Fitter pediculose


  • Why happens?
  • How to infect?
  • Where in the skin live?
  • How it is manifested?
  • How to diagnose?
  • How to treat pediculose?
  • Risk of other STDs

    Why is the pubic pediculosis?

    Fitter pediculose
    The pubic pediculosis (he is phyryaz) cause pubic lobes (bodes). Lobkovye Vershi - man parasites, smaller than wrapping and head. Parasite body length - 1.5-2.0 mm. Lobcovaya louse attaches to the pubic hair. In order to survive, two times a day she needs to suck blood. Pending eggs (incoming) female firmly attaches to her hair on the pubis. Wash off the inclination by water is impossible. The pubic lice and their eggs are visible to the naked eye.

    How to infect pubic pediculosis?

    Infection in most cases occurs during sexual contacts. However, infection is possible through bed linen, towels and clothing.

    Which sections of the skin are affected by the pubic lice?

    The pubic lice dwells mainly on the hair located on the pubic, genitals, around the rear pass. Sometimes they spread to other areas of leather covered with hair - breasts, belly, axillary depressions.

    How the pubic pediculosis is manifested?

    The most characteristic manifestation is itching, which is usually enhanced at night. As a result of a strong itching, the appearance of bumps in the fields of lice bites. Sometimes the doctor detects bluish-gray spots on the skin at the bottom of the abdomen - this is a special reaction to the bites of lice. In some cases, the bite of pubic lice cause allergic rash.

    Due to permanent combs, the integrity of the skin is disturbed and secondary infection can join. In this case, soreness occurs, redness of the skin and guns or yellowish color crusts appear in the pubic area and on other infected pediculose sections. It may increase and be painful inguinal lymph nodes. Sometimes the patient does not bother.

    How to diagnose pubic pediculosis?

    The diagnosis is made on the basis of a clinical picture and detecting lice and GDID attached to the hair. Often patients with pubic pediculosis independently detect the nodules on the pubic hair (nits).

    What treatment is shown in pubic pediculosis?

    Treatment of local. Apply antiparasitic ointments, creams, solutions and shampoos. From the pubic pediculosis it is easy to get rid of home conditions, but it should be remembered that with a long period of the disease, the pubic lobes can spread to any areas covered with hair: armpits, eyebrows, eyelashes, sometimes on the head.

    A good preparation is «Spray Pax» (aerosol for outdoor use). It is sprayed in the pubic area, genitals, around the rear passage and leave for 30 minutes. The processed areas are washed with soap and washed thoroughly with water. The drug is used 1 time. One bottle is enough to treat 2 people.

    Other drugs:

    • «Pair Plus», spray can. Spray on the affected areas, wash off after 10 minutes.
    • «Medifox», 5% solution. Apply on the affected areas, wash off in 40 minutes.
    • «Benzylbenzoate», 20% emulsion. Apply on the affected areas, wash off after 30 minutes.
    • Like I «Spray Pax», they are available in pharmacies without recipe.

      Lobke's hair usually recommended to shave. Pediculose treatment efficacy is very high subject to all rules. It is also necessary to remember that you need to carefully handle clothes, bedding, upholstered furniture, mattresses, since when contacting them, the healing man is rehearse. Processing of things can be carried out by special aerosols, for example «A-Par».

      An inspection of partners is also required, since the storage refers to sexually transmitted diseases (STD).

      The risk of other sexually transmitted diseases

      The pubic pediculosis is a marker of other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, when I detects a person living in a man, pubic pediculosis, a survey on other STDs is necessary.

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