How to treat bumps from injections

Very often we have to make injections. But not always for this procedure, we attend the procedural office of the clinic, we are more often relying on relatives or people who assure that injections can master. And if such people are not or absolutely no money to pay for their services, the injections make themselves before the mirror.

Causes of cones

Infiltrate, injection, mice, injection, seal from injection, bumps from injections

The reasons for the appearance of cones from injections can be:

  1. Incorrectly selected injection places.
  2. Too rapid administration of the drug, as a result of which it accumulates in one place and forms a bump-seal.
  3. Muscle tension.
  4. There are such people who are panicly afraid of injections, straining muscles even before the introduction of medication. Muscles have such a structure in which the drug is resolved much faster, without forming seals, if they are in a relaxed state.

    Our site warns: Never agree to make injections standing, be sure to go to the couch or sofa, because the muscles are in such a position intense, and therefore the cones can not be avoided.

  5. Allergy to the drug.
  6. In this case, the seal on the spot is rapidly blushing (if the drug is absorbed quickly) and itches. It is inevitable when the drug is introduced to a person for the first time, if a person is inclined to Allergies, not necessarily for drugs.

    The only way out of the current situation will be the abolition of the drug and the appointment of a doctor of another drug, since there are more harm from this treatment, rather than use.

  7. Needle length.
  8. Many nurses naively believe that if the needle is short and thin, the medicine will be introduced quickly and painlessly. Some even make intramuscular injections by insulin syringes, motivating this by the fact that their design is simply ideal for this procedure. Our site indicates that this statement is a common misconception, because a short needle under no circumstances will be able to get to the muscle, so the drug will be released into subcutaneous fat. In this layer, the medicine is never absorbed and forms a rather painful seal.

  9. Properties of the composition.
  10. On or no bump is formed, also affects the properties of the composition - a more dense or oily medicinal substance will be dissolved much longer than liquid.

    Our site urges to enter thick compositions as much as possible to prevent the appearance of cones on the injection site.

  11. Non-compliance with the rules of antiseptic processing.
  12. Do not be lazy to handle the place of injection before and after injection with alcohol. Ideally, even before the injection is made, two cotton balls moistened with alcohol should be prepared. One to wipe the place of the injection to the injection, and the second - after. If the injection is done in extreme conditions, where the alcohol is not found in the afternoon with fire, wipe the place of the injection with vodka, medical alcohol or, in extreme cases, cologne.

  13. Damage to the blood vessel.
  14. A bit of blood gets into the surrounding vessel of the tissue, a seal is formed, painted in red or purple color.

  15. Both nervous ending.
  16. When damaged, along with the formation of the seal is present:

    • edema;
    • «Stretch», spending in foot;
    • weakness in the leg or legs;
    • full or partial loss of sensitivity;
    • numbness of injection place;
    • Increase or swelling of lymph nodes.

    Before we consider ways to treat cones from injections, our site strongly asks to take into account the following information: seals are usually absorbed within 12-14 days. Sometimes they do not pass for months and years, sometimes remain for the rest of their lives. The bumps are not harassable and only a little painful, but are dangerous only by the fact that there is a risk of abscess (Naryvaya).

Signs of abscess

Infiltrate, injection, mice, injection, seal from injection, bumps from injections

  • Compress with ointment of Vishnevsky.
  • Well helps with running or deserted cones. It is necessary to apply the ointment on the bump, cover the alcohol compress on top and leave for 3 hours.

  • Compress with a tincture of propolis.
  • This remedy is sold in any pharmacy and does not require special training:

    • lubricate bumps with vaseline or vaseline oil;
    • impose a bandage moistened in the propolis tincture;
    • cover with cellophane film;
    • securely secure;
    • Remove after 1.5-2 hours.
  • Compress with Dimeksid.
  • This tool is very toxic, so it is necessary to follow certain rules:

    • dilute water 1 part Dimeksida and 10 parts of water;
    • Moisten a piece of gauze folded several times in the resulting solution;
    • Attach gauze to the seal zone, in no case, without touching the puncture;
    • Remove the compress in 25-30 minutes;
    • wipe the skin with a piece of cotton wool or cotton disk, pre-dipped in alcohol;
    • Conduct this procedure 2 times a day.

    Infiltrate, injection, mice, injection, seal from injection, bumps from injections

  • Physiotherapy.
  • After consultation with the doctor you can apply Physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • cones massage with hands until it disperses;
    • Massage cones using special electromasters.

    Massage must be made purely washed hands, and after manipulations, it is necessary to wipe the place of the injection, moistened in alcohol or vodka.

    Folk remedies.

    1. Soda compresses.
    2. For soda compress you need to dilute 1 dessert spoonful of soda on a glass of warm water. Moisten to gauze in this solution, folded several times, attach it to the place of injection and cover the cellophane. Keep need to completely dry.

      Infiltrate, injection, mice, injection, seal from injection, bumps from injections

    3. Cabbage leaves.
    4. Cabbage leaves and her juice help to easily get rid of the bumps after the injection. You need to take a cabbage sheet, make a few small cuts on it, the cross will, a little to remember, so that the juice began to stand out. Attach such a sheet compress to a chish, cover with a dense cloth and cellophane. Keep the leaf until the sheet will.

    5. Aloe.
    6. This leakage, which can be found in any house, perfectly helps to get rid of the cones:

      • cut off meat sheet aloe;
      • Remove it for a day in the refrigerator (it is best to do this in advance, we use 1 sheet of aloe, the second put in the refrigerator);
      • get a sheet and cut it across the pieces of 3-5 centimeters;
      • a little bit off a piece of aloe sheet with a kitchen hammer, pre-wrapped in a cellophane package;
      • Cut the sheet along;
      • Attach the pulp it to the seal;
      • swipe it with plaster;
      • Change to a new piece 3-4 times a day.

      Infiltrate, injection, mice, injection, seal from injection, bumps from injections

    7. Honey compress.
    8. You need to take:

      • a tablespoon of thick honey, heat it to room temperature;
      • Add 1 teaspoon of butter (not spread, not margarine!);
      • Add 1 egg yolk;
      • Mix everything thoroughly;
      • Apply a smooth layer on the seal seat;
      • cover the place of injection with a film or cellophane package.

      Such a compress greatly warms the bump from the injection and enhances blood circulation, but it must be remembered that honey is contraindicated allergic.

    9. Compress that helps even in abscess.
    10. Consists of natural wax and fresh (unsalted) swine smalts. Components are taken 1: 1 and drag on the water bath. Do not forget to mix components thoroughly. Transfix in a jar, cool to room temperature. We put on the gauze and apply to the place of injection. Removes not only inflammation, but also pulls the pussy. The rest of the ointment stored in the jar in the refrigerator.

      Infiltrate, injection, mice, injection, seal from injection, bumps from injections

    11. Onion compress with household soap.
    12. Onions must be baked in the oven and mix it with grated household soap (2: 1). Quieter to confuse and attach on a piece of bandage to a bishke. Apply one day.

    All funds described in the article help in the treatment of cones from injections, but the best way to get rid of them will be the prevention of diseases. Do not be ill, do not make injections, do not know what bumps from injections!

    And yet, our site strongly recommends not to engage in self-medication, but to contact the nearest clinic to a surgeon who will save you from cones in a short time.

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