How to recognize appendicitis in a child


How to recognize appendicitis in a child
Appendicitis — This is the inflammation of the appendix or a worm-shaped outflow of a blind intestine. Sometimes
certain circumstances of microorganisms that inhabit the intestine
man show pathogenic properties and become
pathogens-provocateurs of the inflammatory process. Predispose
Factors are difficult emptying of the blind intestine, the inflection of appendix,
Burning it to enlighten a calm stone, swelling of the mucous due to influence
any irritation, it can be gloves, as well as decay products
The content of the intestine. Often the root cause becomes irrational and
Unbalanced nutrition at which the blind intestine is constantly crowded
Called masses due to chronic constipation. Not a better role in inflammation
Appendix Play products rich in animal protein, meat and fish filling gastrointestinal
tract, they not only provoke constant constipation, but reinforce the process
fermentation and rotting in the intestine, making it difficult to promote content.

Classification of appendicitis
in young children

The pathological process can be classified depending on
The duration of inflammation in appendix, and the localization of pain in appendicitis in children and in adults look almost the same. In addition, inflammation
A black-shaped process in some cases may be complicated by development
Featured appendicitis with the formation of spilled peritonitis.

begins with a catarrhal appendicitis, in which there is some edema
Draw-shaped process, easy inflammation of the mucous layer and redness
Serous shell. Flegmonous appendicitis usually spreads deep into,
causing purulent melting to be tissues. Next, if for any
reasons, the child was not operated on, the gangrenous appendicitis develops,
occurring in case of a sharp circulatory disorder in vessels that feed
proceeding that is fraught with her first. Should not count on a prosperous
Completion of such inflammation, most likely, pain repell
Once, and the course of the disease with each new attack will be increasingly more and more dangerous, because
Serious changes in appendix can threaten the life of a child.

How to recognize appendicitis in a child
Acute appendicitis in young children manifests itself
sudden pains at the bottom of the belly, more often on the right, where the blind
intestine. First, pain wears a spilled character, which makes it difficult to recognize the place
Its localization. A few hours later, the child begins to understand that the pain is felt
Mostly in the lower quarter of the abdomen, her gradual increases
and strengthening when coughing or changing body position. But all these symptoms
distinguishes an adult, which cannot be said about young children and even
Elderly people, in the practical surgery, there are cases when
The pain is more often dull or poorly pronounced. In addition, do not forget that
Cell-shaped process can be located in an atypical location, and then pain
Feelings can be disturbed in the aircraft and lumbar region. Parents
should be particularly attentive, you can focus on the child's complaints in
ties with nausea and vomiting, noticeably difficult to exhibit gases and delay
stool, although in some cases diarrhea occurs. Temperature in adults and
Elderly people usually fluctuate in subfebrisy limits, in children, as a rule,
increased to significant numbers, above 38c.

Also, the complete destruction of the wall of the draft-like process, in which occurs
The output of the pus in the abdominal cavity, so happens when capped appendicitis. Split
and gangrene of a worm-like process inevitably be the basis for development
peritonitis, which is inflammation of a thin film lining
The walls of the abdominal cavity. This pathological process arises as complication of appendicitis
due to the abdominal cavity of glorodic microbes. Peritonitis is also accompanied
sharp pain in the abdomen that they can not clearly formulate children, and
Therefore, the question always remains: «How to recognize?»
Appandycitis in a child is unlikely to be able to succeed, the only question is how
Do not miss the time and in time to seek qualified help.

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