What is sect


Concept «sect» Not new: Throughout the history of mankind, people under the guidance of charismatic leaders led to one goal periodically appeared. However, the last hundred years contributed their specificity to the concept of sectarianism: the organizers of the sect today are not only charismatic, they (or their comrades) own psychotechnics, allowing to fully take control and will, and the mind of a person, and, as a result, his soul.

There are five main markers:

  • The existence of a special doctrine (usually based on mixing or «Novom» interpretation of already existing creeds);
  • the presence of a special, characteristic of this sect of the ritual;
  • Isolation from society, opposition to society;
  • Application by organizers of manipulative techniques for imposing ideas and control over the consciousness of ordinary members (that is, psychic violence);
  • And, as already mentioned, bright, extraordinary man at the chapter.

How does a sect on a person

The first stage is «Stage of Verbovka». Verbet there with a variety of methods, which are based on the deception and techniques of consciousness control. At the first stage, a person is subjected to a kind of bombardment of love - a man is wrapped in colossal «Cocoon» heat, participation, constant suggestion how wonderful he is smart, kind, in one or another plan is unique, and again - as it needs a sect and meaning in it.

In the absence of such adoption in the usual, habitual world, such a bait is extremely attractive and effective. And this is one of the important reasons why it is so difficult to leave a person from the sect, even at first, when it is not too twisted and tied up with obligations. After all, a person who has not found his place and acceptance in the real world (namely, such people and replenish the series of sects), it is extremely difficult to voluntarily refuse such generous emotional feeding.

The bombing stage with love develops into its logical continuation: the person is inspired that it is here that he will acquire new diverse desired opportunities: the development of its spiritual potential, obtaining superffects or ultra-affiliation for people, cure from diseases, gaining true friends... In short, many sects, and a lot of suffering - so there is your merchant for every product.

What is sectHowever, then the game takes away by no means «humane» Methods of exposure. The method enters into operation «Cutting tails» - Radical rejection of available related and friendly connections. The person is forced to renounce everything that was expensive and significantly. But this is not enough: the sect, as a rule, also requires «Liberation» from dennanecks and property: rarely who acts as an ax, which requires this already at the initial stages, but still sooner or later it is inevitable. So, as a result, there is a complete isolation of a person from the outside world - first ideological, and soon - and the actual.

After that, the stage of control over consciousness is coming: control over information, over behavior, over thinking and over emotions.

Control over information It is that the information is tight filtering by introducing numerous prohibitions: newspapers, magazines, Internet, books, movies, and even live communication with people outside the sect. Acquaintance with any criticism of the sect is especially rigid, especially - communication with people who managed to leave the sect. Instead of overlapping sources of information, alternatives are applied: own books, movies, brochures, audio and video. Information control has another line: man at the initial stage by manipulative way to do «Recognition», «confession», which, as a rule, are recorded and subsequently serve «Compromise», lever impact on a sectarian in case of his attempts to break.

Control over behavior lies in numerous and fairly tough prescriptions: with whom to communicate, what to wear, what and how much (the quality and amount of food is dramatically limited, as well as the number of hours of sleep - as a result, a person becomes even more vulnerable and susceptible to external influences, since the body is immersed in stress state). The lion's share of time is to perform a variety of rituals, singing mantras, reading prayers.

Moreover, all this is often a collective nature - and not just like this: there is a so-called mental infection - the transfer from the crowd to its individual members of emotional states, ideas and experiences. Rhythmic exclamations, movements and certainly tuned breathing with psychological infection and gives the effect of euphoria, ecstasy. Supported by malnutrition and lack of sleep, these effects are striking.

Do not sleep and control thinking, And this is also achieved with the help of specific psychotechnics: so that the person loses the ability to think independently, in the sect used monotonous buzz, chanting chorus, repeated repetition of prayers or other specific texts. Any independent mental attempts are performed: you can not ask questions about the leader, sinful any doubts. Considerable importance is also a specific intrafine language, extremely loaded complex, fastened terms and concepts. All the logical forces of a person go to their memorization and proper use, no longer remains for the capture of the same meaning.

In addition, it is well known that the one who controls the language - he controls and consciousness. Moral boundaries also delineate clearly and primitively as part of black and white, according to the principle «Step right / Step Left - betrayal, jump in place - provocation». The world sharply and without any halftone is divided into good and evil, disintegrates into two halves: «we» and «those against us» - That is all people outside the sect.

Control of emotions is to simpat a person on peculiar emotional swings, jump off from which is extremely problematic. On the one hand, this is the most «Love bombing», about which speech already walked above, and on another pole - the powerful injection of the negative in relation to: 1) all of the outside world and 2) any actions of the sectant, which contradict the requirements of the sect. In relation to these two moments, there are serious intimidation, numerous threats and blackmail are launched (remember «confessions» Neophytes at the initial stage…).

In addition, as a result of the use of specific techniques, a person can be introduced into a state of trance, hypnosis. Often used (obviously or hidden - that is, being mixed in food or drink) drugs causing euphoria, «Feeling», «insight».

As a result of the above, the physical and mental depletion of a person comes and he loses the most valuable thing that he has - freedom of will.

After that, the third stage comes quickly - the appearance «new man» almost without the possibility of returning to the past. At this stage, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that the organizers maximize social insulation with harsh methods: forcing the sectants to enter into sexual relations, provoke participation in criminal and even terrorist acts; women tied born in sect «Bogozbranny» Children S «Higher destination».

At this stage, violence is already used without constraint - from beatings and rape to coercion to exhaustive physical or humiliating work «For the benefit of sects». The person is communicated to the state of complete helplessness and dependence. What is characteristic: if a person at this stage is free from the sect, he clearly manifests the traction «back» - Condition, Akin to the Abstinence Syndrome of Alcoholics. Alone people cannot free themselves from such a mental breaking.

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