New methods of teaching children with Down syndrome, their relationship with parents and peers, families. Is it possible in our country to get a child with Down syndrome profession? Talk about it in the article.

Focus on international experience
One of the coming of our time is amazing progress in developing and
First of all, it
practical application of new methods of teaching children with a lag
Mental Development.
these children from birth to 4 - 5 years (and their parents) and mentioned above «Integrated education» - Education and training of these children in
district kindergartens and schools in the environment normally developing
Parents and teachers began to be better conscious
such guys in love, attention, promotion; They were convinced that these
Children can, as well as others, with benefit to learn at school,
Actively relax and participate in society.
One of the consequences
such progress in civilized countries is that all children with
Down syndrome is brought up in families, and not in special institutions
Outside home.
Many of them visit ordinary schools where learn to read and
write. Most adults with Down syndrome have a job, find
friends and partners can lead a full and fairly independent
Life among ordinary people. Our country - while at the beginning of this path.
We use new learning methods
The growth in the popularity of early pedagogical care programs is due
Many children began to visit ordinary local schools where they study
Being among typical developed peers, a special child receives
Children with medium and even with severe violations learn to read and
The results of their implementation. Comparative studies have shown that
Children with whom they were engaged in such programs, by the time of arrival
in kindergarten and to school knew how much more than those whom they are not
In general grades on individual programs. According to research,
All children show the best progress in education in terms of integration.
Examples of a normal, appropriate age. Visiting school
at the place of residence, these children have the opportunity to develop
Relationship with children living next door. Visit usual
schools is a key step towards integration into the life of a local society and
Societies in general.
write, communicate with them surrounding them "Healthy" people. They are seized
these skills are not because they give some
that they were taught what you need, when you need, and so, as you need.
Our country also creates the centers of early pedagogical assistance and
Attempts to integrated education such children begin. In 1998
The Ministry of Education of Russia recommended that widespread use
Early PedagOhic assistance to children with deviations in development «Small steps», Authors: M. St. Petersburg, R. Trilor.
Special profile
It is impossible to say that children with Down syndrome are just behind in their
overall development and thus need only in a simplified program.
They have a certain
Last sides.
Knowledge of factors that make it easier or make it difficult
learning allows teachers better to make plans and select
tasks, and more successfully work on their implementation.
Intect, the characteristic «Profile of trainee» and
Receptions successful in teaching children with Down syndrome, along with
individual abilities, hobbies and features of each
Education of children with Down syndrome relies on their strengths:
good visual perception and ability to visual learning,
including the ability to learn and use signs, gestures and visual
manuals; ability to learn written text and use it;
ability to learn from the example of peers and adults, desire
copy their behavior; ability to study on materials
individual curriculum and practical classes.
Relationship with parents, with peers
Emotionally children with Down syndrome do not differ from their
Healthy peers. Due to more limited than
Communication circle, children with Down syndrome are more attached to parents.
Friendly relationships with peers are special for such children
value. Imitating them, children with Down syndrome can learn how to lead
yourself in domestic situations how to play how to ride,
In order to establish positive, friendly relations between
children with disabilities and normally developing peers should
Conducted programs for mutual support and patronage of students and involvement
children with disabilities in extracurricular activities - mugs, sections, etc.
mutual support programs normally developing children help
disabled children perform tasks, prepare for «Control»,
participate in other class and extracurricular activities and events and
This is primarily important for «Healthy» children because it creates
Favorable learning environment for all children. Experience shows that exactly
So approved the priority of universal values, free
Personal development, citizenship, tolerance is brought up,
Respect for human rights and freedoms.
After school
In democratic countries, many young people with Down syndrome
They can
There are cases when people with Down syndrome are engaged in creativity in
After graduation, primary vocational education,
to one degree or another corresponding to their interests and opportunities. This is
allows them to find work in a wide variety of areas.
work as assistants of educators in kindergartens, medium helpers
medical personnel in clinics and social institutions
Various technical work in offices (especially well mastered work
on the computer), work in the service sector - cafes, supermarkets and
Videos, as well as to keep another professional activity.
Fine art, music, choreography, theater and cinema.
In 1997, the actor with Down Syndrome Pascal Duchen received on Cannes
Festival The main prize for execution of the best male role!
Family experience
«Duckling knows how to fly, and I - no. He has wings, and I have no.
He has a long nose, and I have a short. Duckling knows how to swim and me too
I can swim. Duckling good and kind. What does he look like? I already said,
that he has a long nose. He is yellow in the speck. Suppose,
I go to the forest, I grows a long nose, the feathers grow up, I
I get yellow in Krapinka, I have wings, I can fly by
Nebu! And I - Duckling!»
This essay on the topic «I - as if the animal, in motion» Posted
Our daughter faith, student class 7. It seems neveList achievement for
man in 15 years, but not for whom the Down syndrome.
This diagnosis was put back in the maternity hospital, almost immediately after birth,
Than for a long time you plunged us with my wife in the bunch of heavy experiences. All
Joy and celebration from the birth of a child turned inside out.
Comforted us a year later on the European Congress of Organizations
parents whose children were born with Down syndrome. We saw eyes
these parents, calm and confidently looking into the world, and - with light
Love and joy - on our child.
We learned the name of this glance - «stimulating», Inspiring on life and development. Before that were
nervous search for information, tips like «Just take care of her» and
Hope for the fact that the diagnosis is erroneous for which you can hide although
for time.
With the first successes of faith, the joy of communication appeared, and gradually we
They themselves learned «shine» eyes on her daughter. Learned to treat K
child - to his own and others - with expectation of success, learned how to create «Developing environment», What, of course, is not easy in our life.
Would comfort us before, when she was born, this is the future essay and
Long list of achievements, including the latter - dance classes in style
Flamenco and workout in the badminton section? I think yes.
Would upset us all those difficulties - «barriers», which we are usual
overcome in everyday life, chagrins that overtake
Suddenly, when you meet her peers and peers, much more
Skillful and independent? Finally, those efforts that the whole family,
Including nearest relatives, applied to its development and education? Not
We have become other - stronger, more brave and older.
But still being younger and self-reading, we have created an organization
Parents - Association «Down Syndrome», To protect our rights
children, as the same parents do the same in the West, and transmit further
Generalized experience.
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