How not to get into the sect


Danger: sect

Almost every major city is a kind of honey sellers: sects, meetings, communities are attached to the seekers of the truth, and maybe just lonely or unfortunate people, praising their goods and inviting you to try. Stretching a drop of honey on a dirty piece of paper, they annoyedly circling around the ordinary citizen, just like bees, although Honey has not collected themselves. And the choice, indeed, very wide. Munits, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Krishnaitis, «Going with God», Adventists - a list is not full. Orthodox Church, to put it mildly, looks at them with disapproval.

And each sect shouts shouts that it is their beliefs are true. Only their goods are delicious and real, not diluted with sugar water! But the better the product is praised than the much disappointment. Many sects have to pay tenth - one tenth of (hence the name) of its honestly earned salary. Some invent a variety of rules to create the appearance of serious and self-respecting religion. Poor Krishnaitam, for example, you can not eat meat, fish, eggs, cookies, candy, chocolate, drink coffee and even tea, and bread they, horses, bake themselves. The recipe it is extremely simple - flour and water. Gazirovka they consider poison (although in this they are not far from the truth!).

How not to get into the sectYou can reasonably notice that no one in the sects does not pull. «I will definitely not go to any sect!». It would be nice, but at any time you can become bad, throw a guy or a girl, deceived friends - and here you are the perfect prey for sectarians. The sect has many ways to recruit and hold their followers.

First, they will show all the forces that you really need a sect, everyone loves you and respect. And who will not like it? For example, Mormons provide all thirty-three pleasures - they are fed, teach the English language, they arrange different parties with games, show movies, and all this is absolutely for everyone, but not for free. They, of course, do not take money, but at every event there are a small lecture. It is clear to what topic (who did not understand - about God, about his religion and the Book of Mormon).

I must say, of all sect sees, this is the most harmless. They are unfairly considered a terrorist organization and American spies. It is much worse that they start using your time, gradually you enter into submission to them. And then begin to control all the spheres of your life. Call, lead conversations, come home to you, you are obliged to walk to them at the meeting, invest in all events. You lose freedom, and the further, the more difficult it is to get lost, because every Mormon should be on a two-year mission. This, of course, is interesting, but for two years you fall out of the usual life, work, study, for your money you are going to the city where you were determined, there you are shooting an apartment, walk the streets with the Book of Mormon under the arm, sticking to passersby. Well, if you are listened to you with a smile, and they can send much away.

In fact, it is difficult to keep it, besides all these «Prophets» have a gift of eloquence and will not be able to convince, probably, only the most tary skeptics and extremely religious people. Sectarians often stick straight on the streets, distribute magazines, leaflets. Of course, do not send them and spit them into the face, they, too, people who are also caught on the network sects. I always always auditate everyone and look at the magazines with interest (by the way, Jehovah's Witnesses Magazine «Wake up» Very entertaining. It has a lot of diverse information on geography and biology). I even came to some - to learn more about life, people who surround me.

Sects of Christian origin, Krishnaitis, various branches of Buddhism - they are all based on the same truth. Over the outer shell hides the same thing. One thread flows deep down… And even if you hit this sect and categorically do not want to leave it - you can accept it. They can also teach something - love their neighbors, to give up bad habits. Anyway, according to statistics (stubborn and faceless science) Most people leave the sect. Disappointment sooner or later will visit everyone when it will finally notice the contradiction, ritualness and definition of rules. Much more dangerous sects, built by no means on religion. Some ordinary sulfur man suddenly confessed by the Prophet or even God. He is worshiped, they work for him, he gives all the money. In such a sect it is easy to get, but it's hard to escape until the term. And the term usually occurs when the sectant has nothing to squeeze. And his - patient, unhappy, throw out no money.

If the person got close to you - I urgently take it for his salvation. But you need to do it carefully. You can not convince and persuade the victim. After all, the first thing that he hears the person who fell into the sect is that he is terribly lucky. After all, he is in the community that will be saved, which is given forgiveness (do not forget that it is she who knows the truth and no one else). And all who tells him the opposite - enemies. He is told: «You will see! You will tell them about us, and they will configure you against». That is, protests of their loved ones perceives as confirmation of the direction of the sect. Thus, if it was not immediately possible to return a friend, look for evidence of the fraud sects, show what a steep car goes the head of the community…

In general, it remains to wish only one thing - be vigilant, gentlemen! If you live well, it can like someone if you live bad - also be sure to be found «benefactors».

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