. It is desirable that food is a calorie - so your body will be less exposed to cold.

Bad habits

In the people there is an erroneous opinion: freeze - it means it's time to smoke. But this can not be done, since during smoking you are exposed to nicotine. It has vesseloring properties, so your body will be especially vulnerable in the cold.

Also do not get carried away and alcohol. Using alcohol, the illusion of heat will arise due to the expansion of vessels and capillaries - the body will be easier and faster to give heat, warming up with you, and the environment. In addition, if you used alcohol before going out on the street, then the risk of heart attack or stroke increases significantly.

Face care in winter stru

Girl inflicts lip balm
For those who are used to care for each other, winter cold - a real test. Moisturize or not moisturize the skin - this is the main question of winter. It is often found information about the dangers of moisturizing in tall frosts, they say, water at minus temperatures freezes. But this is nothing more than delusion. It's all about the proper application of moisturizing.

On the contrary, in winter, our skin needs increased moisture, as it is peeling, redness, deepening wrinkles and the appearance of new, dry skin - result of a lack of moisture.

If you want even in winter, the smooth velvety skin, a healthy blush, follow several rules. Start with washing warm water. It is advisable to avoid using soap, as it dries the skin. For cleansing it is better to use soft moisturizers. The readers of the worlds are useful to know that the cream must be applied no later than 40-60 minutes before the exit. This is the most optimal time to ensure that the tool can fully absorb the skin and act. Otherwise, while remaining on the surface, the moisture contained in the cosmetic agent will begin to evaporate. The skin will dry and peel. And if you have to spend on the street for a long time, then the effects of frost do not avoid.

Walking down the street, often you see women and men who diligently covering the scarves and covered by a mittens. Until recently, I did so. After which he was very surprised by the sudden peeling of the skin. The fact is that no matter how soft is the scarf, it rubs the skin, irritating her. Moisture, settled on Villages, freezes and injures skin. The same applies to the verges. If it is already completely inadvertent, it is better to use a pure cotton handkerchief for these purposes.

Lips - also a separate conversation. We mistakenly think: the more often we will apply balm, the softer and the luxurious will be our sponges. But, alas, we only provoke the temptation, peeling and irritation. As a rule, sufficient once a day to put balm on the lips and to update it during the day. Today, a lot of cosmetic firms offer lip skin care in winter. Personally, I use that every hostess has at hand - warm vegetable oil. Olive is also suitable. It is enough to lubricate twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The result will not make yourself wait. From the wound and cracks on the lips it saves the sea buckthorn oil.

Signs of frostbite

Hand frostbite
Determine frostbite will not be much difficult. The skin of the damaged area will be distinguished by a pale-blue blossom. The sensitivity of the limbs will be significantly reduced - painful and tactile impact will be practically not significantly.

In the process of heating, the affected fabric will acquire a reddish tint, pain, swelling will appear. If frostbite is more serious and deep, then after a few hours there may be bubbles with bleeding content. The overall condition of the patient will be characterized by a reduced body temperature (below 36 ° C), low arterial pressure, rapid heartbeat.

A sign of severe frostbite is the presence of the following symptoms: a strong pain of the affected limb, the lack of sensitivity of the affected areas is even after some time, bloody bubbles. If you press on the frostbitten portion with your finger, then the skin color changes in this place. In this case, you need to go to the doctor immediately.

What to do when frostbite

Girl warms hands
So, if you still got a light frostbite, do not panic. Here are some practical advice that need to be remembered to assist in such a situation:

  • In no case, do not rub the affected area with ice or snow - you risk not only damaging blood vessels, but also to affect infection through small scratches and abrasions. In addition, so you provoke the formation of blood clots in vessels;
  • do not hurry to lightly heat crossing limbs. Do it need gradually. Start with cold water, gradually raising degrees. At the same time, do not forget to massage the affected area;
  • If there is a heater - put it on the limbs. If there is no heights, it may well be replaced by plastic bottles filled with hot water. The victim should be wrapped in warmth and drink hot tea.

If the ears, cheeks and nose have undergone frostbite, lubricate their vaseline and impose a gauze bandage.

Observe all the recommendations - and be healthy!

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